Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1259 Lord of the Underworld

Wang Chong, this is Sa Lang's signature evil insect, Zhang Xiaohou almost died at the hands of Wang Chong when he was in the ancient capital.

Wangchong, shaped like a poisonous thread like worm silk, after the Wangchong poison is activated in the middle, it will extend from the victim's wrist to the shoulder, then to the back of the neck, and finally sink into the back of the head, and then kill victim.

But Wang Chong's most powerful function is not to kill, but to devour part of the victim's memory, just like a psychic seal, sealing part of the memory, and when this part of memory is triggered, it will kill the victim.

Zhang Xiaohou was like this back then, he couldn't remember what happened at that time, and he couldn't remember who he had met before. This Wang Chong is a kind of psychic bug that can devour important memories deep in people's hearts. If the person who has been planted with the forgetfulness worm can remember everything that happened one day, it means that his time of death has arrived!

Wang Chong is a vicious method mixed with the soul system and the curse system!

After research by the Magic Association, it was found that Sa Long escaped the pursuit of the Holy Inquisition many times because of Wang Chong.

Sa Lang uses Wang Chong on herself to completely seal her memory. When she hears a certain key word, Wang Chong will take effect. The key to stimulating memory and unlocking it.

Wang Chong can make Sa Lang forget his memory, and in doing so, coupled with the disguise technique, he can even escape the interrogation of the psychic system. Because Sa Long was another person at this time, she became a weak and helpless woman instead of the Cardinal of the Black Vatican.

But Zhaohua later learned through the Tianqingsong and Bee Project that Sa Long was able to perfectly avoid the multiple lore hunts of the Holy Inquisition, and even escaped the hunt of the Forbidden Curse Mage, not only because of Wang Chong.

Wangchong can only help Sa Long escape the trial of the Psychic system, but the soul and magic energy in Sa Long are unique, which cannot escape the scrutiny of the Forbidden Curse Mage at all, but Sa Long still escaped.

The reason is the method in front of me, Wang Chong is only a part of this method.

This method is quite ancient, it is the method of the Black Vatican in ancient times, and it is said that it was created by the founder of the Black Vatican. Allowing people to have two identities is as magical as switching the system of a mobile phone.

And why this method is on Sa Lang, this Zhaohua really knows.

Because this method was given to her by Wen Tai, it was when they fell in love that Ye Chang had the ability to protect herself. After all, Ye Chang back then was as simple as a little white rabbit, without any attack magic.

I just didn't expect it to become like this now.

"Thank you, Tian Qingsong." Zhaohua turned to look at Tian Qingsong, and thanked him with a smile.

Tian Qingsong looked at the man in front of him. There are only three words in his mind, which he cannot understand.

Tian Qingsong once thought that killing him and letting darkness fall, and Ji Shaohan’s awakening would bring about the destruction of the world. He Tian Qingsong is very simple and just wants to see the destruction of the world in his lifetime. He knows that the world will definitely be destroyed. He wants to see This scene is simply to see how the world is destroyed.

It's like some people want to see snow.

Later he discovered that it wasn't Ji Shaoan who brought the destruction, but the worms.

Insects, alien creatures, will destroy the world and evolve into the most powerful species.

Until now, he has been unable to tell who is the black hand who controls everything.

Because from the perspective of consequence theory, the person in front of me is the one who laughs last.

Originally, Tian Qingsong thought that Zhaohua was an introduction, used to induce Ji Shaohan to fully awaken. Later, I thought that Zhaohua was only used as an evolutionary template and evolutionary factor for insects.

But in the end, he won.

The other half, Ji Shaoan, who was taken away by Wen Tai, was traded back by him, and the worms died in the end. The weakest human beings stood at the end at this moment and won everything.

Even after the bugman was killed by Zhaohua, Zhaohua somehow found himself. This made Tian Qingsong feel fear for the first time, and it was the first time that someone completely invisible appeared in front of him.

Just like this time, when Sa Lang was assassinated, Tian Qingsong was watching from the side. He was in charge of getting the magic door because only he knew where the magic door was hidden. Lang is also like a god, and he was rescued by a mage from the London Magic Association by accident.

Even if the mage came a second later, if the mage was a little weaker, not a top mage, and couldn't use the powerful super-level magic, Sa Lang would be wiped out.

The Hall of Assassins was originally controlled by Sa Lang. Sa Lang's real extradition leader was not the weak super mage killed by Mo Fan. The real extradition leader was actually Sith Heaton, the master of the Assassin Hall. Qualified to be Sarang's strongest combat force.

The extradition head is Sa Lang's strongest trump card, stronger than Sa Lang himself, and handles all the forces against her for her. The extradition head that Mo Fan killed at the beginning did not even reach the three-line super-order, how can this be regarded as strongest.

Sa Long is better than the extradition leader.

But what Tian Qingsong didn't understand was that Sa Lang was such a cautious person, the extradition leader was killed, and Zhaohua completely controlled the Killer Palace, how did Zhaohua hide it from Sa Lang.

And in the end, relying on Sith Heaton's contact method, he led out Sa Long, stole the method, and almost killed Sa Long.

As for killing Sa Long, Zhaohua just did it at his convenience, and grabbing the law is the key point. Assassinating Sa Long is what he should do as a trial society and a righteous mage, so he did it by the way.

Tian Qingsong didn't know how many things the other party was hiding that he didn't know. He only knew that in his eyes, the Black Vatican was no longer a threat, and could even be said to be an organization that could be easily destroyed.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Back then, Zhaohua told Blue Bat that the Black Vatican had been eliminated from the bee plan, that is, there was no threat at all, and Zhaohua didn't take it seriously at all.

Because the strength of the Black Vatican is not strong in the first place, their strength lies in their ubiquity, their terrifying brainwashing thoughts, and their weird schemes. If the seven great bishops of the Black Vatican, the pope, and all the members of the Black Vatican were brought together to fight Hua Zhanhong, it would not be enough for Hua Zhanhong to warm up.

However, when Mo Fan destroyed Sa Lang's plan to enshrine the gods, captured Leng Jue alive and eradicated Leng Jue's faction, another cardinal Shura was killed by the Holy Inquisition, and the head teacher Wu Ku was killed by Mo Fan. The Holy See has actually existed in name only, and is no longer scary.

Because the myth has been broken and the gods have been killed, is the brainwashing idea of ​​the Black Vatican still useful? A religion whose faith has collapsed is just a bigger ant nest.

Since Mo Fan captured Leng Jue alive, the number of Black Vatican surrendered has skyrocketed, and there are even bishops in blue who cooperate with the Holy Inquisition in exchange for lenient immunity.

Not to mention that now Zhaohua is still in control of the Hall of Assassins, becoming the absolute controller of one of the three major dark forces, and relying on the power of the bugman to hide the truth from Sa Lang. In Zhaohua's eyes, a Black Vatican whose faith has been destroyed is not as threatening as Mu Rong's retarded curse.

And Zhaohua's purpose is far more than that.

As we all know, there are three organizations with the strongest magic forces in the underworld, the Hall of Assassins, the Black Vatican, and the Evil Lang Guild. That is to say, as long as Zhaohua clears the Evil Lang Guild, the Killer Hall is the organization with the largest black magic forces, and then he is the master of the underworld.

And the behind-the-scenes controller of the Evil Lang Guild is Su Lu.

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