Full-time Summoner

Chapter 137 Comprehension

The videos of several drones were checked repeatedly. Because the time for military training had passed, the preset formation on the military uniform would activate and send people back. It was also because of this perfect protection formation that the school There is a place like Houshan, otherwise who would dare to put thousands of monsters in the city.

Since the establishment of the formation, there has never been an accident in Sun Yat-Sen University, but this year's military training had a problem. One student did not come back, and even the body could not be found, and even the preset formation method of the military uniform could not be located. .

Even if it was eaten, the military uniform should remain. Even if it was eaten with the military uniform, it would not be able to digest the array chip equivalent to half a piece of magic equipment. The whole incident was wrapped in layers of fog.

This directly made the school's senior officials dumbfounded, and the person just disappeared.

After learning that the missing person was Zhaohua, Bai Lian, who is the principal, personally searched the entire back mountain. Almost the entire back mountain was opened, but still no one was found, nor was the body found.

"Could it be the Black Holy See?"

Bai Lian had to suspect that it was the Black Vatican who made the move, but the formation on the back mountain has an isolation effect, and it is impossible to enter without permission, even if you are a super mage, it is impossible for you to break through the formation Entering silently, the ultra-level space system and shadow system cannot do it.

Bailian is responsible for the teleportation function of this formation. He knows that this formation is terrifying, and even monarch-level monsters are difficult to break through and enter.

And Bai Lian knew that Zhaohua was being targeted by the Black Vatican, so he found Zhaohua not long after the school started. In the school, Bai Lian can use his super high space system to go to any place at any time. It has been completely foolproof, and Bai Lian can't figure out why he just disappeared like this.

Du Feizhou landed, shook his head and said, "I've checked all the drones. This kid is different from the others. He rushed out of the slave monster's area on the first day, so the drone didn't capture him."

"I can't find it even after searching like this. It can only mean that the kid was eaten by a demon, and there was a problem with the formation and the protection could not be activated."

"Or it's the people of the Black Vatican. Although the Judgment will keep a close eye on it, there is no guarantee that there will be no fish that slip through the net, and the Judgment will not even know the reason why the kid was killed. I don't think the source of the Judgment can be trusted."

Although the Black Vatican is also possible, Bai Lian and the Judgment Council have confirmed that the undercover agents in the Black Vatican are 100% sure that blue clothes above high-level will not be able to do anything, let alone a few super-level executors.

Bai Lian picked up the landline phone on the table, hesitated for a moment, then made a call and said, "How is your side?"

Du Feizhou couldn't hear what he said, but he could guess something from Bai Lian's expression.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Lian said to Du Feizhou, "It's not the Black Vatican, that's for sure."

Du Feizhou was taken aback for a moment, you can confirm if it is the Black Vatican with just one phone call? ! What happened on the other end of the phone! !

"There are always some people who stand between black and white. What the leader in red said himself did not make a move, and the credibility is very high."

Du Feizhou was even more dumbfounded. Who can still contact the leader in red? ! How did you get in touch with a person wanted all over the world? He doesn't understand this world.

"Your army should withdraw first. If you can't find it like this, you should be dead." Bai Lian was a little tired, and sat down and said.

Unexpectedly, Bai Lian would lose his life in his later years, and a child disappeared under his protection.

Instead, Du Feizhou became interested in Zhaohua. This was obviously not as simple as an ordinary student. He asked, "How will your school deal with it? Now there are more and more doubts from the outside world. I heard that a congressman named Luo Mian is Draw up a proposal to remove the demon training class."

Bai Lian snorted coldly and said: "These bullshit councilors will only enrich their own pockets, thinking about improving their reputation, and what big things they can do. The movements of monsters are becoming more and more frequent. If this continues, humans may not even survive. lost."

Du Feizhou spread his hands.


Seven days later, Sun Yat-sen University officially stopped the search and rescue, and announced to the public that Zhao Hua, a freshman from the Summoning Department, had disappeared in the back mountain of the school during military training, and was presumed dead for more than seven days.

The national law stipulates that if you want to disappear after entering the demon land, which has a high probability of death, it can be defined as death after more than seven days, and you can apply to the country for formal death.

And Zhaohua, who was in the summoning space, didn't realize that he was 'dead' yet.

Boom, bang, Zhaohua was lying on the grass, short of breath, and his mana was exhausted again.

"Ha...ha...how to practice this."

Zhaohua has been in the Summoning Plane for half a month, not to mention touching the field, he doesn't even know how to use it. The fourth magic is to borrow Xiao Fengcan's elven magic and wind magic power. Originally, he thought that as long as he had all forty-nine stars, he would be able to use the domain, but later found that he was thinking too much.

Although it is difficult to control, Zhaohua discovered that after using the fourth magic, Xiaofengcan's spiritual body can enter his spiritual world and help him complete the star map.

But the star map has nothing to do with the domain, and he still has no clue about the domain. Xiaofengcan also knows the domain, but the domain of Xiaofengcan is its own, and it cannot be lent to Zhaohua like the power of mana and spirit seed, and it is said to possess such things as body transformation.

According to Fengling's explanation, Xiaofengcan is an elf who summons the plane, and Zhaohua is another plane, and the structure is different, so there is no way to share the domain. Unless Zhaohua can contract the summoned beast of the elemental spirit of his own plane, otherwise want to share the domain.

Zhaohua's magic energy was exhausted, he lay on the ground looking at the sky and muttered to himself, "Can human beings really use the elf domain?"

A student god like him was about to give up. At first he thought that after he understood the essence of Feng Ling's elf domain, he would be able to use it quickly, but later found that he was wrong, and it was very wrong.

Xiao Fengcan knows the three simplest elven magics, 'Wind Silk', 'Fanfengyi', and 'Silk Cut', because the essence of these three magics is to control the wind magic to turn into corresponding things, condensed into lines, Condensed into pieces of thread to form clothes, condensed into tough and sharp threads, and then shot out with the wind, these are the essence of these three magics, Zhaohua understood at that time.

"Decompose energy, decompose wind magic, how do you decompose it, I can do factorization. Sigh, I finally understand how my classmates felt when they couldn't solve the problem. It doesn't make sense!!!"

Zhaohua resigned himself and said: "If only the field was as easy as doing math problems... Mathematics?... Mathematics!!!"

Sitting up in shock, Zhaohua hurriedly ran to the domain ring that Feng Ling left on the ground. This domain ring has been there since the first day and is for reference only.

"The domain is the power to completely control the elements within a certain range. I can treat the domain as a whole, a formula, find and extract all the wind elements in the domain, and then use elven magic to turn them into my own properties. wind element, and then squeeze, compress, and exclude other energies to suppress the opponent. Finally, convert the converted wind magic energy into magic and release it!"


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