Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1234 [For the hall master [Slow sheep without a cane] ten thousand coins to reward and add m

"Long Yi, you go to support the Thunder Dragon Bird. Xiong Da goes to support the Sun Swallowing Turtle. Death Knight and Sanwei, you two, kill as much as you can!"

Sanwei showed a cruel smile after hearing Zhaohua's order. It is now in the advanced stage, and what it needs is not huge resources, but a lot of killing.

The wild witch scorpion is a very special creature, which does not exist in the magic world, and has never even been seen on the summoning plane. Zhaohua asked Tianyan and Rainbow Fish, but they had never heard of such creatures as the Great Desolate Witch Scorpion.

Maybe it was on the Summoning Plane, but now it is either destroyed or hidden.

As for Sanwei, in fact, not long ago, after devouring the remaining corpse of Kunlong, Sanwei reached the advanced stage of the commanding level, but after reaching the advanced stage, Sanwei became irritable and couldn't control his desire to kill. The whole body is boiling with blood, and only by killing the enemy, stained with blood, and devouring the soul of the opponent with the abyss of the body can the boiling blood be cooled down a bit.

Zhaohua doesn't know why Sanwei is like this, Zhaohua can only guess that this is the particularity of the Great Wild Witch Scorpion race, and a lot of killing is necessary to advance.

Three tails and Mo Fan have different sequelae after being demonized. Mo Fan owes debts. After all, Mo Fan theoretically borrowed the power of the dark plane. He borrowed the things from the dark plane, and he was not allowed to return to his home. Not bad.

So Mo Fan lost his mind after being demonized because of his debts, and his mind was controlled by the dark contract.

But Sanwei does not need energy, it is already full, Zhaohua can feel that Sanwei is the same as Tianyan back then, his body energy is sufficient, but he owes something and cannot advance.

"Hehehe, that's right, my handsome master, things like nature shouldn't be suppressed." Sanwei's scarlet hair moved without wind, and her blood-red pupils were even more gorgeous at this time.

Sanwei looked at Zhaohua and licked his lips. Zhaohua knew that what he wanted to eat most was himself, but the price was too high and he couldn't afford it.

Zhaohua wonders if something like the Great Wild Witch Scorpion particularly likes to do some outrageous things. The more things go against common sense and natural law, the more it likes it, and the more powerful it can gain.

With deep fingers, Sanwei drew a circle on Zhaohua's chest, and said in a coquettish voice, "Master, you made me like this, you are responsible."

With a whoosh, Sanwei's poisonous needle tail suddenly stretched out, killing a sea monster behind Zhaohua who wanted to sneak up and spit out poisonous arrows.

After the corpse was pulled over, Sanwei's body split open suddenly, and he opened a huge mouth to chew. Sanwei is the most perverted and bloodthirsty among Zhaohua's many summoned and tamed beasts.

But the strength is indeed mysterious and terrifying, Zhaohua doesn't dare to release it now, for fear that it will be out of control.

If Zhaohua were to rate Sanwei a beast taming level, it would definitely be a negative number.

Although obedient, you don't know when it will suddenly turn against the water.

Zhaohua patted Sanwei's little head and said: "Don't make trouble, be careful that Ji Shaoan spanks your ass. Go, if this battle can make you advance, it will be considered rewarding."

Sanwei lowered his head, showing a sweet smile from an angle that Zhaohua couldn't see.

Time is passing by every minute and every second, and the mages who came from the inner city are also in place, and they are quickly starting to rescue. In addition, because Zhaohua summoned tens of thousands of summoned beasts, the rescue operation was carried out earlier, so the rescue went relatively smoothly.

Even before the Kraken had time to deploy the encirclement net, ordinary people began to slowly move away.

However, the biggest problem for ordinary people is the speed of travel. In addition, now that the ground is completely covered with sea water, magic vehicles and light rail subways cannot be used, making rescue even more difficult.

After all, since the establishment of Yaodu, all kinds of facilities against demons were actually aimed at the Zong Kingdom. I never thought that one day a world-class sea monster natural disaster would break out, making many facilities useless.

"The wrath of the elves!"

Boom, a destructive tornado instantly destroyed the Kraken on a street, and rescued several surrounded judges.

Those sea monsters were all strangled by this emerald green tornado, and those internal organs were splashed everywhere.

"Vice President!"

"Vice President Zhao, why are you here?"

"Continue to rescue." Zhao Hua just left such a sentence and rushed to another place quickly.

Zhaohua has the magic of the wind system, and the perception of wind can be sensed in a wide range, which is indeed very suitable for rescue.

However, Zhaohua does not have unlimited mana. After summoning a wave of beasts back and forth twice, and escorting a few people from the underground refuge to Fancheng, Zhaohua's mana was almost exhausted. The summoning gate of the beast tide is closed, let all the summoned beasts go back first.

But for Nancheng, a few underground shelters are only one-tenth of 70,000 to 80,000 people.

Now Zhaohua's mana relies entirely on the fourth magic of the summoning system—mana sharing. Using Little Wind Silkworm's demon energy transformation, as well as Moon Cross and Mr. Sun's bracelet reserves, he managed to barely maintain the ability of the wind element.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, a thunderous roar resounded through the sky, and then there was a broken sound, and the sea defense dam was broken.

The defense of the sea-defense dam is indeed amazing, and it is not afraid of the erosion of the sea-monster's monster skills. It is also because of this kind of stone and technology that the sea-monster planned to let the Dragon King Ant sneak into the coast in the first place, with the purpose of corroding the sea-defense dam.

However, no matter how strong the sea defense dam is, it cannot withstand the continuous attacks of the Supreme Monarch, and besides the Black Mist Conch Monarch, there are also the Seven-Headed Monarch, the Ten Mid-Monarch and some other minor Monarchs who are attacking.

Not long ago, the sea defense dams were no longer able to stop the Little Monarch Siren. The Wuyang Mage Group, the Magic Family Alliance and the Hunter Alliance were no longer able to participate in the rescue, and began to gather people to stop the Zhongjun and the Little Monarch. .

The collapse of the sea defense dam now means that they can only retreat.

The strength and number of sea monsters are much stronger than expected. Unseen monarchs and tribes keep appearing from the South China Sea, as if there is no border at all. When you thought there were only so many monarchs, a few more tribes came. Just when you thought it was gone, come again.

The sea has always given military mages an unfathomable feeling, completely endless.

Perhaps the red alert was wrong at the beginning, and the plan specified by the military mage was wrong, and it couldn't even survive the time when the sea tide was low.

Seeing that Mr. Heiwuluo had breached the sea defense dam and rolled up a large amount of sea water and began to come ashore, Zhaohua knew that Nancheng was lost and was about to retreat.

This also means that no matter where the remaining people are, or how many people in the underground refuge have not come out, they must give up, retain the power of the mage and retreat to Fancheng, and use the defensive buildings of Fancheng to deal with the sea monster.

The number of human mages is out of proportion to the number of sea monsters. The mages are supported by means of defensive buildings, formations, and magic tools built earlier in the morning.

Buzz buzz, Zhaohua opened the dimensional rift, summoned Tianyan back to the summoning plane, summoned Long Yi and Sanwei, and prepared to retreat.

At this time, Zhaohua suddenly discovered that not far away, an underground shelter suddenly opened, and tens of thousands of people poured out of it.

A bit late, but still here.

Thank you [Slow Sheep Without a Cane] for the reward of 10,000 coins, thank you.

The May 1 monthly ticket event has passed.

Thank you for [It’s Changxin] 5,000 coins for the reward, [i Fantasy Yy] for the 1,500 coins reward, and [Pengcheng Wanli K] for the 1,500 coins reward. As well as the crowdfunding rewards of [Unfinished Personnel] and [Yizhi Xiaoyao].

It adds up to almost 10,000 coins, and there should be more changes in a few days.

Thank you again for your monthly ticket support in this event, O(∩_∩)O thank you!

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