Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1281 Leftovers

Asha Ruiya is also convinced, and she opened her mouth to buy the corpse of a real dragon. Is this something that a person can afford?

Not to mention real dragons, even if it is the material of ordinary Asian emperors, there are several big families, and only the magic family with international big capital can afford it.

Like the Mu family and the Zhao family, the materials of the Asian emperors are already torn to the bone, and the entire corpse of the Asian emperors cannot be eaten by only one international family.

Generally, if a corpse like the Emperor of Asia really appeared, and someone really successfully hunted the emperor and sold it, the biggest possibility would be divided among several largest magic families in different regions, and no one would take it all alone.

Asharuya also relied on her special identity to conceal that she had obtained the black dragon dragon corpse, and no news of the entire Parthenon Temple was spread, otherwise there would be an uproar in the entire world.

But in the end Zhaohua still came to the door, and asked to buy it.

Zhaohua sat opposite Asharuya, waiting for Asharuya's reply.

Asha Ruiya said: "Since you have found out that the dragon corpse is with me, then you should know that I can't sell you."

Asha Ruiya is the head of intelligence, and what she cares most about is not which high-level has an illegitimate child, which military leader secretly cultivated a Forbidden Curse Mage, and which country hides a powerful Forbidden Curse.

She wouldn't be surprised by the news that she could find out. What frightened her was only those things and people that couldn't be found that made her feel terrible.

And this person in front of him is exactly that.

As the head of intelligence, Asharuya holds all the information in the world. It is definitely not difficult to find out one person, but during the National Competition, Asharuya could not find out the information of two people.

One is Zhaohua and the other is Mo Fan.

Mo Fan's news was deliberately hidden, and Asharuya couldn't find anything about Mo Fan's childhood, especially Mo Fan's mother, Asharuya couldn't find out, only Mo Fan's mother After giving birth to Mo Fan, she was weak and died of a serious illness not long after.

But what is the name of Mo Fan's mother, Asha Ruiya can't find it! All the news is false. After the death of Mo Fan's mother, all the information about her was secretly deleted, and Asha Ruiya was no different.

So Astraea also became interested in Mo Fan.

The opposite of Mo Fan is Zhaohua, who can find out everything.

Including Zhaohua's parents, Zhaolang and Zhang Ning, Zhang Ning's identity and Zhaolang's previous strength can all be found out. Asharuya can find out everything about Zhaohua from birth to the present, even Even primary school test scores can be found.

But this is the root of Asharuya's fear.

Mo Fan is hiding, obviously has a secret. But this person is even more terrifying, hiding the only secret with the truth of his life.

You don't even know what he or his family is hiding, it seems normal at first glance, quite normal life of a genius mage.

But as an intelligence leader, Asharuya, who knows so much shocking information, is quite sensitive to intelligence. She is keenly aware that this perfect information is actually a cover-up to cover up the most important information.

Asha Ruiya will go to Dubai because suddenly a matter about Sharjah was found out. It is a very small matter or even irrelevant, just a book.

Mo Fan once fought with Sharjah. At that time, Sharjah used an evil book and took out an evil sword from it. In the end, the evil sword was defeated by Mo Fan's flame sword.

It was not because of evil books that Asha Ruiya decided to go to Dubai, it was fake. Let Asharuya go to Dubai because of an information about the evil sword. The original owner of the evil sword was a dark mage who went on evil ways, and was finally crusaded by the holy city.

In the end, the evil sword was also eliminated together with the evil mage. In theory, the world no longer exists.

It was because of this that Asharuya went to Dubai to investigate Sharjah's affairs, and then was involved in this matter.

Asha Ruiya knows that the most powerful magic empire in Asia has recently undergone a severe power change. The great councilor Shao Zheng stepped down and replaced it with the ancestors.

What makes Asha Ruiya strange is that she can't find out who is behind the back of the ancestor's family. After all, it is impossible to get Shao Zheng to step down with the power of the ancestor's family.

Now Asharuya has a little guess in her heart.

On the surface, he is the vice president of the Tribunal, but secretly he is the leader of the Komora family, the young super mage who has made great contributions to the Siren War, and he must have an unknown identity.

It is impossible for the emperor of Asia to rely on one person or one family to consume the huge resources, but the country can.

Why the five magic empires can control the order of the world, and even the Holy City can only secretly help the rise of the United States and dare not challenge all countries openly, is because the power of the country is too powerful, and there are too many people and mages.

The emperor is very powerful, but you must know that the military capital has killed the emperor. Although they are all unpopular, they are also emperors.

Asha Ruiya would not think that Zhaohua could not eat a real dragon of the sub-divine king, so she probably guessed why Zhaohua knew that the black dragon's body was with her.

The Black Dragon Emperor sacrificed himself on the killing board, and died together with Su Lu and turned into bones.

But he must know about the material he purchased all over the world, and it's not surprising that he could guess it.

Asharuya sacrificed her own contract summoned beast, the Dark Frost Sword Master, in the killing chessboard, as if to praise Asharuya's sacrifice, the dark master actually put the dragon corpse of the Black Dragon Emperor on Asharuya's In the contract space, Asha Ruiya was taken away.

For the master of darkness, the real dragon corpse is just a reward, nothing more important.

Just send it if you say it.

Asha Ruiya shook her head and said: "I have already used it to make magic equipment, please go back."

Zhaohua was not surprised. You even collected materials for magic equipment, and this is one of the world's most sacred places for making magic equipment. It must be already being built.

Zhaohua said: "Then I don't need the materials you use, some leftovers, leftover bone powder, leftover minced meat, residual blood, bones, etc. are fine."

Asha Ruiya frowned and said, "Do you want to help your beast taming advance?"

These things are leftovers, and there will be some leftovers for making magic equipment, but these things are useless for super mages and monarchs, but they are still useful for commanders.

For example, to help Long Yi advance. After all, these are real dragon's things. They can be used to strengthen the body and increase blood concentration.

Zhaohua didn't hide it either, summoned Long Yi, Long Yi's supreme commanding aura was not concealed, Asharuya felt it all at once, the supreme commanding evil dragon in the advanced stage was indeed only a little away from the monarch.

Asha Ruiya looked at Long Yi, she was also a summoning mage, and she immediately understood that those leftovers could indeed make Long Yi a monarch, but it was just an ordinary monarch, and she could not reach a higher bloodline, so she needed to continue strengthen.

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