Full-time Summoner

Chapter 132 Am I a flesh body?

When Zhaohua quit the spiritual world, he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. He felt the wind for the first time. For some reason, he actually remembered the first time when his spirit entered the summoning plane. It seemed that the same wind , also has a sweet taste.

But in the next second, he realized that he was wrong. It wasn't that he felt the wind was wrong, but that he was falling, the kind of falling that he did when he was skydiving without an umbrella or bungee jumping without a rope.


The pressure from the rapid fall caused severe body pain, and at the same time Zhaohua was frantically asking 'where is this' in his mind! ! ! !

Zhaohua opened his eyes. It was a world he had never seen before. Looking down from the sky, there are endless mountains and forests here. In the distance, there is a huge mountain that is as high as the sky. A little farther is the horizon. Zhaohua swears with his authority as a top student that this is definitely not a certain place on the earth, not the world he is familiar with.

Zhaohua hurriedly looked down, there were some buildings on the ground, but not many, and the style of these buildings was very simple, all built in the mountains.

And the terrain is very strange, because from Zhaohua's current perspective, it looks like a tower looking down from the top, but if you look closely, you will find that it is made up of thousands of mountains. The closer to the center, the more the building looks like. Not many, and Zhaohua also saw creatures moving. Calculated according to the distance estimated by Zhaohua, the size of those creatures may be unimaginably large.

But the closest thing to him is not a tower made of mountains, but an island floating in the sky. Zhaohua, with mountains and lakes on it, and "high above" looks like a beautiful landscape oil painting. If Zhaohua doesn't change direction, then he will crash into the island at a smashing speed.

"Dimensional call!"

Zhaohua endured the pain in his body, the squeezing of his internal organs, and used summoning magic, not to mention so much, to call out Xiaofengcan, who can control the wind and let him land safely.

but. . . . The magic failed, the seven stars appeared, and the magic energy was input, but the dimensional summoning of the summoning system did not activate, and the dimensional crack did not appear.

"what happened!!!"

Zhaohua collapsed today. Nothing was normal when he met today. The second element he thought was shattered by a book, and then he awakened the second summoning element. Now he came to a The strange thing is that I have never fallen from an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and I can't even activate magic.

Cracked, common sense is cracking! !


Just when Zhaohua was about to start the revolving door, a familiar and touching voice came from his ear, Zhaohua turned his head and almost cried.

Cry, tears will not fall at this time.

"Little Fengcan! Good niece, help!!"

"Xi, hoo~~~"

Xiao Fengcan froze for a moment, then remembered that Zhaohua couldn't fly, and hurriedly controlled the wind to slow Zhaohua down. But the little wind silkworm came too late, and the speed would not be able to counteract it for a while.

boom! Overboard. Fortunately, Xiaofengcan has advanced to the Warrior level, and his strength has been greatly increased and his speed has been greatly reduced. Otherwise, if he dives at Zhaohua's initial speed, even with water as a buffer, he will be smashed to pieces.

Zhaohua noticed that he must have fallen into a lake. Zhaohua opened his eyes in the lake, and there were some fish around him that he didn't even know. They stopped swimming and looked at Zhaohua curiously. Zhaohua also saw a fish. The blue foxes were swimming in the water. One person and one fox just met their eyes. The blue fox was startled and then swam deeper.

Gulu Gulu, ha! Fortunately, Zhaohua can swim, so he floated to the surface and took a deep breath. Just now he experienced falling to death from a high altitude and drowning to death.


Xiao Fengcan held Zhaohua's hand, and dragged Zhaohua out of the lake with the help of the wind and the wings on his back. Because of military training, Zhaohua had clothes inside his watch, so he would not have no clothes to change, but compared to changing clothes, Now Zhaohua wants to know where this place is.

And this question is best asked to Xiaofengcan.

"Little Fengcan, do you know where this is?" Zhaohua asked seriously, with no expression on his face.

"Xi?" Xiao Fengcan was stunned for a moment and tilted his head, but that wasn't an expression of ignorance, but that he didn't understand why you asked such a question. You came here yourself. You don't know where you are. here.

"Xi, Xi Xi!" Xiao Fengcan replied truthfully.

Although Zhaohua was mentally prepared, he still looked up at the sky, with an expression of being a stranger.

When Zhaohua frantically recalled why he came to this place in the air and in the water, combined with some details and Xiaofengcan's answer just now, he knew where this place was.

Summon plane.

It's nothing to come to summon the plane, he has been here more than once. The spirit body of the summoner can enter the summoning plane, but the summoner who has bound the dimensional summoned beast will be extremely vulnerable to attack, resulting in mental injury.

In addition to contracting Xiaofengcan for the first time, Zhaohua also came here twice, that is, when Xiaofengcan first advanced, he wanted to see Xiaofengcan, but both times he was distracted mentally and physically after coming in. . He also confirmed one thing, that is, he came in to summon the plane in the form of a spirit body, could fly, and his own form was different from the first time.

It's just that at that time Zhaohua thought that the place where Xiaofengcan was located was special, and he came twice but couldn't find Xiaofengcan, and couldn't contact him, so he didn't have too much doubt.

It's different now, now Zhaohua understands, this time is the same as the first time, he came to the summoning plane with a physical body, not a spiritual body, and it is most likely because of the Book of Moonlight.

Recalling that when I was about to withdraw from the spiritual world, the Book of Moonlight was still open. That's why Zhaohua failed to use Dimensional Summoning just now, because Dimensional Summoning is used to open the magic that leads to the summoning plane.

Fortunately, it was also because he activated the magic that Xiao Fengcan knew that he was coming, so he was able to come over, which was a blessing in disguise.

Zhaohua murmured to himself: "I am not the first to come to the Summoning Plane with a spiritual body."

"You just know?"

Zhao Hua knew who it was, Feng Ling, just by hearing the voice. A great god who pierces the sky with a flick of a finger.

Feng Ling was still the same as before, her clothes hadn't changed at all, she was still wearing a green dress, and there was a hint of ghost in her eyes.

With a light wave of Feng Ling's little hand, all the water on Zhaohua's body was taken away, and Zhaohua was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. Now that he is in the flesh, the other party can really wave his hands and crush him to ashes.

"Don't be afraid, if you want to kill you, you will die the first time we meet, not to mention that you have signed a life-and-death contract with Xiaofengcan."

Xiao Fengcan was very happy to see Feng Ling, and danced on Zhaohua's shoulders. This was the second time Xiaofengcan saw Zhaohua at her home, and she felt like entertaining her favorite big brother to play at her home.

Zhaohua looked at the cute little windworm like an elf, and asked, "Is it not hurt?"

Feng Ling shook his head and said, "No, it was just forced out of your spiritual world, and you were not injured."

Feng Ling narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at Zhao Hua with a hint of curiosity in her eyes, but in the end she didn't ask what could force Xiao Fengcan out of the spiritual world, that power is not simple.

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