Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1365 Fighting with the sky and killing the earth

"Beast Grave of Subjugated Nations! Summon Beast Gate!"

With Pang Lai's roar, the huge moon-white star palace exploded immediately.

At this time, Pang Lai was in high spirits, tore off a piece of rag from his rags, and tied up his disheveled hair.

At this time, it was Mo Fan standing behind Pang Lai and looking at him in high spirits. Looking from the back, there was no old man faltering, nor was he bent over. What was just a man full of pursuit of magic and Dear Mage.

He, Pang Lai, the summoning mage who once dominated the entire country and dominated the entire country has returned, and he is still a teenager!

Mo Fan didn't know that to summon the spirits of the thousand clans and the real dragon of the Dragon Valley, it was enough to pay enough tribute, but to summon the creatures in the Beast Tomb of the Subjugated Kingdom, a story or even a real name was required to be summoned.

That is not something that can be summoned by ordinary people, and by chance, Pang Lai got a story about a monster beast that was called a god in ancient times in our country.

This story has a total of ten characters [Arguing with the sky, fighting with hell. 】

But this is only the first half of this monster's life, the story is not over yet, but what Pang Lai knows is only the first half. It was only the ten words in the first half that shocked Pang Lai, and he was also attracted by these ten words. He always wanted to summon this subjugated beast that didn't even know its name.

Pang Lai watched his celestial palace explode, instead of being depressed, he was quite excited, looking up at the sky like a teenage child.

A black abyss appeared in the sky, and the black abyss gate slowly devoured the surrounding space. The sky above the valley became a part of this black abyss. Even Mo Fan and the three major totems did not dare to look up at this time.

Because that monster does not allow anyone except Pang Lai to look directly at it.

"Arguing with heaven, fighting with hell... What the hell is this? What is old Pang Lai trying to summon!" Mo Fan felt a suppression from the sky, this is definitely an emperor!

Pang Lai looked up at the black abyss. In fact, even Pang Lai couldn't see the real face of the emperor. He could only see a pair of divine eyes in the black abyss, but he couldn't see the real face.

The pair of divine eyes were casted like gold, as hot and beautiful as the sun. It was hard for Pang Lai to imagine what kind of creature could use the pair of divine eyes.

"Mo Fan, did you know that every piece of land has a section of legendary creatures. Some of them are forgotten, some are buried in the thick soil of time, and some have been revered in the catalogues so far."

"You need to know its [real] story and [real] name before you are eligible to summon it, and you are eligible to see its true face. I only know one part of it, so it doesn't respond to my summons."

"I have never given up communicating with it for more than ten years, and the responses I have received are even more rare."

"And today! It...appeared! It was finally moved by my sincerity, by my fiery sincerity! It was willing to make a move for me!"

"Did you see that?"

Mo Fan really wanted to say to Pang Lai: I see a ghost!

At this moment, when the pair of golden pupils appeared, the entire void became extremely silent. Even if all sea monsters knew that they were enemies, they did not dare to make any noise at this moment. They were all captured by the creatures in the black abyss. suppressed.

Some of the monsters in the Beast Tomb of the Subjugated Kingdom are invincible creatures that once appeared in our world. These creatures had a relationship with human mages for various reasons. Later, their era passed and the country changed, so they left the magic world and went to the world. A wider summoning plane.

This is the origin of the Beast Tomb of the Subjugated Kingdom. The Beast Tomb of the Subjugated Country is the same as Wanlong Valley, a gathering place, a gathering place. The subjugated beast mound is a place for those monsters that have been forgotten by history to survive. Subjugated country means that their era has passed.

Just like the ancient king abandoned everything and went to the dark plane, his country had already died in its era, and so did this golden-eyed monster.

Now the entire void is eerily silent, only Pang Lai is as excited as a boy, dancing and dancing.

With a buzzing sound, the golden pupils looked at Yamata no Orochi. It had already awakened, and it agreed to make a move for Pang Lai. It could be regarded as saving his life for the sake of what Pang Lai had been giving him for more than ten years.

Hiss! ! ! ! Yamata no Orochi broke free from the suppression, and the eight-headed snake roared at the creatures in the black abyss, it refused to accept!

Pang Lai's strength was unable to summon the complete mysterious Subjugated Beast. The current Subjugated Beast was suppressed just like Mo Fan's summoning of the Manzhu Shahua Witch Queen. Only a pair of eyes were exposed as proof.

You only have one pair of eyes. The mysterious subjugated beast is indeed an emperor, far stronger than Yamata no Orochi, but Pang Lai is not strong enough. It is not that it has no chance of winning.

The golden pupil moved slightly, as if laughing at Yamata no Orochi's overreach, and roared at himself.

In many cases, power is not everything, just like when Feng Ling tested whether he could leave the seal of reincarnation with the help of Zhaohua's power in the national competition, and stretched out a jade hand with the help of the elf magic gate, Feng Ling didn't even use his Power, it simply used its control power to completely annihilate the barrier and the super-level magic on the stage of the competition, creating a vacuum field.

Hearing a bang, at this moment, the space fluctuated, and something was coming.

The popping sound was very clear, and it seemed that the world was opened at this moment, and an unknown energy poured in like a tide, and this pouring energy was not very majestic.

Hiss! ! Hurrah! In the blink of an eye, Yamata no Orochi, who was originally majestic and powerful, was immediately wrapped in golden flames, and every inch of his skin was wrapped in this flame.

The flames illuminated the valley extremely brightly, and the entire valley was shrouded in this terrifying high temperature.

Hiss! ! Yamata no Orochi rolled and struggled, letting the Kraken's subordinates spray water on it, and he even controlled the monstrous waves to submerge him, hoping to extinguish the golden flame on his body.

But everything is in vain, these golden flames are flames that surpass the heavenly seed, and this is a powerful emperor in the summoning plane. Its one look judged the death of this ignorant little snake.

Mo Fan looked at the Yamata no Orochi who was screaming. The body of the Yamata no Orochi, which was still majestic and majestic, had collapsed inch by inch. When Mo Fan looked over, the whole body of Yamata no Orochi was like burnt paper, blown by the wind. , the dust settled.

Turned into streaks of dust and disappeared in this world.

Not to mention Mo Fan, even the three major totems were frightened to stay in place, and they dare not look up until now, even if they feel that the black abyss has disappeared and closed, the mysterious subjugated beast has left, and Pang Lai's summoning magic power Has exhausted, but still dare not.

"My dear, what kind of monster did old Pang Lai summon?"

If Mo Fan had paid careful attention to the summoning spell that Pang Lai said just now, and knew that the subjugated beasts had appeared in his own country before, had historical traces, and knew that the emperor had a pair of golden pupils, then perhaps Mo Fan could have guessed something. .

In the first half of his life, he fought with the gods and generals, and fought with Yan Luo of the underworld. He also had a pair of golden eyes and proficient in flames. There was exactly one in Mo Fan's memory.

Wonderful to continue later. . . Those who have a daily recommendation ticket can vote for it. \u0026lt;( ̄ˇ ̄)/

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