Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1357 Hua Zhanhong's strategy

Zhang Xiaohou glanced at the area behind the Insect-Man Zhaohua indiscriminately.

This light-type forbidden curse is very different from the forbidden curse formation used to deal with the Dragon King Ant.

The area behind the Insect Man Zhaohua wasn't even destroyed, the trees were still there, and they weren't blown away, which was very different from the original Forbidden Curse Formation.

Zhang Xiaohou didn't know whether it was because of the formation, or because of the different types and attributes of the forbidden spell, but this light forbidden spell plus the previous experience of walking under the forbidden spell gave Zhang Xiaohou a little understanding of the forbidden spell. Know.

It is estimated that Mo Fan, Mu Bai and others did not expect that Zhang Xiaohou was faster than them, the first Bocheng native to comprehend the forbidden curse and step into the semi-forbidden curse.

Zhang Xiaohou didn't go in either, it was obvious that Zhaohua was here to stop the trespassers. This time it is likely to be the task of the Tribunal, because the mission of the Trial Council is different from that of the Military Mage. The Trial Council is responsible for dealing with mages who endanger society, while the Military Mage is responsible for demons.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Zhang Xiaohou didn't force his way, and saluted again.

Insect-man Zhaohua nodded with a smile, but said nothing.

After Zhang Xiaohou and others walked away, Zhaohua straightened the right hand that was carried behind his back, and on the right hand of the insect man twisted the head of Duanmulin who was dying.

The worm-man doesn't need Duan Mulin to be alive, as long as his brain and the spiritual world inside are still there, the worm-man doesn't need Duan Mulin's body. And Zhao Hua also didn't like Duan Mulin alive.

This kind of mage who betrayed mankind, and he was also a mage of forbidden curse, Zhaohua would kill all of them. Mu Rong was controlled by the Siren God Clan. Although he himself said that he had no choice but to go to the Antarctic Continent, he was not the only one. Everyone else died in battle, but he survived.

As long as Zhaohua is not stupid, he understands that other people would rather die than surrender, only Mu Rong and the other Huo Bo, who are not firm in their will, are controlled by the brains of the siren protoss.

Unfortunately, Hua Zhanhong was the one who caught Mu Rong. If it was Zhao Hua, he would kill Mu Rong directly, and then let the worms read Mu Rong's memory.

What Hua Zhanhong kept Mu Rong meant was that in the face of the sea monster's natural disaster, one more curse is better than one less. The Egyptian side also has the same meaning, and Hopper keeps it to fight against the demons.

Of course, Hua Zhanhong didn't know that there was such a powerful bugman in Zhaohua.

Rushing, the rustling sound of the Zergman's right hand, micron deformed black worms that are as small as dust gushed out from the skin. Now it can't be called a rice grain black worm, because it is only micron in size now.

These micron-deformed black bugs wrapped Duan Mulin's head and swallowed it into the bugman's body.

The bugman looked up at the pair of eagle eyes in the sky, it was the ancient feather emperor, it had been looking at the bugman. This is also the reason why the ancient Yuhuang didn't rush to attack.

This forbidden spell was actually released by a demon! This made Yuhuang hesitate.

There are many examples of humans turning into monsters. Khufu is an example. Khufu is already a monster. He will not be treated as a human mage in the monster area.

The insect man showed a faint smile, and said: "A hundred flowers bloom - change flowers for trees."

The bugman slowly merged into the trees until finally disappeared.

The bugman is becoming more and more proficient in using human magic. If it doesn't deliberately show that it is a bugman, even the ancient feather emperor with eagle eyes can't tell the difference, and he can't see clearly.

And the ancient Yuhuang also saw that the plant-type Forbidden Curse Mage died at the hands of the bugman.

There is no doubt that this is something the demon is happy to see.

A few days later, in the swimming pool of the big villa on the outskirts of Cong Chengzhao's house, a girl with beautiful royal blue long hair was swimming in a lovely lace swimsuit.

Although her swimming style is undoubtedly that of a beginner, she learns quickly and enjoys swimming. Swim in the pool like a fish.

Oh, no, she is a fish, her lower body is a blue fish tail, and the scales on the fish tail are shining with the light of gemstones.

The blue-tailed carp, it has finally successfully advanced to the level of the monarch, and has become a blue-tailed mermaid that is extremely rare even to summon the plane.

This is the first time for the blue-tailed carp to swim in a human posture, freestyle with a tail, which should be called mermaid swimming.

Now the blue-tailed carp can be regarded as Zhaohua's foreign aid summoned beast, and the high-level beast tide summons the designated summoned beast, and does not charge any summoning fee.

This is also what the blue-tailed carp promised Zhaohua. As long as it can help it advance, the blue-tailed carp will be Zhaohua's cheat.

The way to advance the blue-tailed carp is also extremely difficult. At the beginning, the Jingxin Spring in Huashan was not enough for the blue-tailed carp to advance. In the end, the blue-tailed carp finally advanced after visiting all the holy places of practice in the Five Mountains. It can be said that the blue-tailed carp It is an advanced monarch who has gathered the power of the five mountains.

However, the effect is also very significant. The blue-tailed carp has rushed to the little monarch, and the blue-tailed carp is not ignored like Mo Fan's old wolf in the summoning plane. accelerate.

Blue Star Fox curled up on the sun lounger, enjoying the sunshine.

Zizizi! A small jet of water sprayed over, moistening Lan Xinghu's face.

The nine tails were all wet by the water, and the blue-tailed carp in the pool covered its mouth and snickered, like a little girl who succeeded in a prank.

Hoo hoo! ! ! Boom! Blue Star Fox angrily poured up all the water in the pool, and slapped the blue-tailed mermaid heavily, making her dizzy and floating on the water surface, and the two summoned beasts of the water system began to make noise.

Inside the house, Zhaohua was sitting in the study dealing with matters related to the Trial Council when he went to Mount Hua.

The most serious thing is that the first Chinese army went to the depths of the Pacific Ocean to investigate the Dragon King Ant Emperor's deeds, and was severely injured by the Dragon King Ant Emperor, and is now trapped on the island of Hawaii.

The chief of the Hua army declared to the outside world that he was spying on information, investigating the truth, and inquiring about the whereabouts of the Dragon King Ant Emperor. In fact, he brought his elite subordinates to attack the Dragon King Ant Emperor.

But it was still found out by the Dragon King Ant Emperor, and finally turned into a shocking battle.

Zhaohua learned from the information sent back from the subordinates of the Huajun Chief who stayed in the imperial capital that the Huajun Chief actually thought that not only Mu Rong was a ghost, but also other forbidden curse mages must be controlled by the sea monster brain.

So he deliberately announced to the outside world that he went alone to inquire about information. Even the three of Mo Fan only knew that the leader of the Huajun was there to inquire about information, but in fact they brought elites with them and planned to use the inner ghost to lure out the Dragon King Ant Emperor and kill him.

As a result, the Dragon King Ant Emperor really came to intercept and kill Hua Zhanhong, and finally a battle broke out between the Dragon King Ant Empire and Hua Zhanhong's team. In the end, Hua Zhanhong was seriously injured and hid in Hawaii to heal his injuries, and the Dragon King Ant Emperor was also seriously injured and healed in the Hawaiian waters.

They don't want to let go of their opponents.

Naturally, Duan Mulin, as a curse mage, also knew when Hua Zhanhong pretended to go alone. That is to say, Hua Zhanhong risked his own life and selected a group of people as suspects.

Similar to the guillotine plan in the ancient capital.

But this time, the guillotine can't be used to plan, because the Forbidden Curse Mage can't afford such casualties.

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