Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1306 Baidi 】

The five hidden magic families on Wuyue Mountain can be seen from their surnames, which are basically the surnames that once dominated this continent. After all, the system in ancient times was a centralized system, not the current situation where a hundred flowers bloom and thousands of families contend.

And these five families have a common mission from ancient times to the present, to protect the country.

They are not of the same period, they are gathered together simply because of like-mindedness.

It was against this background that the Twin Souls Project was born.

In the Huashan Great Hall, many people came with the elders of the family. Looking at this ancient hall and the portraits of the emperors in the upper hall of the hall that were hazy by the smoke and fire, people suddenly feel relaxed and happy, unconsciously It can be brought back a lot of past events.

"The layout here is exquisite, in line with the laws of the formation, it will make people calm down, recall some memorable past events, and give people a feeling of going back to the past."

"No wonder, I just remembered something from the national competition."

After Jiang Shaoxu heard his father's explanation, he understood why he suddenly remembered the scene of competing in the national competition six years ago.

Jiang Shaoxu thought it was because she followed Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan to explore the mysterious feather totem not long ago, which reminded her of some things.

Just a few days ago, Mo Fan got the clue of the mysterious feather totem, and took Jiang Shaoxu, Zhao Manyan, Lingling, Xinxia, ​​and Mu Bai to Lanyang City, which fell a year ago. Occupied by the Shark Demon Kingdom.

It is worth mentioning that during this expedition, Zhao Manyan obtained a baby silver shark by relying on a simple temporary contract ring given to him by Father Zhao.

A few days ago, Zhao Manyan contacted Zhaohua and Jiang Yu on WeChat, asking what kind of species it was.

As a result, Zhaohua and Jiang Yu agreed that this is a silver snow shark with high pedigree. Normal cultivation can reach the strength of a little monarch, second only to the Flame Fairy clan. If some special resources can be provided, maybe it will be able to rise again. One step to reach the middle monarch.

The words of the great monarch are basically impossible, unless there is a great opportunity, it is possible, and the words of the supreme monarch are not a great opportunity, only a chance that happens once in a thousand years is possible.

However, Zhao Hua pointed out a bright path for Zhao Manyan, and asked Yin Xuesha to follow Ba Xia, gaining some power of totem.

After all, Zhao Manyan does not have a summoning system, that is, he is now relying on the contractual power of a magic tool to restrain Baby Silver Snow Shark, and shark people, sea monsters, are an extremely vicious species just like the sea dragon. Now Silver Snow Shark It was still a newly hatched juvenile, once it reached the commanding level, the ring would no longer be able to restrain the silver snow shark.

So Zhaohua suggested that Zhao Manyan try to use Baxia's totem vessel to restrain it, and rely on Baxia's deterrence to prevent the silver snow shark from rebelling.

After all, Zhao Manyan is basically raised as a tame animal now.

Jiang Shaoxu is now undoubtedly the pillar of the Jiang family, and has taken over the mission of his brother Jiang Shaojun to continue to study totems, so he often hangs out with Mo Fan and others.

She is now a super-level psychic mage, and Jiang Shaoxu is majoring in the psychic system. No other department has a super-level, but the psychic system has reached the third level of super-level.

She is going one-way.

Jiang Shaoxu glanced at the opposite side. She also guessed that Mu Dao would bring Mu Tingying over, but she didn't expect that even Nanrong Ni was there.

The younger generation of the Mu family was basically disconnected. Jiang Shaoxu received the information that Mu Ningxue and Mo Fan killed Mu Pangshan at the beginning. After breaking into the cold palace, all her cultivation bases are lost, and her voice disappears. The other was directly shot by Mu Ningxue.

So now the Mu family counts and counts, and the younger generation of mages who can get it are only Mu Tingying and Nanrong Ni from the Nan Rong family who is attached to the Mu family.

The decline of the family is really visible to the naked eye.

Both Mu Tingying and Nanrong Ni are super-ranked, but only one series of super-ranked ones. For ordinary super-orders, they are already very talented, at least they can afford a genius.

Many super-level mages do not reach super-level until they are in their thirties or forties. They are only twenty-seven or eight years old, and they are super fast.

Mu Tingying and Nan Rongni also saw Jiang Shaoxu, but the three of them were not very friendly, nor did they have any serious enmity, but they basically parted ways after the national competition, and they seldom contacted each other on WeChat.

On the contrary, the Zhao family, which was originally a business family, has faintly surpassed the Mu family, who is good at magic power, because the Zhao family has a fierce man, Zhao Jing.

And this time it was Zhao Jing who came to Huashan. Zhao Jing came alone, and he also had such capital. The current Patriarch Zhao Youqian didn't even think about coming.

He possesses the world's leading Datianlei, and is also the apprentice of Duanmulin, the eighth-ranked holy mage in the domestic celestial list.

The four families of Qin, Liu, Li, and Bai are already occupied, and the Bai family is the most special, because the other four families are hidden from the world. The daily routine is to go to the Qinling Mountains and the Yellow River to eliminate demons as an experience.

But the Bai family is the opposite. On the contrary, they are relatively high-profile, and they also have their own collateral in Shanghai.

Bai Tingting, who had a crush on Mo Fan and ended up falling out, and Bai Hongfei, Mo Fan's student, are members of the Bai family, but this time the younger generation of the Bai family is also more interesting. They were once Mo Fan when he was in school. Bai Zangfeng, the mid-level Thunderbolt, scared the shit out of his urine.

Baizangfeng should be the weakest one in the field. He has just reached super-level, and he hasn't even released super-level magic yet.

Tang Zhong and Tang Yue belonged to the Hangzhou totem guardian family, Ying Yan's father Ying Tian, ​​Ying Yan and Du Long'er, and the Lu family was Granny Lu alone.

Nine out of ten of the younger mages present were related to Zhaohua or Mo Fan, but it was normal. Birds of a feather flocked together and people were divided into groups. The people present were at least ordinary geniuses, and it was normal to be able to contact each other.

Seeing that everyone was present, Xuanyuan Changfei stood up and said in a majestic voice: "Thank you to the representatives of the major magic families for coming to Huashan to discuss the Tao this time."

"I believe that everyone has already felt how serious the harm of the sea monster natural disaster is. Our Five Sacred Family has always been committed to protecting the country. This time, we invite you to the magic family with the leading magic power in China. We hope that you will agree and support our plan."

"Concentrate all the magic families in the ancient capital and build a huge fortified city."

Jiang Tiansheng couldn't help frowning, and questioned: "You mean to abandon the four base cities along the coast?"

Xuanyuan Changfei nodded and said: "After the exploration of our family's children, the demon country in the Pacific Ocean is too large. We have no chance of winning in the coastal area. We should retreat inland, abandon the outlying cities, and minimize casualties."

Jiang Tiansheng couldn't help but fell silent.

The vastness of the ocean is completely beyond human imagination. The entire ocean accounts for 71% of the world's area. Jiang Tiansheng has also explored deep into the Pacific Ocean. He has explored as many as 30 demon countries.

But the problem is that more places are forbidden places that humans cannot enter. For example, the Bermuda Triangle, the five largest blue holes in the world, and the Mariana Trench, the deepest black ocean forbidden zone.

The Kraken Kingdom in the four oceans is roughly estimated to be more than one hundred, and the number of emperors is far more than one hundred. How do humans win?

Thanks【20201028140814648】【Ning】【Minor】【hy827】【Sword Xiaoyao】【You Moreley Me】【20200404203453471】【School Spirit】【Smile】【Fate Street】【Fate】【Unscrupulous Cabbage】 【吹伟的DER】【Jie】*2【Li Xiaoxiang】*2【Li】*2【i Fantasy Yy】*2【20210224000643868】*2【Listen to the wind and the rain】*2【Okay, don’t talk if you understand A]*3[Motianhen]*3[Pengcheng Wanli K]*3[luke, standard]*3[Quercus at night]*4[Autumn Maple]*4[stinkfishrottenshrip]*4[201704081937592019]*9 monthly pass.

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Come on the hour with the monthly pass at the beginning of the month? d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b

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