Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1361 Belonging to Mo Fan's Summon

"Skeleton Dragon!!!!"

The magic door behind Jiang Yu opened, and an old and majestic dragon's power gushed out from the door, and the ancient aura rushed over. Jiang Yu's magic door was completely different from Mo Fan's. The Dragon's Gate.

Wanlong Valley!

Summoning magic is extremely special magic, because in the final analysis it is actually a castrated magic, so each level of the summoning system actually has only one magic. The initial level is the summoning of the dimension, the middle level is the contract summoning, the high level is the summoning of the beast tide, and the super level is the summoning of the magic gate.

In essence, there is no distinction between one, two, and three levels. The second and third levels of summoning magic that I learned when I was in school were useless. They were added later. The second and third levels are said to enhance summoned beasts, but in fact they are It's nothing more than providing summoning magic power, but in the end it depends on summoning beasts.

The same is true for super-orders. The magic door itself has no distinction between strength and weakness. What you summon depends entirely on your own ability.

Although there is no distinction between strength and weakness, there is a distinction between difficulty and difficulty.

The ancient dragon gate of Wanlong Valley is more difficult to summon than the elf magic gate of the Thousand Clans Elf Tower, and requires more powerful mental power to stabilize the magic gate, which leads to the need for higher cultivation to summon creatures in Wanlong Valley Naturally, more powerful creatures can be summoned.

Therefore, by default, the summoner who can summon the ancient dragon gate is better than the summoner who can only summon the elf demon gate. No, because the conditions are too harsh.

Boom! With a bang, a giant foot broke through the door, and an endless breath of death poured out from the door. A black skeleton was covered all over, and a pair of dark bone dragons with huge bone wings spread out from the door.

For a moment, Mo Fan thought it was the Skeleton Lord of the Dead King of Eight Directions, but when he looked closely, he found that it was actually quite different. The Skeleton Lord was stronger than the skull dragon, and Jiang Yu's Skeleton Dragon was just the middle king. , the weakest king of all directions is also the great monarch.

Moreover, unlike Lord Skeleton Sha, this skull dragon has a very majestic dragon might.

Mo Fan exclaimed: "Hold the grass, the magic gate of Wanlong Valley! Jiang Yu, you are awesome."

Jiang Yu coughed twice, signaling Mo Fan to be humble and don't like it. But in fact, the heart has been ecstatic. In the past, it was always 'Grasshold, Mo Fan, you are too powerful. ’, ‘I’ll go, awesome Mo Fan. ’, ‘6666, Mo Fan took the lead, I’m already lying down. '

Now Jiang Yu finally heard Mo Fan say that he is awesome.

Isn't the purpose of enduring the boring practice is to gain the appreciation and approval of others!

Jiang Yu is even fantasizing that the next time he goes to Yaodu, he will let Zhaohua say that he is awesome! Then go to Ai Jiangtu.

Jiang Yu said modestly: "My bone dragon is incomparable to your totem, and it is also very good at critical moments. In fact, I have been a little lazy this year. I will work harder. If I work hard, I may be able to open the kingdom of subjugation." Beast Mound, or summon the Flame Winding Dragon"

Mo Fan asked: "You are very similar to the Lord Skeleton of the Dead Lord of the Eight Directions."

As soon as Jiang Yu heard it, he immediately became serious, like a school bully who heard some wrong opinions from a school dregs, corrected him and said: "This is not right, Master Li Shaming may have the same origin during his lifetime, but Master Li Shaming They are undead, and the skeleton bone dragon is a real dragon. There are only living dragons in the Valley of Ten Thousand Dragons, and they die when they die. The pride of the dragon clan does not allow them to become undead."

The Lord of the Underworld is the dead king of the eight directions, so he must be an undead. Although the bone dragon is made of bones and has no flesh and blood, this is because people have always looked like this, and there is no rule that dragons must have skin and scales. .

The creatures in Wanlong Valley must be dragons, undead dragons are undead, just like Long Yi, it looks like a dragon, but it is a dark creature, its energy comes from darkness, and the energy of undead also comes from darkness.

The essential difference between living things and dead things lies in whether they can reproduce the next generation.

There is no way for undead to give birth to small undead. The birth of undead does not depend on reproduction. As long as the conditions are right, it will become undead. Undead are created.

Needless to say about the reproduction of living things, living things are called living things because they are born.

With Jiang Yu's Bone Dragon participating in the battle, Ye Luosha and Xue Ji also returned to the contract space, accepting the accelerated recovery of Jiang Yu's summoning magic power, and take a breather.

Summoning mages are like this. After summoning a powerful summoned beast, they have nothing to do. They can even eat melon seeds on the battlefield with a little more heart.

That man is special.

Seeing that the situation was stabilizing, Mo Fan walked slowly towards the mouth of the valley, and said with a sigh of relief: "I'll take a break and use the summoning system. My fire and lightning magic energy consumes a bit, but I can only use the elf Demon Gate."

Seeing Jiang Yu summoning such a cool bone dragon, Mo Fan couldn't bear it any longer. He also wanted to see if he could break through.

Jiang Yu said: "You have also controlled the star palace of the summoning department? It's amazing, you have so many departments. Hurry up and summon an elf, and it's good to share a little bit."

Mo Fan nodded and began to construct a super-order summoning star palace.

Jiang Yu's eyelids twitched when he saw Mo Fan's star palace. It's not that Mo Fan is too powerful, it's that Mo Fan's summoning star palace is too bad, not to mention the slow speed, and the placement of the stars during the construction looks like a novice, the kind that has just been learned.

With a clicking sound, after Mo Fan completed the star palace, the star palace disappeared before the magic gate came out, because the silver thunder titan that the magic gate wanted to summon could not come out, so Mo Fan was very embarrassed, and the summoning failed!

Jiang Yu couldn't see it. Mo Fan's summoning system is too bad. I guess he didn't usually go to the Thousand Clans Elf Tower to say hello to those elf lords, visit them, give gifts during the New Year, and so on. I'm too lazy to talk to him.

"That... Mo Fan, why don't you let Little Flame Fairy or Old Wolf come out, you... you are kind of like that." Jiang Yu was cautious, not wanting to hurt Mo Fan's self-esteem.

"Let me try again!" Mo Fan got angry and got on the bar!

This time it intends to use fusion magic. The last time it summoned the Silver Thunder Titan, it used the thunder system to fuse the summoning system. At first, Mo Fan thought that everyone had established a deep friendship. Now look at it.

Good guy, it turned out that Mo Fan was wishful thinking on his own. He only came out to date him because Mo Fan was "a fool with a lot of money". When Mo Fan didn't give enough money, he immediately ignored him.

Although the magic energy is the same, the magic energy of the ordinary summoning system is the yen, and the summoning magic energy of the thunder system after fusion is the yuan for the Silver Thunder Titan.

Mo Fan just consumed a lot of thunder and fire mana, so this time Mo Fan didn't plan to use thunder and fire, but used his cultivation to surpass the fire and become the second brother's shadow system, Mo Fan After being cultivated in the Holy Spring of Xia Island, the Shadow Element has already reached the third level of super-order, which is not weaker than the Thunder Element.

"Fuck! Mo Fan, what are you doing!! Don't mess around!" Jiang Yu panicked when he saw the magic gate summoned by Mo Fan.

The fusion of the shadow and the summoning system, what emerges is a blood-drenched demon gate with the fusion of death lines, this demon gate is the real demon! Door!

Because Mo Fan opened the Dark Plane and connected to the Summoning Plane, which is exactly the same as Su Lu back then!

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