Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1294: Sea Dead Dilias

At the last moment of his life, Ding Yumian really expressed his inner thoughts. She still wants to live, she doesn't want to die.

Why! Why must she sacrifice!

She doesn't want to die either, she also wants to be born as an ordinary girl, not some ancestor of vampires, not some atavistic ancestor, and she doesn't have to bear the mission of the family.

Did she do something wrong? She didn't even do anything!

Why is it that Ji Shaoan bears the same mission as herself, but she has someone to help her bear it and help her repay it.

Why is there no one to save me when I am suffering.

Ding Yumian watched the battle in the Parthenon from the beginning to the end. At the time when Mo Fan bravely ventured into the Xinghe Mountain Road, he had to meet Ye Xinxia to face the Holy Inquisition and the Parthenon. The scene of transforming into a devil under ten thousand horses, making a deal with the devil, entering the dark plane and saving Ye Xinxia was deeply imprinted in Ding Yumian's heart.

She also imagined that when she was suffering, Mo Fan would come back to save her and be her own hero.

She has also fantasized about this kind of plot, and even when she joined hands with Mo Fan a year ago, this fantasy and delusion became more intense.

But in the end, Mo Fan suddenly left Shanghai for Dubai, and then disappeared for a year.

But now, Ding Yumian only realized at the last moment of her life that she is not the heroine. No one will come to save her, her fate is not so easy to break, and the one who can break her fate is the protagonist, but she is not.

She didn't want to die. She was imprisoned in the Pearl Academy because of her identity as a disaster victim. Even leaving the magic city was a wishful thinking. The longest time she left was when she followed Zhang Ning to Venice. It was from her birth to the present the only time.

"I... don't want to die, I also want to... look at this world."

"Who can help me."

Ding Yumian was qualified to say these words at the last moment of her life, but unfortunately, no one heard it, and it was even more impossible for Mo Fan to save her.

"I'll save you."

Suddenly an elegant female voice came to Ding Yumian's heart.

In Huangpu New City, the white light has disappeared, and at this time, the entire Huangpu New City has been covered by a milky white formation. This is the soul raising ceremony of the evil temple. The souls of countless sea monsters plus Ding Yumian's powerful spiritual power , The soul ascension ceremony is constantly absorbing power.

Suddenly, the soul-ascension ceremony changed drastically. It was originally a milky-white promotion ceremony for good souls, but suddenly blood gushed out from the lines of the formation. , there is only a little bit of white left.

"What happened! Why did you become a ghast! Impossible, Ding Yumian's kind character cannot be promoted to a ghast!" Heidi couldn't help exclaiming when she saw this scene in the distance.

Although Ding Yumian is dead, if the soul raising ceremony goes well, then Ding Yumian can at least remain a good soul. Although he only has a soul, it is better than death.

In fact, Zhaohua's grandfather, Zhaohao, lives in the form of a soul, but because of Qilin's power, Zhaohao not only has a soul, but also has a body.

But now, Ding Yumian's soul raising ceremony suddenly changed, changing in the direction of the ghast, and the entire formation turned blood red.

Zhaohua looked at Huangpu New Town solemnly from the side. Although the white light disappeared, the cannibalism of the Krakens was not over yet. The entire naval battlefield in Huangpu New City was covered with corpses and blood of the Krakens.

But Zhaohua still saw Ding Yumian in the middle at a glance. Ding Yumian was already dead, and there was only a broken body there.

"Here it comes."

In Ding Yumian's spiritual world, a beautiful woman in a white wedding dress walked towards Ding Yumian.

Although her hair was covered by the imperial veil, Ding Yumian knew that this woman in a wedding dress had beautiful hair that he was envious of. Although she was wearing a veil, her beautiful eyes were full of affection, and the veil looming added to her charm.

Even Ding Yumian sighed that there are such beauties in this world.

"I can save you."

The woman in the wedding dress walked slowly in front of Ding Yumian. Ding Yumian was dead, and now she was in the spiritual world similar to a soul. Ding Yumian fell to the ground and looked up at the woman in the wedding dress.

The slender arm of the woman in the wedding dress gently lifted Ding Yumian's chin with her right index finger, and her eyes met. A painful experience passed into Ding Yumian's memory.

That is the history of Atlantis being wiped out.

"My name is Rias. I used to be the queen of Atlantis. I have the same experience as you."

Ding Yumian seemed to have been brainwashed, mumbling and repeating: "Lias...the queen..."

"Humans can only use, especially those men, only use our women's feelings. That Zhaohua man, he actually took advantage of your mission, how despicable, he said to establish a disaster victim alliance to protect the disaster victims, Give victims a place to stay, but they're actually using you."

"There is also that person named Mo Fan, with sweet words, he deceived your sincerity, failed your expectations, saved you a year ago, but disappeared after a year. Did you know that he is actually in Shanghai now? But he didn't come to save you, he kept deceiving you."

"Men are despicable creatures, they can only be used and deceived. Come on, Ding Yumian, I can, become a vengeful emperor, conquer the demon capital, and I will help you."

The sea dead emperor who came out of the submarine pyramid is the last female emperor of Atlantis, Rias.

Lias stood on Ding Yumian who fell on the ground, stretched out her arms from behind to wrap her arms around Ding Yumian's neck, put her hands on Ding Yumian's heart, a black and red light bloomed from Ding Yumian's heart, and a strange red mark appeared on the Ding Yumian's heart.

Rias showed an evil smile and said, "Do you want to use the evil god's soul ascension ceremony to get rid of me? It's too naive, the prey I'm targeting can't escape."

"Wake up, take revenge, to this world."

open eyes! Ding Yumian's eyes opened, and the original bright and moving eyes turned into a pair of scarlet, and a cross was carved in the blood-red pupils, which was the cross that once crucified the priest.

Ding Yumian opened his mouth and smiled, a pair of bloody teeth were unusually eye-catching.

Ding Yumian, the vampire princess, is fully awake.

On the Bund, Heidi was dumbfounded as she watched the failure of the Ascension Ceremony. After the ceremony, Ding Yumian's body disappeared, but Heidi knew that Ding Yumian not only succeeded in promotion, but also produced greater changes.

Zhaohua withdrew his gaze from looking at the sea, and said calmly instead: "Let's go, we have collected all the necessary data for soul division and promotion."

Heidi asked: "It's all done? Didn't it fail?"

Zhaohua said: "It failed, but it was collected. It's just that Ding Yumian's good soul is very weak."

Heidi was startled, looked at Zhaohua and asked, "Did you know that Ding Yumian was being targeted by something!"

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