Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1207 I Know It Already

Although Zhaohua didn't know why Mu Rong said that, Zhaohua knew that the Emperor of the Glacier Roof, that is, Lin's second life, didn't kill anyone at all, after all, Zhaohua had been with him all the time.

And the most important thing is that Zhaohua is inside the Antarctic continent, right in the core area. If they really crossed the avalanche river, Zhaohua is a super mage, so how could they not know.

Zhaohua was staying and chatting inside at that time, and he didn't see any members of the Antarctic Survey Team enter at all, and he didn't feel the fierce battle.

The biggest problem is that Mu Rong came to the conclusion that when fighting the Glacier Roof Emperor, Mu Rong and others discovered that the Glacier Roof Emperor forbids others from entering the interior of the Antarctic continent, because in the interior of the Antarctic Continent, the Glacier Roof Emperor Demon skills are being displayed, the melting of glaciers is being controlled, and the siren is being helped.

It is also for this reason that in the end, Caferro and others desperately protected and fought, and let Mu Rong and Huo Bo, who were the weakest in cultivation, leave quickly and pass this news back, and must prevent the Emperor of the Ice Roof and the Emperor of the Ocean Roof from joining .

Zhaohua thought for a while, and immediately sent a message to Feng Zhoulong, asking Feng Zhoulong to seal the secret that the wind of death can cause the temperature to rise.

Only Feng Zhoulong and Feng Zhoulong's apprentice Sharjah knew about the wind of death. Sharjah was introduced by Mo Fan, who said he wanted to learn magic fusion. Coupled with Sharjah's cleverness, Feng Zhoulong decided to accept this apprentice.

The main reason is that both Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan are not interested in magic fusion. Needless to say, Ji Shaohan is not interested in cultivation, but Zhaohua? He is estimated to be the most unsuitable mage for magic fusion.

Even if it is promoted in the future, magic fusion has nothing to do with him.

It was only known some time ago that the wind of death has a thermal insulation effect, and it has not been fully confirmed, so Zhaohua came to the Antarctic Continent to see if it was true, and to see if the Emperor of the Ice Roof had anything to do with this matter.

As a result, just as Feng Zhoulong and Zhaohua speculated, the Emperor of the Extreme Ice Roof was led by misfortune.

The real murderer is the emperor on the roof of the ocean and the demon kingdom of the Amazon rainforest.

But now, Mu Rong actually said that the Emperor of the Ice Roof is the mastermind behind the scenes. He is the one who dominates everything, deliberately melts the glaciers, and then causes the sea level to rise, giving the sea monsters an environment to invade the land, deliberately leading the sea monsters to fight humans, and then come When a snipe and a clam compete with each other, the fisherman wins.

This is completely contrary to what Zhaohua knows. On the contrary, this will cause a battle between human mages and ice beasts in the Antarctic continent, and in the end it will be cheaper for the Kraken and Amazon.

So Zhaohua can already be sure that Mu Rong has a ghost. The five forbidden curse mages who died in the Antarctic investigation team were probably killed by the sea demon emperor, and Hobo, the hunter who escaped with him, was also very problematic.

It is estimated that none of Mu Rong, Huo Bo, and the Siren Protoss thought that the seven-member Antarctic investigation team would hide the eighth person, and not only two of them came back safely, but three!

Zhaohua used Fengnao's authority to open the system of the Tribunal, and found out the whereabouts of Hua Zhanhong, the leader of the southern army.

The whereabouts of the military leader is naturally the top secret of the state, and few people can know, and the authority of Fengnao is just one of them.

This matter is related to the degeneration of the country's forbidden curse mages. It is definitely a major matter, and only the military leader can handle it. However, it is impossible to take action in the west and north. Now the East China Sea area of ​​the magic capital is the most serious place for the Kraken.

And Hua Zhanhong just happened to be in Pengcheng's base.

"It seems that we have to go to Pengcheng first."

Zhaohua is not yet happy because the deal with Rin has been completed, but he finds that the sea monster is no longer serious and has already arrived. They have already made a move, and they intend to disintegrate the Alliance of Forbidden Spells from within.

This gave Zhaohua a headache. There really are no stupid enemies. Those stupid enemies only exist in novels. In reality, enemies are very smart, and they don’t give you time to prepare. Attacks are always unexpected.

"Let's improve our strength first."

Zhaohua summoned the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree, and now the Tianguan Zilin saplings are planted in a flowerpot-like container made of various magic stones.

The most important things for cultivating plant-type monsters are soil samples and pots.

Not every plant is like the Holy Feather White Willow, which can take root in the void, through the dimensional cracks of the summoning system, while absorbing the nutrients in the air of the magic world, and absorbing the nutrients of the holy plane, coupled with Zhaohua's summoning Department of mana and some resources grow quickly.

This kind of sacred tree is simply incredible.

Even the Tianguan Tilia saplings can't do it. The Tianguan Zilin saplings still need to rely on the nutrients of the soil and some kind of irrigation like divine water to grow.

Soil is still necessary, and the Fengshen tree of Xiaofengcan also needs soil.

What the ancient king controls in the dark plane is not as simple as the land. Even in the dark plane, those dark plants need soil. It can be said that the ancient king's divine power controls the growth of all things in the dark plane.

Zhaohua first took away part of the Tianguan Zilin sapling flower pot, then put the Nether soil in it, and then took away some magic stones that had been absorbed by the Tianguan Zilin sapling, replaced them with new magic stones, and then added Nutrient solution formulated by Feng Zhoulong.

It will be more difficult to cultivate a plant-type summoned beast. In addition to providing summoning-type mana, it also needs to prepare a suitable nutrient solution, which is quite troublesome.

After the Tianguan purple linden saplings were replaced with soil, they didn't even bother to shake the branches and leaves, and they didn't communicate with Zhaohua. They went back to the contract space. Tianguan Zilin sapling was hurt because of what happened in the past.

As a shelter tree for human beings, it did good deeds but got no rewards, and now after being reborn, it looks cold and arrogant, but Zhaohua knows that it is a bean curd heart with a knife mouth, and it has been protecting Zhaohua with its own body during the battle, Tianguan Zilin saplings can be said to be Zhaohua's most solid armor.

After finishing the Tianguan Zilin sapling, Zhaohua released Long Yi, Xiong Da and Sanwei from the space magic stone, Long Yi and Xiong Da didn't even realize that the person following these days was actually not Zhaohua.

But they can't be blamed, if they are discovered so easily, it's over, how can they complete the big plan.

Zhaohua put Xingyuanlong's remaining flesh and blood on the ground, although these are leftovers, but for Longyi, this is a great supplement!

Long Yi has not yet reached the advanced stage, although Long Yi used to be Zhaohua's strongest trump card, but gradually, the destructive evil dragon commanding the bloodline is no longer enough, Zhaohua really has to find a way to make it advanced.

So Zhaohua fights a certain sub-emperor level, which is also the idea of ​​​​a black dragon that destroys attributes.

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