Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1286 The Growth Speed ​​of a Genius

"Holy Feather—Wall of Hundred Feathers."

Zhaohua's six white wings flapped lightly, whirrrrr, and a gust of fresh wind blew in. At this moment, tiny fluffy feathers fell from the sky of the third and fourth pass of the Xinghe Mountain Road. These fluffy feathers were very Small and light as a feather, but each white feather has a white light, the feathers are suspended in every inch of the mountain path, and the holy silver's holy feathers instantly filled the entire Xinghe mountain path.

Ever since Mo Fan beat up the Silvermoon Titan and abducted the great monarch vampire Borah a few years ago, the Parthenon Temple has also become angry and has increased the difficulty of the Xinghe Mountain Road, especially the last two levels.

The Silvermoon Titan, which was supposed to be the last level, has now become the guardian of the third level, and the fourth level has been replaced by a more powerful lava troll.

This whole body is covered in magma, as if there is no entity, the lava troll itself is the strength of the supreme monarch. It is the prey hunted back by the Jinyao Knights of the Parthenon Temple, and it was captured after sacrificing a lot of super mages.

Even if they are suppressed, they still have the strength of a sub-monarch. This is completely clear that there is no way to survive. No matter how powerful a high-level mage is, it is impossible to pass the level. How can a high-level mage beat the sub-monarch.

That's why Asharuya said that Zhaohua might not be able to pass the customs.

But in fact, there is no need to clear the level, because the passage is under the base of the lava troll in the fourth level, as long as it is led away to enter the passage.

It's just that Asharuya couldn't imagine that Zhaohua is an even more unreasonable person, directly ignoring the suppression of Shenshan, and using all his strength, Zhaohua of the three super-orders can easily deal with the lava troll with the strength of the sub-monarch.

Silver Moon Titan rushed towards Zhaohua with a huge body, jumped high, and his huge slap was like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

A gust of wind whirls around Zhaohua, the power of the wind system coordinates with Shengyin's six wings to teleport at high speed, avoiding the slap.

The white feathers look like feathers, but once touched, the silver-white light is cold and ruthless, cutting through the silver skin of the Silver Moon Titan. The defensive effect of Yinyue's skin is useless in the face of the purification power, and these white feathers easily draw bloody scars.

"Holy Feather—Thousand Feather Scroll!"

Seeing the Silver Moon Titan rushing into his white-feathered wall without thinking, Zhaohua naturally would not show mercy. Countless white feathers turned into tornadoes, and pieces of tiny feathers fluttered like stone mills. The moon titan's silvery skin faded away.

It's like eating noodles with a knife, whizzing off the noodles.

Gulu Gulu sounded from behind Zhaohua, Zhaohua was activated together with the lava troll, and the magma on the lava troll's body was boiling.

With a bang, the roar of the volcanic eruption came from behind, and the sky filled with magma poured into Zhaohua, which was not much worse than the catastrophic roar of super-level water magic.

"Holy Feather Divine Seal!"

A white imprint appeared on Zhaohua's forehead, and the wicker of the White Feather Sacred Willow flew out of Zhaohua's contract space, and quickly assembled into a white long sword.

"Holy Feather—Wan Yu Zhan!"

Zhaohua is planning to kill with one move, ruthlessly, not giving the lava troll any chance.

Zhaohua held up the long sword made of the willow branches of the white-feathered holy willow, and feathers flew out from the white wings behind him, and the feathers and the white long sword formed a bigger white-feathered giant sword.

Zhaohua grasped the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, and slashed down against the huge wave of magma, killing invincible, the power of holy purity has the power to slash everything, even magic itself can slash.

Shengjing is ruthless, magic is ruthless, it is impossible to be soft when facing the demon Zhaohua, and in this state, Zhaohua is like a sacred and supreme, he will pity all living beings, but he will only pity human beings, demons are he must kill The goal is a ruthless sword.

Whoooo! ! The lava troll suddenly let out a scream, and Zhaohua cooperated with Shengyin's holy feather to cut it down, the power was so cold.

The holy plane that is the same as the legendary heaven, the white magic that redeems the world is completely different.

White magic such as soul, blessing, and healing have no attack power, and only plants have a little attack power.

But the white magic master Zhaohua used to kill, the white light is icy cold light, extremely sharp, and purifies the world.

With one slash, all darkness is extinguished.

At the beginning, the holy plane also kept a hand on human beings, deliberately did not pass the damage magic to the ancient humans on the European side, but only taught the three magics of blessing, soul, and healing to the ancient humans in Europe at that time.

The plants are based on their own research based on the plants that already exist in the white magic and magic world.

But how could there be no killing magic on the Holy Plane? The purification power of the Holy Winged Species is the Lord's killing.

The huge wave of magma was separated by a white light, and the magma troll who was suppressed to the sub-monarch was divided into two, and the grimace of the magma troll was also cut open.

The reason why the Golden Knights wanted to go on an expedition against the magma troll was that it had already endangered the safety of Greece, and that the magma troll was a dark creature. It had acquired the power of darkness and was lurking in the volcano. That's why the Golden Knight Will go on an expedition.

The Thousand Feathers Slash itself is only a high-level three-level attack magic, but when combined with the Holy Feather Divine Seal and the wicker sword of the White Feather Holy Willow, it becomes a deadly nemesis of dark creatures.

Zhaohua didn't make any fancy moves at all, he slashed down with a sword, without any fancy moves, the power of holy purification broke out, driving out all the darkness in the magma troll's body, and directly purifying its dark core.

Oh oh oh! ! ! White light suddenly burst out of the magma troll's body, and with a bang, the magma splashed, and a supreme monarch died just like that!

Of course, this is mainly because it was suppressed by Shenshan, making it fall to the sub-monarch level, otherwise Zhaohua would really have to waste a little effort.

Asha Ruiya saw that Zhaohua was able to ignore the suppression of Shenshan and knew that the so-called Xinghe Mountain Road had no effect on him, but she never thought it would be so simple.

Even if the realm was suppressed, it was the Supreme Sovereign who was wiped out from the inside, including the dark soul.

Asharuya considers herself a genius among geniuses. When the three-party melee in the National Competition, Asharuiya is actually confident that she will take the first place, even if Jerome is one-on-one. She doesn't care.

Even now Asha Ruiya thinks that if Mu Ningxue is not desperate, she is unwilling to take her life, and she will definitely win the three-party melee.

But now it seems that the result of my loss is inevitable. Even without Mu Ningxue's desperate efforts, I will lose when Mo Fan solves Zeruo and Zhaohua solves Irene.

Eight years have passed since Asharuiya's national competition, and the geniuses on the same starting line were constantly being separated. Zhe Luo is still two super-level mages, and both are super-level ones. Although they are already very powerful, they are far inferior to Mu Ningxue and Asha Ruiya.

It's just that what Asharuya didn't expect was that the strength of the man in front of him improved faster, and his growth rate was many times faster than her.

For the first time, Asharuya felt insurmountable, it was a big mountain.

"It turns out that this is what it feels like to look up to others."

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