Full-time Summoner

Chapter 13 Creation of the Undead

Silent Reaper, this is the nickname given to Ji Shaohan by the netizens. People who eat melons on the Internet just like to nickname some famous people in their own area. For example, Li Shijie’s Flame King, Deng Le’s Thunder King, Zhao Hua’s Son of Summoner, etc. Even Zhao Hua’s father, Zhao Lang, had the title of Fire Wolf Emperor, and later he became Thunder Fire Sirius after the second awakening of the Thunder Element. .

I have to say that netizens are still very thoughtful.

These titles don't exist now, they exist when they awaken. It wasn't until they saw Ji Shaohan release the undead magic and summon the real undead that everyone realized that the silent god of death deserved its name.

The two students from Class 1 next to Deng Le have already gone a little far. The two of them, one of water type and one of soil type, are fighting with five bone skeletons? how to spell? Head butt?

Not to mention a few people from No. 6 Middle School, they all backed away even further, and they all patted their hearts to calm down. Fortunately, they didn't say anything rude just now, and even Li Shijie backed away silently, hoping she didn't notice him.

Their newly awakened magic power is too weak. With the first-level thunder magic, the thunder mark and python marks can only make a mark on people, and they are paralyzed by electricity. Unless they directly hit the eyes and other vital points, they can't kill people. The same is true for the fire-type fire burner, which can burn you to death, but it can't kill you immediately. It can be extinguished by rolling on the ground a few times.

Facing these white bone skeletons, I don't even know if I can kill one of them, let alone five here, and I don't know if Ji Shaohan can come again, and who can stand it a few more times.

"My big turtle, is this undead magic? Five undead come out at a time, how can you fight this one-on-one?"

"This is not necessarily the case. Now Deng Le and Li Shijie have just awakened for less than a year, and magic has just been able to be defeated naturally, but in the later stage, they can attack the caster by crossing the undead, so they should be able to fight."

"How do you know that there are no other moves in the late stage of the undead system? Get ten or eight out, let three or four hit you, and keep three or four for protection. Your thunder system can beat it?"

It wasn't them who played, but the discussion was well-founded and convincing.

Ji Shaohan held up the picture book with the apology written on it, and pointed it at Deng Le, with a bulging face, which was rather cute. But Deng Le couldn't laugh. Asking him to apologize in front of so many people would be tantamount to killing him. It is impossible for a person like him who is extremely conceited to apologize.

But fight, he can't fight, escape, he doesn't want to end up with the reputation of running away.

"You...don't push yourself too hard." Deng Le gritted his teeth, he was stuck on a tiger now.

But Ji Shaohan still held the drawing book and silently protested. She didn't move, but these skeleton soldiers didn't think so. The five skeleton soldiers took a step forward, which scared Deng Le back three steps.

"Hmph, you use magic to intimidate others in the street, you really think no one can cure you, right? The fire burns!" A man's voice came from the school gate, and then a fireball accurately hit the front of the bone skeleton of three.

The flames were like gangrene, burning along the bones like a virus, burning all the way until finally covering the entire skeleton and burning all three skeletons to ashes.

"I'm going! This is the second-level magic of the fire system, which can ignite incombustible objects like human bones. Who made the move!?"

A path was parted from the crowd, and a man wearing a middle school uniform and a middle part came out from the school gate.

"Brother Qi!" When Deng Le saw someone coming, he immediately ran over like a dog. If it wasn't for the crowd, he might have hugged his thigh.

"Deng Qi! A sophomore in high school, third in grade!!" Someone recognized a man named Deng Qi with a middle score.

"What's wrong with the third one? Look at the first one in the first year of high school."

"It's different. After the second year of high school, the exam was not a written test, but a test of magic, the release speed of magic, the level of magic, and the strength of magic power. This third is the real third. It's a test."

Zhaohua took a step forward, blocking Ji Shaoan who jumped from being burned by the fire. Although there were still two skeletons, Ji Shaoan, who only had the first-level magic, would definitely not be able to defeat Deng, who could already use the second-level fire. strange. This matter started because of him, there is no reason for a girl to be in front.

Zhao Hua said to Ji Shao silently: "Take the undead first."

Ji Shao nodded silently, dispelled the undead magic, and the remaining two skeletons went back to the crack that appeared in the ground, and the ground closed again, as if nothing had happened, except for the three piles of burnt ashes on the ground, which proved that it did happen matter.

Because of Ji Shao's silence, Zhaohua has investigated undead magic. The first level of undead magic is the generation of undead, which is a simple magic that animates the bones of the dead. Mana is fuel, and the strength of undead is very weak. An adult man can fight hand-to-hand. win.

After the second level, it began to surpass the power of human beings. The first-level second-level undead magic body structure can transform and strengthen the body of the undead, making the undead stronger. At this time, ordinary humans cannot beat the undead.

Fighting with the second-level fire system depends on how many skeletons of the undead can be generated in the place at that time. Like now, it is good luck to have five at a time, and normally two or three are not bad.

"It's so majestic. Undead magic. The country expressly prohibits all mages from using magic in public. You not only use it, but also threaten others. Do you think that you will be invincible after awakening the undead system?" Deng Qi raised his hands and looked at it arrogantly. Ji Shaohan and Zhaohua.

Without Deng Le's introduction, Deng Qi also knew these two people. He awakened the summoning system and the undead system in one awakening. Let alone him, the entire city knew these two people.

"Speaking of using magic on the street, if you accidentally throw your fire and burn bones and fall into the crowd, the result will be these three piles of ashes at your feet. The crime of endangering public safety, do you want me to give you some science?" When it comes to discussing knowledge, Deng Qi can't beat Zhaohua even with his mobile phone.

"What a sharp-tongued brat, don't leave today if you and that dumb don't apologize to my cousin." Deng Qi waved his hand, and five people in school uniforms came from behind and surrounded him. The three of Zhaohua were killed.

Moreover, all five of them had magical rays of light appearing, and they seemed to be senior students, at least they could release magic.

These five people showed a sneer, they don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, they dare to provoke even Deng Qi's two brothers, and the interruption of their hands and feet is light. Buried, no one will know.

They were all sorcerers, it was no big deal to kill someone who had just awakened by mistake, and the Deng family would take care of them.

Zhaohua was a little speechless. Although he was hated before, he had never tried to be like this. It seems that after becoming a mage, the dark side of many people's hearts has been magnified by power.

"Principal Qiu!"

"The principal is here."

"Hi principal."

Fortunately, this is the school gate. The school's senior management did let Li Shijie and Deng Le go, but things changed when Ji Shaoan used the magic of the undead, so Principal Qiu came to stop it.

"What's the matter, everyone is blocking the door. It's time for school, and everyone should remember to review what they learned today when they go home. Students who still have meditation time remember to use up the meditation time. Got it."

Principal Qiu walked up to Zhaohua and the other three, and said with a gratified smile, "It's a very good undead magic, and it's beautifully cast. Student Ji Shaohan, you have lived up to the principal's expectations of you."

Principal Qiu just patted Zhaohua on the shoulder, turned and left without saying anything.

Deng Qi and the others left without doing anything after uttering a few harsh words, and the matter naturally ended like this.

At night, in the magic store of Zhao's house, a small team of hunters and mages who looked like they were picking out training resources and magic tools.

"Oh, they are all so expensive."

The store salesman said with a polite but awkward smile: "The mortal magic equipment that can resist the attack of slave-level monsters only sells for 300,000, which is really the cheapest. You can go to other magic stores to see, or even Even slave attacks cannot be completely resisted, or it will be more expensive, our boss is also a hunter, and we all understand everyone's situation, so the price has always been the cost price."

In the beginning, several hunters and mages were able to deal with a single slave demon. After a round of seven deductions, each person got only ten thousand or a few thousand. Hundreds of thousands of magic tools would take a long time to afford. .

After thinking for a while, the head of the hunting group sighed and shook his head. If he borrowed money from the bank, he could barely pay it off, but if something happened to him, his family would be in debt.

In fact, mages don't have the brilliance they imagined, and they are powerful mages.

"Help me with one thing, I will give you this magic tool."

Suddenly, a very young and even a little immature voice came from the second floor.

"Master Zhaohua! So I didn't even notice you in the store." The salesmen on the first floor were all surprised. They were all on the first floor. How did Zhaohua get to the second floor?

A few hunter mages were startled, and looked at the teenagers who came down from the second floor. They were all from Congcheng. No one had heard of Zhaolang's genius son. His father was invincible in Congcheng. Both, and handsome!

The head of the hunting group quickly asked: "I don't know what Master Hua needs us to do?"

Three hundred thousand! Say it and send it!

Zhaohua took out a few photos and threw them on the table, saying, "Let them lie in the hospital for a few days."

Zhao Hua left the shop straight away without leaving any other words, as if this was not even a trivial matter, and an ordinary mortal magic tool was nothing more than that.

In fact, the same is true. Zhaohua has been threatened many times since he was a child. Don't leave after school, walk carefully. In the eyes of Zhaohua, a true genius, he didn't even think about these things.

Different people see things differently.

It's the same this afternoon, Zhaohua's identity is placed there, even if he raises his hand and walks over, if he beats them, they will immediately persuade them. What they want is a majestic and arrogant demeanor. , They also know that some people really cannot be offended.

Zhaohua understood it very well, but Zhaohua didn't expect that Ji Shaoan was so stupid and so stubborn.

Zhaohua lives too clearly. Living too clearly is not necessarily a good thing sometimes. When life loses challenges, it will lose too much fun.

It's just that today he seems to be a little interested.

But only a little bit.

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