Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1313 Blue Sky Sacred Dragon Formation

Boom, thump, thump, thud, Xuanyuan Jun fell from the air, retreated several steps, his clothes were already stained red with blood! The branch pierced through the magic armor, pierced Xuanyuan Jun's chest, and almost pierced Xuanyuan Jun's body.

The God Realm of the Xuanyuan Army was able to evade all attacks, but it was still stabbed.

Not to mention ordinary magic, even ordinary forbidden magic can't hurt him in God's Domain. For example, Xi Zhe's forbidden light spell Tianguo Beihong can't hit him. Tianguo Beihong is the most common type of forbidden magic. up.

But Zhaohao was a hit, and Zhaohao's shadow-type forbidden curse magic Shura Dao, Asura, also broke the Xuanyuan Army's God's Domain, and the power of the two's God's Domain and Forbidden Curse Magic is also quite different.

Zhaohao knew that ordinary magic would not be very effective for the Xuanyuan Army who possessed this kind of divine domain, and the best way to break Xuanyuan Army's divine domain was to use close-up attacks, physical attacks.

After reaching the Forbidden Curse, the mage is no longer afraid of melee combat. The Forbidden Curse mage can already manipulate magic like an arm and finger, so under Zhaohao's sword, he still pierced his chest!

Looking at the wound on his chest, Xuanyuan Jun couldn't help shaking his head helplessly, and sighed, "I admit defeat."

Zhao Hao will definitely not kill him. Now that the Kraken natural disaster is so serious, the loss of one Forbidden Magician will be extremely harmful to the country, the world and human beings, let alone such a powerful Forbidden Magician.

The cultivation corruption on Xuanyuan Jun's body had already been taken back by Zhaohao. Not only did he defeat Xuanyuan Jun just now, but he also took back the power of darkness in his body.

Zhao Hao put away his God Domain Shura Dao and landed beside Zhao Hua.

Zhaohao's God's Domain is Shura Dao. In his God's Domain, Zhaohao will become more courageous as he fights, and the more he is injured, the more ferocious his magic is, which is specially used to fight back with blood.

Asura with a sword soaring to the sky is his shadow-type forbidden curse magic, and Zhaohao's divine talent is the incarnation of Shura, allowing him to absorb the opponent's magic energy and blood to replenish himself after all his magic attacks hit.

Zhaohao coughed twice and asked, "Ahem, how do you feel?"

It turned out that Zhaohao was showing off his magic on purpose. Now that his son has grown up, his strength is not even inferior to his own. Zhaohao missed the time to teach Zhaolang, so he hopes to teach his grandson.

Zhaohua took the branch from Zhaohao's hand, took it back to the Tianguan Zilin sapling and said, "Unfathomable."

At least Zhaohua can speak out the inscrutable, but other disciples from the Huashan lineage and the Five Sacred Mountains are completely unable to understand. The only thing they could understand was that Xuanyuan Army, the Forbidden Curse Mage who was once regarded as a god by them, was defeated.

"How is it possible... the old man is a forbidden curse mage who can compete with the emperor."

"The old man unexpectedly lost, and he lost in just two or three moves."

At this time, their faces were all pale. Although the Wuyue family is very powerful, there are also forbidden curse mages, but there are not many forbidden curse mages. This Xuanyuan army is already the most powerful, but he was still easily defeated.

If this person like the evil ghost Shura hit them like this, they would definitely be wiped out, and their souls would be wiped out.

In the minds of the Huashan disciples, the person who carved the insult here at the beginning is a world enemy, although they don't know how to take over the hatred.

Now I am afraid that the other party is here for revenge.

Xuanyuan Jun came after a simple bandage: "I lost, what do you want?"

Xuanyuan Jun is also the one who knows the ins and outs of the past. The seven angels have already changed. The goddesses of the Parthenon Temple 60 years ago are all dead. Zhao Hao is definitely not here because he wants to deal with the Holy City. .

Zhaohao looked at his grandson, and Zhaohua also understood, took a step forward, stretched out his hand with a just right smile and said, "Hello, Mr. Jun, I am Zhaohua, the deputy chief judge of Yaodu."

Xuanyuan Jun couldn't help being suspicious when he looked at the handsome, extraordinary young man with the right smile. How could Zhao Hao, a big bastard, have such a grandson? ? Mutated?

Zhaohua said straight to the point: "I want to meet the head of Huashan Mountain, and I want to borrow the Qingxin Spring. Of course, I can exchange it with a Xinghai Tianmai."

Zhaohua is really rich, and the achievements he made in several Kraken wars allowed him to mobilize a lot of resources.

Xuanyuan Jun shook his head with a smile and said: "You don't need Xinghai Tianmai, you must have seen the opportunity of our Dao competition and the winner can enter the Jingxin Spring."

Zhaohua just smiled, he did not deny that he had indeed set his sights on this place early in the morning, and knew when it was best to enter the Jingxin Spring through Project Bee.

"How can Jingxin Spring allow outsiders to enter casually, let alone the descendants of the people who insulted us in Huashan! Elder Jun, how can you convince the public by doing this!"

At this time, several people flew from the other side, and the one who took the lead was naturally Xuanyuan Changfei.

Xuanyuan Changfei felt the aura of forbidden curse magic, so he brought people over, but he didn't expect to hear that the person who engraved the word "waste" came to make trouble again when he arrived.

Xuanyuan Changfei's face darkened, and he said coldly to Zhaohua: "I don't care if you are from the Judgment Society or what, Huashan has always belonged to our Xuanyuan clan from ancient times to the present, even if generations change, Huashan remains the same. It only belongs to our Xuanyuan clan, especially Jingxin Spring."

When Zhaohao heard this, his veins popped up immediately, and he said with a fierce look on his face, "Ah?! What if I don't!"

When did he, Zhaohao, need other people's consent to do something, and if he couldn't do it, he could call him. Anyway, he's used to being a hooligan. Since ancient times, the weak have preyed on the strong. Since you have said that this place is not under the jurisdiction of the state, don't blame the state laws for not protecting you.

Originally, Zhaohao didn't care much about his grandson's use of Xinghai Tianmai. After all, his grandson has been educated, and it is a good thing to be educated. It seems that their old Zhao family is not all unreasonable.

But everyone agrees to the forbidden curse, and you, a super-level person, came out to oppose it? Xuanyuan Changfei's words made Zhaohao's eyes turn cold.


Xuanyuan Changfei showed murderous intent in his eyes, and said coldly: "At the beginning, Huashan let you succeed only because of the twin soul plan, but today you don't want to make trouble again, if you want to make trouble yourself, then don't blame us!"

"Activate the mountain protection formation, Qingtian Sacred Dragon Formation! Let's go!"

Ho ho! ! ! A blue mist suddenly emerged from Mount Hua, and the mist circled like a huge blue dragon, surrounding the entire Huashan.

The Golden Green Sunflower Formation was crucial for the Holy City to defeat the evil armor Zhankong the Dead Emperor.

The layout of formations is also the key to human beings' ability to fight against demons, because formations can store mana energy and exert more majestic power than forbidden magic.

"Those who dare to come to Huashan to make trouble have happened twice in the past thousand years, and both times are from your surname Zhao. It seems that you really treat our Huashan as a soft persimmon, and you can handle it casually."

Xuanyuan Changfei pointed at Zhaohua and said, "Even if you are the vice president of the Judgment Council today, you still don't want to leave here!"

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