Full-time Summoner

Chapter 127 The Crisis Is Coming

Zhaohua walked over and cut off the fur and skin where the purple '10' was written on the body of the Frost Demon Ape with a knife, and threw the whole body into the watch. A professional anatomist of the Hunter Alliance, he only found out after the disintegration.

In order to prevent being discovered by other monsters, Zhaohua sprinkled masking powder around it to cover up the smell of blood and the smell of the ice demon ape.

Then he applied some healing medicine to the three-tailed jade scale scorpion, and it bared its teeth in pain and let out a hissing sound.

Zhaohua said helplessly: "Don't embarrass me, I have to find a chance to train you when I go back."

Hiss~~~ (wronged Baba)

That night Zhaohua continued to meditate until morning, closing his eyes and meditating after the meditating time.

After what happened last night, Zhaohua realized that he had already entered the area of ​​the warrior monster, and now he was just halfway up the mountain, and he could already see the Sun Yat-Sen University in the distance, and several high-rise buildings were particularly conspicuous.

In addition, there are other high-rise buildings in several other directions, but those buildings are other schools that belong to the school city.

Zhaohua has just finished washing and is making breakfast. People are like iron and rice are steel. If you don't eat breakfast, you will be hungry.

"Ah! ah! ah!"

Suddenly, Zhaohua heard strange screams, looked around, and when he looked at the sky, his expression changed dramatically.

Zhaohua didn't have time to tidy up, so he could only quickly stuff the tent and other things into the watch space.

A stride kick woke up the three-tailed green scaled scorpion who was still sleeping soundly without any sense of crisis. The three-tailed green scaled scorpion looked sleepily twice, seeing that nothing happened and was about to fall asleep again.

Zhaohua's face turned purple, it was purple from anger, and he said angrily: "Still asleep! The disaster is imminent! If we sleep again, we won't have to wake up!"

Originally, the sky was already bright, it was daytime, and the sun was still shining not long ago, but the next moment a shadow blocked the sun, only then did the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion realize that something big had happened.

White Magic Eagle, among the West Ridges of the western fortress of HZ City, the West Ridge is further west of the White Mountain Range. For a long time, the West Ridge has been an area where flying is absolutely prohibited, and even the flight routes have to avoid it, precisely because there is a colony of white magic eagles inhabiting here.

This is a gregarious carnivorous bird of prey with a beast taming level of 1 star. If it wasn't for the negative rating, this kind of monster would probably have a negative star. If the White Magic Falcon was summoned by a contract, it would not even be driven by humans if it was willing to commit suicide.

Violent temperament, with a strong heart to defend the field, and the character of not dying to the target makes the magicians in HZ city quite a headache. In order to deal with this kind of monster, HZ city has the strongest air mage army in the country, which is dedicated to defense It was attacked by the White Magic Falcon.

It never occurred to Zhaohua that Sun Yat-sen Academy was so frantic that they captured a large flock of White Magic Falcons as part of military training. Zhaohua took a cursory look and found that there were at least thirty or forty White Magic Falcons.

Each White Magic Falcon spread its wings five or six meters long, forming a team of thirty or forty, it was like a dark cloud trying to cover the sky and the sun. And for mages, there is no magic that can fly in the elementary and intermediate levels. To fly, they can only rely on flying beasts and winged magic tools. However, flying beasts are rare and winged magic tools are expensive, so flying monsters have always been The most difficult and disgusting puzzle in the world.

Don't look at the White Magic Falcon is just a servant, and the Three-tailed Jade Scaled Scorpion is a Warrior-level, facing thirty or forty White Magic Eagles, the Three-tailed Jade Scaled Scorpion doesn't even have the power to fight back, and will be poked to death, let alone Zhaohua.

"Run! Find a place to hide!" Zhaohua is now sitting on the back of the three-tailed green scaled scorpion.

Without the little wind silkworm, Zhaohua's speed was far inferior to the three-tailed green scaled scorpion, and the three tails of the three-tailed green scaled scorpion could just be used as a backrest and armrests, so that it would not be thrown off.

Sanwei's body color has been changed to emerald green. Although it is not as fast as Wind Rail, its speed has improved for sure.

Sanwei turned on the end-of-the-road racing mode of "I can't wait to have a few more legs", and the six legs swayed wildly like a motor. This time, the bumps were much larger than when I was running yesterday. Even Zhaohua almost lost his grip and was thrown off. Now it feels like a big pendulum sitting on an amusement park, or the accelerated version, shaking so much that his stomach acid is about to vomit.

Now he has more and more deep thoughts about the choice of flying monsters for his mid-level contracted summoned beasts.

Zhaohua resisted the nausea, and glanced behind him, the group of white magic eagles really came out to look for food, and the target was himself and the three-tailed green scaled scorpion.

Sitting on Sanwei's back, Zhaohua looked at the White Magic Eagle behind him from time to time, deeply feeling that he really deserved to be evaluated as an immortal demon in the demon class, and he had no desire to give up at all, and he chased him closer and closer. After all, how can six legs outrun a pair of wings?

Zhaohua quickly filtered the knowledge about the White Magic Falcon in his mind, and began to calculate how to deal with them. The advantages of the White Magic Falcon are flight, speed, and agility. Compared with some monsters, the attack is slightly weaker. The biggest weakness is the defense. The White Magic Falcon has no defense at all. A monster that can be directly exploded when hit by a third-level burst.

However, the agility and flying height of the White Magic Falcon made it difficult for Huo Zi to hit them, and even the effect of Fierce Fist was very weak, especially the character of the group, which led to the discovery of the White Magic Falcon in the wild, and there was no mage in the army It's hard to deal with, let alone a solo mage.

Zhaohua counted left and right, and now he has no way to deal with the White Magic Falcons, and after running for so long, he can't even find many caves. If he can help with easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain, he may still have a chance.

"I can't help it. Although it's a pity, I can only use the corpse of the Frost Demon Ape from last night and throw them to eat."

Shame, the only way Zhaohua can do now is to surrender, no, it is to throw food, and then take the opportunity to slip away.

Because of Sanwei running at full strength, his physical strength is now exhausted very quickly. Zhaohua has already noticed that Sanwei's breathing has become a lot faster on his back, and it is estimated that his speed will slow down significantly in five minutes at most.

Zhaohua would not give up if he had even the slightest chance of being able to fight. From the fact that he didn't use the protective mechanism of the military uniform, it could be seen that Zhaohua wanted to escape first, and then hunt down the generals and monsters, not to leave the field.

Thinking that I had to surrender to a group of servants and monsters, avoiding and not fighting, I felt a little heavy, as if I had lost my vigor.

The moment Zhaohua twisted the head of the Frost Demon Ape from the watch and threw it out, and when the White Magic Eagle saw the head of the Frost Demon Scorpion swooping down to attack, the earth shook suddenly, and the soil not far from the three-tailed Jade Scaled Scorpion Splashing, a giant black shadow of insects and beasts drilled out of the soil, and ate the head of the ice demon ape that Zhaohua threw into the air in one gulp. The eagles ate them together.

The sand worm, because the first time Zhaohua saw his father attacking the monster was the sand worm, but this sand worm was even bigger.

"No! This is a double-headed sandworm! Three-tailed, defend!!" Zhaohua noticed that the size was wrong, and immediately realized that this was not a slave-level sandworm, but a warrior-level double-headed sandworm. Huge and has two heads.

Before the three tails could react for a while, the ground cracked open, and the other head locked on the three-tailed green scale scorpion that had stopped because of the appearance of the double-headed sandworm. Its mouth, which was covered with rows of serrated teeth, opened, and it wanted to eat it together with the soil. Drop the three-tailed jade scale scorpion.

Double crisis! ! !

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