Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1291 The power of the explosion

"Lao Li, why are you still sitting there, purple alert, run away!"

A middle-aged man hurried to the neighbor who was still sitting on the ground smoking a cigarette, and dragged him to the inner city.

The man named Lao Li let the old neighbor pull him, but he still sat on the ground, holding the cigarette firmly in his right hand, and took a deep breath, the cigarette burning made a crackling sound.

"Phew, forget about it, Lao Hong, you can run by yourself. I'm really tired, I can't run anymore." Lao Li said flatly, puffing out a puff of cigarette.

In his eyes, there was no scene of fleeing in all directions. Instead, through the white smoke, he saw the thriving magic city several years ago, with laughter and people coming and going.

But the disaster a year ago has changed. The cold temperature has made the farmer's crops ineffective. Although the country has activated emergency food, but the price has risen, and even the magic city is not stable.

Lao Li said: "The only family member I have left is my daughter. She is very competitive. She has passed the Imperial Capital Academy and is not in Shanghai now. Huh, but I am tired. Everyone died a year ago. I thought I had a daughter." With the support I can work hard to live and integrate into a new life, but the sea monster came again, and it came to take away my life again. I really don't have the strength to run anymore this time, you go, you still have a young son Take care, not like me."

Lao Hong looked at this neighbor whom he had known since he was a child, and gritted his teeth, not knowing where the strength came from his middle-aged and elderly body, he grabbed the adult man weighing more than 100 catties, grabbed Lao Li by the collar and He twisted it up and cursed: "You bastard, you!"

"You are your daughter's hope! She worked so hard to practice magic to prevent the same tragedy from happening. How could you be so selfish and deprive your daughter of the belief in protecting you! How could you insult fighting on the front line, even A military mage who sacrificed himself to buy time for us to escape!"

"Go! Even if we die in the end, we humans cannot surrender to the sea monsters! They can kill us, but they cannot kill our faith and soul!"

Old Li stared blankly at this little boy, and was a little absent-minded for a moment.

"Old Hong..."

"Let's go, I'm the only one left with you."

At the headquarters of the Magic City Magic Association, one year ago, due to the resignation of Councilor Shao Zheng, the Magic City, one of the strongholds of Shao Zheng's formation, was naturally cleaned up. A congressman surnamed Zhuang who supported the ancestral family.

"It's only been less than a year, why is the Kraken coming again!"

Councilor Zhuang slammed his fist on the table. He managed to become a council member of the base city. The councilors of the four coastal cities are also known as the four major councilors under the grand councilor. Their power is second only to the grand councilor. Members of Parliament actually means Imperial Councilors.

"Damn it, I was almost able to pass the resolution of the Tribunal to expel the group of evil vampires in the capital city and increase my influence, but at this time the Kraken came. If this is not handled well, I have worked hard to establish Everything is gone."

The first thing Mr. Zhuang did when he came to Shanghai was to increase his influence, and he also set his sights on the vampires in Shanghai.

Because vampires are creatures of darkness, although they pay high taxes and fees every year, and the stable demons are secretly stable, in the hearts of ordinary people, vampires, like demons, want to eat people.

Therefore, the best way to quickly improve your image and influence in the hearts of the people in Shanghai is to sacrifice these evil creatures to the heavens. He even killed the evil vampire that Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan jointly solved ten years ago. Find out what happened to sister Ru, and use it to crusade against the vampire clan in the capital city.

But now, the sea monster disaster happened in the magic capital, and this problem has arisen.

Because he has spent all his energy and time dealing with the vampires of the Demon City for the past year, and he has not made any achievements on the issue of the sea monster. Obviously, the problem of the sea monster is more serious and urgent, but because the problem of the sea monster is too difficult to solve, he I chose to do things that can quickly increase political achievements.

If the Kraken caused a big problem, he must be held accountable.

Mr. Zhuang put his hands in his hair, and said like crazy: "What can I do? Damn it, did my career end because of a siren disaster!!!"

"What is the solution!!"

Suddenly, a vague voice came from the direction of the door of the member's room: "I have a solution."

Mr. Zhuang raised his head suddenly and looked in the direction of the sound. A mysterious person wrapped in gray and white bandages was standing at the door. Because the voice was filtered by the shroud, it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

Councilor Zhuang asked with a vigilant expression, "Who are you?"

The mysterious gray-white man came slowly, and a hoarse voice came from inside the gray-white cloth: "Bee."

! ! ! ! !

"Bee! The mysterious power that has been secretly guarding the country according to the legend! Is it true? I thought Zhu Meng and the others said it on purpose."

Councilor Zhuang was overjoyed after being surprised, and the heavens came to save him! Very good!

"Is there any way you can save me, no, save the devil city. As long as you can save the devil city, I will go through fire and water, and I will definitely be rewarded!"

Zhuang Yue hurriedly walked up to the mysterious gray-white man, with greed and longing in his eyes. He even imagined that he saved the magic city and then elected as a high councilor, and he could even become a high councilor!

Zu Xiangxing is only a temporary member until the next election, and the next election is coming soon. By then, he might be able to become a member by virtue of his achievements in saving the city!

The mysterious gray and white man is naturally expressionless, it doesn't even have a face.

The mysterious gray-white man said in a voice without any emotion, without joy or sorrow: "There is a spiritual disaster victim hidden in the magic city."

Zhuang Yue was startled, and exclaimed: "There is a disaster victim lurking in the magic capital! But now we don't have time to catch a disaster victim, the disaster of the sea monster is imminent."

The mysterious gray-white man said: "Every disaster victim has powerful attack skills. The reason why they are called disaster victims is that they will uncontrollably cause disasters to the surroundings and cannot control the attack skills. Therefore, the Magic Association and The Holy Inquisition kills all victims. But that's not the real reason why they are treated like this."

Zhuang Yue couldn't help wondering, of course he knew about the victim's attack technique, which is a forbidden technique and would have a great impact on human society. If one is not careful, the whole city will fall into disaster, and this is beyond the control of the victim himself. of.

But this is not the real reason?

The mysterious gray-white man said: "The victim was used as a weapon in ancient times. The victim technique is uncontrollable, but it can explode with full force."

Zhuang Yue gasped, and the surgery exploded! ! Use people as tools!

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