Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1261 The Heartless Zhaohua

That's why Feng Zhoulong said to Zhaohua before the Siren War broke out: He treated Ji Shaoan as his daughter early on.

Only then did Zhaohua ask him back: Are you not afraid that I have been guiding and using you?

After death, people can enter the dark plane through some dark contracts, but this is the same as survivors and naturalization, once you go, you can't come back.

Even the Dark King can't make it through, let alone ordinary people.

This is undoubtedly a huge sacrifice, which is tantamount to abandoning everything in this world and going to the dark plane to seek the key to the dark plane's soul separation method.

In the whole world, Feng Zhoulong's research on magic is also second to none, even Zhaohua is far behind Feng Zhoulong in magic research.

That's why Zhaohua made this series of plans, the purpose is to send Feng Zhoulong to the dark plane, and not let the dark plane swallow Feng Zhoulong's consciousness.

After the last research, Zhaohua decided to use Su Lu, because Su Lu is the strongest black magician in Asia.

Su Lu is a two-line forbidden curse mage, and Su Lu's summoning system is only a super-level full cultivation. In other words, Su Lu not only has two lines of forbidden curses, but also owns a black dragon of the sub-emperor.

This strength is naturally very terrifying. Su Lu is a Forbidden Curse Mage of the Shadow Department and the Curse Department, and then has a super-level full cultivation of the Summoning Department, Thunder Department, and Space Department, and there is a black dragon of the Asian Emperor. This strength is in our hands. The country, that is also the existence of the top ten.

Although the curse system is advanced through the special evil core, it is just a fake forbidden curse, but the shadow system Su Lu is a real forbidden curse mage, not only can use the forbidden curse, but also very powerful.

So for Feng Zhoulong to enter the dark plane, the power of Su Lu's shadow-type forbidden spell is crucial.

So Zhaohua decided to kill him while asking him to help.

The original plan was without Mo Fan.

In the original plan, Zhaohua used bait to lure Su Lu out, and then Feng Zhoulong was killed by Su Lu. Using the excuse of Feng Zhoulong's killing, he applied for an arrest warrant from the Holy Inquisition Court, and our country's Forbidden Curse Master and the Holy Inquisition Court Master jointly arrested him. Live in Sulu.

After capturing Su Lu, it's not up to us to decide.

Su Lu is very strong, but it also depends on who the opponent is.

And the bait to lure Su Lu is Sharjah!

Sharjah is not as simple as ordinary people. Sharjah is Gabriel, one of the seven angels of the holy city.

The return ceremony of each angel is different, and the return ceremony of the angel of wisdom is also very special. Gabriel's return rite required the recording of a new magical knowledge in his book of angels.

This is not easy, because there are strict requirements for the knowledge that can be recorded in the Book of Angels, and it cannot be used indiscriminately. That's why Sharjah was so excited when he heard Mo Fan mentioning magic fusion.

Zhaohua knew that Su Lu seemed to be a powerful person, but he was actually stupid as hell. It's just a black dragon that was forced to contract, and he dared to openly say that he is the overlord of Asia, and he wants to divide the world with the Holy City, and he doesn't take angels seriously.

So when Su Lu knew that Sharjah was Gabriel, the angel of wisdom, and hadn't returned yet, Zhaohua knew exactly what was going on in his heart.

The identity of the angel is naturally the top secret of the Holy City, not to mention ordinary people, even Su Lu and Feng Jihua can't find out.

However, Sharjah actually came to Feng Zhoulong's side. Maybe it was fate. Others couldn't see Sharjah's real body, but Shengyin and Baiyu Shengliu could.

They are originally from the holy plane, and they are extremely sensitive to the power of the holy plane.

So there is this series of things.

Zhaohua's way of doing things has not changed from the beginning to now. Apart from doing the most important thing, he will also take care of other things by the way.

The main purpose is to separate the big and small Ji and let Feng Zhoulong enter the dark plane, Su Lu? Kill it by the way. Evil Lang Guild? That's by the way.

Even the advanced materials that Long Yi needed to advance, Zhao Hua had his eyes on the Black Dragon Emperor, after all, the attributes of the Black Dragon Emperor were very suitable for Long Yi, and this was Wen Tai's animal tamer, so he couldn't keep it for him no matter what.

And Mo Fan's random entry did disrupt the order of the plan a little bit.

The most important thing is that Mo Fan really can't beat Su Lu by himself.

The demon system is not a cheat, it cannot be said to increase strength infinitely, and this time there is no power from the dark plane for Mo Fan, and it is impossible for him to jump directly from a high-level mage to a level close to the Asian emperor like he did against Khufu.

This has been improved tens of thousands of times.

Although Mo Fan's current strength has surpassed the four-line super-order, and the thunder system may have surpassed the third-order, and his strength is much stronger than that of Khufu, but according to Zhaohua's estimation, he did not open the dark plane and use the power to absorb the power of darkness If Mo Fan turned into a demon, he would be able to reach the level of Emperor Ya or a series of forbidden curses, which is equivalent to the fusion of the seven departments of magic.

To defeat Su Lu's most powerful subordinates, Xi Zhe, the Light Forbidden Curse, is more reluctant, not to mention Su Lu and the Black Dragon Emperor.

According to Zhaohua's speculation, the probability of Sharjah making a move is very low. It can be seen from the fact that she didn't rescue Feng Zhoulong at the beginning, she is an angel, she has her own purpose, and she stays by Feng Zhoulong's side only for her return ceremony.

If she makes a move, the return ceremony will naturally be interrupted. The angel of wisdom Gabriel is not the battle angel Michael. Michael wants to fight, and Gabriel needs to collect knowledge in the world and cannot reveal his identity.

Once exposed, she can no longer continue to wander the world and collect knowledge.

So Zhaohua has no hope for Sharjah to make a move. Zhaohua doesn't think Sharjah will give up the return ceremony. That is to say, the biggest possibility is that Mo Fan will be beaten home by the Black Dragon Emperor.

Zhaohua looked in the direction of the Dubai Mage Tower, with a calm expression, and said indifferently: "The people in the Hall of Assassins should have dealt with the people in the Bad Lang Guild pretty much."

But what Zhaohua didn't expect was that Asha Ruiya was also in Dubai, and joined forces with Mo Fan to kill all the members of the Bad Lang Guild.

The reason is because they are the executioners who Su Lu instructed to kill Feng Zhoulong, and Mo Fan has not forgotten that the person who replaced Su Lu to collect the baby's heart is the Evil Lang Guild.

When Zhaohua knew that Asharuya was also in Dubai, he had to sigh. This intelligence chief had a strong intelligence collection ability, and he even guessed something, so he followed him, wanting to confirm the whereabouts of the angel Gabriel.

Seeing Mo Fan who openly challenged the Asian Magic Association on the Dubai Mage Tower, Sharjah shed tears of shame. After all, she failed to protect Feng Zhoulong because of her own selfish desires.

Now I saw that Mo Fan openly challenged Su Lu's authority in order to avenge Feng Zhoulong.

Sharjah wiped away her tears, and the black sorcery in her hand instantly transformed into a golden sacred book.

A pair of golden angel wings appeared behind Sharjah, making Sharjah, who is as beautiful as an elf, even more divine and holy!

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