Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1277 I am not Wentai

Don't say that Mo Fan is waiting to eat melons, even Asha Ruiya is waiting for this top-notch saint to burst into big melons, revealing how dark this dark circle is.

Asharuya also wants to know who resurrected Yizhisha and for what purpose.

And according to the current situation, the dark saint Yukai has a lot to do with the dark master in front of him. Even according to what Yukai said now, the dark master in front of him is the one who resurrected Yizhisha. The most important thing is that the dark master is still everyone. A character everyone knows, afraid of revealing his true identity.

Could it be that the master of darkness has broken through the barriers of the planes, allowing more powerful avatars to hide in the magic world, and even hold high positions?

Dark emissaries like Asharuya and Mu Bai are actually agents chosen because the dark lord can't move freely in the magic world.

No matter how powerful the avatar of the Lord of Darkness is, it can only reach the pinnacle of mages and semi-forbidden curses. It cannot break through the forbidden curses, because the forbidden curses can only be human beings. To put it bluntly, the avatar of the Lord of Darkness is still a dark creature. That's not a human being, wouldn't it become an emperor if it breaks through?

At most, it can only reach the range allowed by the magic world, which is still super-level.

But there are too many things that cannot be done if there are only super-levels. The super-level mages have not even entered the high-level magic. In a sense, the super-level mages are only middle-level, and some crucial decisions are still unknown.

Therefore, the master of darkness needs to cultivate a mage of the forbidden curse level, such as Essendel of the false forbidden curse, who advanced the forbidden curse with the help of the master behind Khufu, and also secretly changed the formation to create the king's yarn and the dead emperor .

The first condition for the choice of the Dark Lord Messenger is to have the qualifications to achieve the Forbidden Curse. There is no doubt that both Mu Bai and Asharuya have the aptitude to become the Forbidden Curse Mage.

From the point of view of Asharuya and Mu Bai, it is very likely that the Dark Saintess Yukai was also the messenger of the Lord of Darkness, but she failed in the end.

Mu Bai wondered in his heart: "Could it be that the last envoy was You Kai?"

Mu Bai is a bit strange, because each dark master chooses the messenger in a different way, he got the undead Gu by chance, and then chose to become the messenger to save his life when he died.

But according to what Grandma Lu said, there is only one Immortal Gu in the world, so is there a second one?

The most innocent is Su Lu, because he was just scolded by this mentally handicapped woman, pointing at his face, saying that his IQ is only a three-year-old child, and he is a dignified member of the Asian Magic Association, saying that he is a three-year-old child?

Mo Fan listened to Yu Kai, the aunt, Barabara, talking non-stop like a resentful woman, and kept refusing to say who her real identity was, so he asked impatiently: "This aunt, if you have melons, hurry up and blow them up. We are waiting to eat, if there is no one, then I will send you out."

Do you know that it is very annoying to hang your appetite all the time, and say Yizhisha, Sarang, and the Pope, so which one is it?

It's just that Mo Fan didn't realize that two of the three people Youkai was talking about had a great relationship with someone.

"Wen Tai Wen Tai Wen Tai Wen Tai Wen Tai Wen Tai!!!"

You Kai seemed to muster up his courage, as if he had gone crazy, repeating the two words frantically.


Mo Fan turned to look at Asharuya, isn't this the name of Asharuya's adoptive father? And he died more than twenty years ago.

Mo Fan saw that Asharuya was sluggish. Obviously, even Asharuya didn't know.

Su Lu couldn't help sneering after hearing this: "A person who can't even save his own life is qualified to be compared with me?"

Who did Su Lu think she would reveal, if it was someone like Shao Zheng or Michael, then Su Lu would be a little surprised, a dead person?

The dark saint Youkai laughed wildly, looked at Su Lu and said, "Is it funny? So you idiots don't know who is going to deprive you of your freedom after death and play with you in the palm of your hand. Do not know at all!"

Mo Fan, Asharuya and Mu Bai were startled, and they all cast their gazes at the dark master opposite.

I go! ! ! ! !

Wen Tai is not dead? ! And became the master of darkness! ! It's just that this dark lord is still unmoved, like a dark and cold mountain, unable to feel any emotion from him.

Mo Fan turned his head to look at Asharuya. Obviously, Asharuya should be the one with the most violent mood swings.

Wen Tai is her adoptive father. If what the dark saint said is true, then the dark master she is seeing now is her adoptive father, and he is not dead.

If this is the case, then perhaps the events of more than twenty years ago should not be interpreted in that way.

The matter of Wen Tai has always been the top secret, and even in China, only people at the military level know about it. There are very few people in the world who know that Wen Tai is not dead and has become a Fallen King.

But now it is obvious that there are many more people.

"Is what she said true?" Asharuya stared at the half-empty figure of the master of darkness, and asked in a tone that she couldn't believe.

"I'm just a chess player." The Lord of Darkness did not shy away, answering Asharuya's question.

"You you you you!!! You want to be the master of two planes, but you actually want to be the master of two planes???" Su Lu pointed at the master of darkness and asked fiercely.

He kept repeating this sentence, over and over again, as if it was something impossible to appear and accomplish.

suspended animation! Enter the dark plane and become the master! Then find a way to return to the magic world. With Wentai's prestige back then, if he reappears as the Holy Son, he can even easily control the whole world. At least the western countries will be in the bag, and Europe will be headed by Wentai.

Wen Tai was called the savior back then, and the whole of Europe believed in him.

The ancient king's avatar shook his head and sighed, "It's a good game of chess, what a disappointment."

Mo Fan immediately said: "I can pretend that I didn't hear anything, and I won't spread it casually. After all, compared with survival, some secrets can be rotten in the stomach."

"Very good, I like your words, do what you should do now." Darkness Wang Wentai pointed at Mo Fan, and unexpectedly smiled.

Seeing that the Dark Lord was in a good mood, Mo Fan added a sentence and asked, "Then are you Wentai?"

To Mo Fan's surprise, the other party actually answered his question.

"There may not be only one master. The reason why people call all the masters of darkness the Dark King is because he is the most powerful of all masters, and he is also the first king of the dark plane. The king who has been unable to erase the shadow for thousands of years, the king of darkness is just a general term. With your strength, how can you see through the identity of the ruler of darkness. What a pity, I am not the Wentai you expected. If he is really ambitious, he wants to If you want to become the master of two planes, how can you have time to play chess with you here?" The half-empty face of the Dark King slowly revealed.

In fact, the original work said here that the masters behind Mu Bai and Asha Ruiya are not Wen Tai. It was Wen Tai who resurrected Yi Zhisha, and it was also implied that the Pope was related to Wen Tai.

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