Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1241 Decision maker

In the east campus of Sun Yat-Sen University in Fancheng, the entire campus is densely packed with all kinds of people, but without exception, all of them are in a mess.

Some people's eyes revealed emptiness, as if they had experienced something tragic.

There were also people who sat silently on the sidelines without saying a word, but it was the noisy ones that caught the eye.

"Which indifferent devil in your trial will make the decision! He actually asked us to leave the shelter! Do you know how many people died when we were attacked by sea monsters and some other monsters during the evacuation!"

"That's right! Let the person in charge of your trial come out!"



More and more people began to make noises. Although the judges in charge of order were all mages, they couldn't even spread their words in the face of the excitement.

The decision to evacuate from the shelter was bound to kill some people.

There are three principals in Sun Yat-Sen University, and Principal Bai Lian is watching all this in the principal's office on the East Campus.

Principal Bai Li'an and the other two principals are forbidden curse mages. Originally, Principal Bai Li'an, as a pseudo-forbidden curse mage of the space department majoring in dimensional magic, should be in the Zhucheng campus, but because the space magic is the most suitable Rescue, so Bai Lian was transferred to the east campus of Fancheng.

Bai Lian sighed and said: "Zhaohua, Zhaohua, the decision to evacuate from the shelter, even if Nancheng is indeed flooded in the end, you will not be called a hero, but you will be fled from Nancheng They are called executioners."

Bai Lian is not only a powerful Forbidden Curse Mage, but also a pioneer in education. How can he not understand people's hearts? He also guessed that this decision was made by Zhaohua.

But the decision makers who made the decision say the calm decision to evacuate from the shelter, and they will only say that you are indifferent in the end. Even if Zhaohua argues that this is sacrificing a small number of people to save more people, the family members of those relatives who escaped from the refuge and died will say: How can you guarantee that the refuge will be discovered by the sea monsters? Can't find it.

What if the sea monster just wants to use the people in the refuge as hostages, and wants to exchange some resources with humans. And if the magic soldiers suddenly descended from the sky, maybe the people in the refuge could save themselves.

Maybe the Kraken suddenly became collectively food poisoned. Someone poisoned the entire Pacific Ocean and an unknown virus appeared, poisoning the Kraken to death at the moment of eating people, and then the people fled. Or the sea monster is merciful, deliberately does not eat people, just collects the resources, and runs away after collecting the resources of the city.

But if you suddenly open the shelter and take people to escape, someone will definitely die, because someone has already died.

All of the above seem incomparably absurd, as if a child is telling some naive animation story.

But in fact, this is the face of people after the disaster.


Mo Fan led Shayuan to rescue the Egyptian capital that was besieged by the ghosts of the Pyramid of Khufu. At that time, nearly 10 million people in Cairo were surrounded by the ghosts of the Pyramid of Khufu. In a sense, Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan, and Heidi saved 10 million people, more than in the ancient capital.

But now, Mo Fan is the devil that everyone in Egypt shouts and beats. Even the Egyptian parliamentarians have signed with millions of people in Cairo, Egypt, and went to the headquarters of the European Holy Inquisition to accuse Mo Fan of bringing huge disasters to Cairo, demanding that Mo Fan pay for his life. , Ask our country to hand over people.

Contrary to the ancient capital, Mo Fan is considered the biggest devil in Egypt, because he made Khufu stronger.

It sounds ridiculous. Our country’s public announcement is naturally to defend Mo Fan, saying that if Mo Fan hadn’t led the Shayuan Undead Empire, Cairo would have disappeared long ago.

But the Egyptians now believe that the undead of the Pyramid of Khufu will retreat on their own, and there is no need for rescue. They think that the military mages of Egypt are extremely brave, and super-level mages can beat the emperor. They only need a little more time to repel the Pyramid of Khufu Empire of the undead.

Mo Fan is not a hero to save the country, but an executioner who brought great disaster to Egypt.

This is human nature. It is impossible for human beings to remember the feeling of thanking others when they were rescued when they were in distress. They will only vent their dissatisfaction on those who can vent their dissatisfaction, even if they have saved them. Tens of millions of people.

Eating meat is said to be delicious, but washing dishes is considered dirty.

It’s a good thing that Mo Fan doesn’t know about it. After all, Mo Fan usually fights in the monster area, so he doesn’t have time to listen to such international news. Although Lingling and the others know about it, they just can’t help laughing at Egypt’s goofy stuff. , and will not say anything to Mo Fan.

The country will ignore Egypt's demands even more.

You know, our country is one of the five magic empires, and it is also powerful in the Holy Inquisition Court. How can it be compared with Egypt? The so-called protests and complaints in Egypt, Zu Huanyao, as the person in charge of the country and the world, even if Mo Fan and The ancestors didn't deal with it. Faced with such a mentally retarded transfer of national conflicts, they directly pointed the middle finger to the Egyptian parliamentarian.

Brain sick?

Not to mention that you really needed international aid back then, Mo Fan did rescue tens of millions of people in Cairo, Egypt, and even the Egyptian military leader agreed at the time, and now cross the river and demolish the bridge? Even if Mo Fan did it on purpose, what else can you do to win the strongest magic empire in Asia?

Mo Fan is one of the fantasy national team, and he is also the hero of the ancient capital. If you bark like a dog, you can hand it over to someone. How can our country hand over so many people to you?

So Principal Bai Lian understood very well that when everything calmed down, this kind of pressure from public opinion would rush to the original decision makers. Human nature is like this. As an educator, Bai Lian has seen too many things, and he has even experienced it himself.

Even my own students sometimes blame themselves.

At this time, Zhaohua was spreading his wings of wind and carrying Ji Shaoan to Sun Yat-Sen Academy.

"Those people in the shelter, how did they get here."

Ji Shaohan happened to see that the tens of thousands of people who ran out of the shelter at the beginning had not escaped from Nancheng even after the effect of Ji Shaohan's curse had passed for so long.

Zhaohua took a look, shook his head speechlessly, and couldn't help sighing, because he found that the number of people was less than half, and Zhaohua also understood the reason for this.

Because there are other shelters on this road, those shelters should have been taken away by the rescue summoned beasts long ago, that is, even if some people are unwilling to go to the underground shelters, there will not be many, Zhaohua estimates that some of them I hid in again, thinking that if there were not many people, underground shelters would do.

The sky cleared, the rain passed, and they felt that they could do it again.

And now these people are probably a little confused, thinking whether to find an underground shelter to hide in, their route is actually a little bit off.

Zhaohua said: "Shaohan, summon some of the lowest-level skeleton undead, and just use the skeleton to carry them away."

Ji Shao silently made a gesture of ok. He could summon thousands of bone skeletons when he was at the middle level. Now that he is fully repaired at the super level, tens of thousands of bone skeletons are simply a piece of cake.

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~* Can you code out the other two before dawn.

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