Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1284 Are you a messenger? !

Avalon, this is the utopia widely spread in Western Europe.

In Arthurian legend, Avalon is surrounded by swamps and mist and can only be reached by boat. The island is guarded by the Holy Spirit, without time and age, everything will never grow old.

There is no disease, no pain, no hunger, no disputes, all things are endless, there is no need to fight, people can get food without labor, there is absolute fairness in Avalon, and there is no distinction between strong and weak points, there is no difference.

There is no ideal world of birth, old age, sickness and death.

There are such legendary ideal worlds all over the world, such as the famous Garden of Eden, Paradise, Peach Garden, etc. These ideal worlds have a collective term in academics, called Utopia.

But such a utopian world is actually a huge trap.

The conclusion given by countless magic researchers is that the idea of ​​a utopian world will lead to the extinction of human beings.

Because once such a "beautiful world" appears, there will be no competition for human beings. Utopia is a world where competition is eliminated. In this world, it is absolutely fair and there is no difference.

This is why the whole world is trying to eliminate the Black Vatican, the idea is too dangerous.

The idea of ​​the Black Vatican is essentially to establish a utopia, and the establishment of the Kingdom of God is actually the establishment of a utopia.

Let the human beings all over the world enter the kingdom of God, no longer be invaded by demons, old age, sickness and death, life and death.

Such a world is terrifying. For a race, this is an invisible elimination of a race.

In this kind of world, even education is not necessary, what is the difference with a pig?

But what is even more frightening is that you know that this is wrong, but in the face of painful things in reality, you are still willing to believe that such a world really exists.

Evasion is shameful, but useful.

This is also the reason why the Black Vatican can't kill them all.

Asha Ruiya said: "I have blocked the surrounding mountain roads in the name of trials, and I don't want anyone to know that I have anything to do with you."

"Oh? So you are hiding Mo Fan here in the Parthenon?"

Zhaohua gave a thumbs up, good guy, it was dark under the lights, and he hid Mo Fan in Ye Xinxia's work place. This cheating is absolutely perfect, she deserves to be a saint.

"I want you to manage"

Asharuya continued: "The passage is under the base of the guardian stone statue in the fourth level. I will enter the interior of the mountain from the Goddess Hall, and I will wait for you there."

Zhaohua said: "Then you have to hurry up, I think the mountain road seems to be quite short, and the Goddess Temple is on the top of the mountain."

Asha Ruiya chuckled twice, and said disdainfully: "I'm afraid you won't be able to clear the mountain road. The guardian statue is now stronger than before. It's not just as simple as commanding. The monarch's summoned beast cannot be summoned here."

Normally, when entering the Xinghe Mountain Road, the entire Parthenon Temple would be notified, but Asharuya has already declared that she wants to exercise her fighting ability, and today she will challenge the mountain road, and no outsiders are allowed to approach, so this notification is gone.

When Zhaohua walked into this mountain road, it was indeed as Mo Fan said, the mountain road was intertwined with dark blue chaotic light, no matter where you looked from the sacred mountain, you could see this unusual energy swaying.

All the restrictions on the Parthenon come from the power of the holy mountain, so Zhaohua is actually suppressed by the holy mountain. If all the power of the holy mountain explodes, there are rumors that it can be compared to the holy city.

This is also the reason why the Parthenon can be independent from the Magic Association and belong to an independent organization.


Back then, Zhaohua asked Mo Fan on WeChat how he felt in Shenshan, and Mo Fan even sent a funny emoji to write: Very cool, you can try it when you have time.

Unexpectedly, Zhaohua really came.

"There is a kind of sacred power that suppresses the operation of the magic energy in the body, which is equivalent to placing a spiritual seal in the body, weakening the release of magic."

As Zhaohua walked in slowly, he felt the changes in his body.

Zhaohua feels that although he can use the mana and magic of the four departments now, all four departments are suppressed to the level of high-level. Although there are four departments, they are all only high-level.

"Come out, Long Yi, Xiong Da."

Zhaohua summoned Long Yi and Xiong Da. Long Yi and Xiong Da were Zhaohua's most commonly used beasts to tame, and they were both giant beasts. Although they were not as huge as Tianyan and Tianguan Zilin God Tree, there was no doubt that they It is a giant monster.

Ho ho! ! ! When Long Yi saw the bronze soldier not far in front of him, he spread his 100-meter dragon wings, and the roaring sound spread throughout the entire mountain path, he couldn't wait any longer.

Aww, Xiong Da's aura is a little weaker. Compared to the ferocious and strong evil dragon, the blood-red Kuanglei Blood Bear is a huge fortress, and Xiong Da is the first layer of fortress to protect Zhaohua.

Xiong Da is ready to advance. Originally, Zhaohua did not plan to bring Xiong Da out, but the magic of the Parthenon made Zhaohua plan to let Xiong Da experience it before advancing. This should make it easier for Xiong Da to reach monarch.

Aww, Xiong Da pointed to himself and called out.

"Oh? Your strength has been suppressed from the advanced stage of the big commander to only the small commander?"

Xiong Da nodded.

Not only the mages are suppressed here, even the summoned beasts will be suppressed. At the beginning, the old wolf was not suppressed because he was too weak and only the strength of ordinary commanders.

"Long Yi, what about you?"

Long Yi wrote a Chinese character in the air with his sharp claws, it was also suppressed, and the suppression was even more severe, from the advanced stage of the Supreme Commander to the Middle Commander.

Asharuya also heard it naturally, and responded: "Hurry up, if I wait for a long time, don't blame me for not waiting for others."

Asharuya finally found a chance to take revenge. She was suppressed too badly by Ji Shaohan at the beginning, completely suppressed by the power of darkness, and she was not an opponent at all.

Zhaohua looked at the four statues on the steps of the mountain path. From the bottom of the mountain path to the top of the mountain path, there were four stages. It was like a challenge dungeon. You have to beat a boss before you can go to the next level.

Zhaohua knew that these four statues were alive, conscious and intelligent, and Zhaohua was watching from the side when Mo Fan challenged them.

"Don't bother, you four go up together, your saint is busy."

! ?

Zhaohua's voice was not too loud, but the strength of these four statues were all monarchs, but they were suppressed, and their perception was still at the level of monarchs, so Pang Lai was unable to successfully challenge them back then.

But now Zhaohua wants to fight four directly!

This made Asha Ruiya think he was crazy!

If Zhaohua hadn't been suppressed, Asha Ruiya felt that he could indeed fight four, but this was suppressed by Shenshan.

"Did he reach the forbidden curse?!"

However, Asharuya quickly shook her head and denied that Zhaohua was indeed suppressed. If it was a forbidden curse, the prohibition would immediately fail, because the spiritual world of a forbidden curse mage is different from that of ordinary mages, and has surpassed the scope of magic.

And just as Asharuya was thinking, the Holy Light broke out.

"You are the messenger!!?"

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