Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1379 Can't believe everything

But now, not only do we have no totems, but the local demons will even make trouble and need to be on our guard.

Even if the holy totem is revived, it is not enough. The totems are not discussed one by one, but the totems are discussed one by one.

Countless totem tribes unite to form a complete totem.

Because the totems themselves are connected between the summoning planes, they came to the magic world just by chance to choose the land of Asia.

Just like the holy totem Xuanwu that Lingling and others have found the most information now, it has many totem beast subordinates, such as the totem black snake, such as Ba Xia, they are related to Xuanwu themselves, and the totem combination will complement each other. Get powerful power, so there was the saying of totem in ancient times.

Because every totem beast has some lines that represent itself, the holy totem is only the strongest creature that is in the center of the totem. When these lines are combined and combined, the pattern is the totem.

To put it bluntly, the totem is similar to the existence of the demon kingdom. The holy totem is the most powerful emperor among them, leading the entire demon kingdom, and the totem beast is the tribal monarch, prince and the like.

Of course, the totems in ancient times were not as simple as ordinary demon kingdoms. It is estimated that in the heyday, any one of the four holy totems had more than two digits of emperors, and that did not include the sub emperors.

Because according to Zhaohua's speculation, the holy totem in the summoning plane is likely to be an invincible beast with the qualification to inherit the blood of the gods. The most likely reason is to obtain the inheritance right of the divine blood and obtain opportunities. Things like territorial expansion.

But now, even if Mo Fan and others find the holy totem, it will be difficult to change the overall situation, because there is only one holy totem, and the power of the totem cannot be exerted at all.

Now that Mo Fan has searched and searched, the final results are all disappointing. It is basically certain that the holy totem Xuanwu and Suzaku have disappeared, and they may have been reborn in the reincarnation of the summoning plane.

The white tiger has a great chance of disappearing, because the white tiger has the fewest clues, and even if it is found, according to the ancient records, the holy totem white tiger should be the most vicious of all the holy totems, and the one with the worst attitude towards humans.

The greatest hope is the holy totem Qinglong, because after a lot of analysis, Lingling has locked the important clues in the ancient capital. He plans to wait a few days until Mo Fan returns from Bohai and recovers, and then go to the ancient capital with Mo Fan to find clues.

So after Shao Zheng actually came into contact with the Kraken, he felt that he was too naive, thinking that he would be able to fight against the Kraken by establishing a 30,000-mile coastline defense line in advance and finding the Saint Totem.

Reality gave him a slap in the face, so Shao Zheng decided to give up and go to the west and north, hoping to provide as good a cultivation environment as possible for the next generation of our country.

When Hua Zhanhong persuaded Mo Fan at the beginning, he had already clearly told Mo Fan that the high-level officials had decided to give up. He hoped that Mo Fan could retain his strength and wait for the day of counterattack, because he really couldn't stand it.

This is one of the reasons why Shao Zheng wants to go to the west, and another reason is because of Zhaohua's existence.

Shao Zheng saw his former self, no, a person who surpassed himself appeared, so he planned to step aside and let Zhaohua come.

What you can't do yourself, maybe someone else can.

Although Zhaohua also clearly told Shao Zhenghe and the four chiefs that even if his father and grandfather returned to their prime, they would still be unable to stop the endless sea monsters.

But Shao Zheng and the capital of the four major armies discovered one thing, that is, Zhaohua did not retreat. He has been staying in Yaodu, and has been improving his strength.

This is what they see.

Zhaohua did not go west or north, but stayed in Yaodu, and Mo Fan chose to stay in Modu and Fanxue Mountain despite the advice of the Huajun leader. These are two different meanings.

Mo Fan did not want to watch ordinary people in Asuka City and Magic City being killed by sea monsters. Mo Fan himself is the kind of brave man who knows that there are tigers in the mountains. jump.

Mo Fan is the kind of person who says he cherishes his life, but is very passionate, just like the heroine of a novel.

But Zhaohua is the opposite, he is extremely rational and calm, his life can be described in one sentence, everything is under control.

Although he also lost control sometimes, such as the Fallen Saint King, such as Xiao Ji, it exceeded his expectations. But for the most part, Zhaohua is a person who tries to make everything as perfect as possible. The big and small must be saved, and the country must also be saved.

You can't have both, so find a way to have both.

Shao Zheng looked at Zhaohua, he couldn't see through Zhaohua now, even he couldn't think of what Zhaohua needed power for. Want resources? With Zhaohua's status, resources have not been a problem for a long time. The country's treasury, the core of the earth, as long as the power can get it, he can get it, but now he even wants the position of the supreme judge.

Secretly controlling the ancestral family, the ancestral family's ancestor Xiangxing became a member of the council, and the bee's brain, who succeeded the bee plan, became the chief judge and the highest judge of the Yaodu Tribunal, and received the support of the four major military leaders.

Politics, military mages, judicial trials, he wants them all.

The problem is, it doesn't make any sense at all. Power has a limit and cannot be superimposed infinitely. One of them can control everything, and you can get what you can give. If there is no way, no matter how powerful the power is, there is no way.

Shao Zheng looked at Zhaohua seriously, and asked: "The sea monster is a natural disaster, is there really nothing to do?"

Zhaohua looked at Councilor Shao Zheng, the two looked at each other, Zhao Hua's eyes were clear, and he opened his mouth and said: "No. Chief Judge Shao Zheng, you should know our country's magical power better than me, even with Ai Tianba Neither the leader of the army nor the leader of Shi Xiao's army can compete against the emperors of the Kraken and those Shiyuan emperors. Even... the evil dragon that once caused the great flood sleeping under the Bermuda Triangle will also participate in the battle. maybe."

The sea dragon Leviathan once flooded the whole world and caused heavy rain for 30 days. As the oldest and most primitive roof emperor in the magical world, its existence has made human beings all over the world despair.

Even if it was severely injured by Qinglong in the era of mass extinction, so many eras have passed, both Zhaohua and Shao Zheng understand that it must have recovered from its injuries, and no one knows whether it is behind the Siren God Clan or not.

Shao Zheng saw that Zhaohua's eyes were so clear that he didn't seem to be lying at all. Shao Zheng also felt relieved.

It wasn't that Shao Zheng could see through whether Zhao Hua was lying or not. Shao Zheng was relieved that Zhao Hua remained cautious and secretive even when facing himself, which was good.

Because even Shao Zheng himself didn't know if there was anyone in the Siren Protoss who controlled this place. Zhaohua was equally cautious, he did not make any promises to the military leader.

Even Shao Zheng, Hua Zhanhong, and even the strongest Shi Xiao couldn't believe it all.

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