Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1408 The Azure Dragon Overwhelms the World

Apas smiled wryly. It didn't think humans had any advantages before, its body was weak, and its magic was not as powerful as demon skills. The average mage needs five to one to defeat the demon.

But now it has discovered that it is not unreasonable for human beings to survive in this world forever, and this speed of cultivation is really too exaggerated.

When Mo Fan contracted it, Apas was already the Great Monarch. Now Mo Fan almost killed the Sphinx, and Apas is still the Great Monarch.

Zhaohua even summoned an extremely terrifying true dragon of an invincible monarch, and beheaded his arch-enemy Sisina in two moves. It was as fast as lightning, and Sisina was gone before he even realized it.

"Lingling, tell Mo Fan that I want to go back to Egypt. Now that my eldest sister and second sister are dead, this is my best chance to recover Medusa Snake Kingdom, and I have to find out who my mother is missing. reason."

Apas came to the white palace and said goodbye to Lingling. Apas planned to return to the desert demon area of ​​Egypt with the pyramid undead while Khufu's Minghui channel was not closed.

The siren disaster has spread to the whole world, and her mother's snake kingdom may fall apart. As the sole heir of the snake kingdom, Apas must go back to inherit the snake kingdom of Medusa in Egypt.

Leng Lingling snorted coldly, turned her head away, and said deliberately: "It's up to you, it's better if you're not here."

Apas snickered, and didn't expose Lingling's poor acting skills. After waving goodbye, he left Shayuan along the Minghui passage.

After Apas left, the Red Skull Demon Lord and other dead kings from all directions came to the white palace. Many dead kings were already scarred, especially the corpse of the mountain peak. Thankfully, this wound has never healed.

None of the dead kings in the eight directions is happy, because they themselves don't know whether this is considered a victory.

They won the undead of the Pyramid of Khufu, but they didn't seem to win.

Empress Jiuyou told her speculations about Lingling and the Qinglong Dragon Heart guarded under the throne. Among the dead kings of all directions, only the highly intelligent Red Skull Demon Lord and Nine Nether Empress knew about the mission of the holy relic.

After the Red Skull Lord heard this, the red skull showed a smile: "Mo Fan is more and more like that person."

The Red Skull Demon Lord and the Nine Nether Empress are both living people of the same era as the ancient king. They are the witnesses of the ancient king's great achievements, and they once fought with the ancient king in all directions.

Empress Jiuyou nodded seriously, and said, "If Mo Fan survives the sea monster disaster and comes back alive to save the capital, then he will be our new king."


Rain, cyan-purple rain, cyan-purple rain irrigates the entire Great Wall, and a burst of rain of hope falls. Contrary to Bo City and the ancient capital at that time, this is the rain of hope.

It is strange to say that the catastrophe in Bo City and the ancient capital was all because of the holy spring of the earth. The Black Vatican used the holy spring of the earth as raw materials to create violent springs, which caused two catastrophes. Because of the Holy Spring.

At this time, above the ten-thousand-meter high altitude of the Great Wall, when Mo Fan looked down seriously, the important gates from different places began to shine. Mo Fan was shocked to find that those who got the Holy Land The Great Wall irrigated by springs began to glow, and that luster was like dragon scales.

And there are still some buried in the soil, not only the Great Wall that is preserved today, but also many ruins of the Great Wall that have not been recorded in the present world, and they have begun to look new and reborn.

These ruins used to be under the soil, fragmented, and mixed in the soil, but this purple rain has completely awakened them.

"Holy Totem..."

Dean Xiao, Mu Bai, Zhao Manyan, Jiang Shaoxu, and Zhang Xiaohou stood on Hai Dongqing's body together, assisting Dean Xiao in the release of the large-scale water system curse.

At this moment, no matter how stupid they were, they understood that the body emitting the light was the body of the Saint Totem!

That cyan light, looked at from above, is the dragon body!

Mo Fan, who flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters with the help of the dragon wings of the green dragon, was also trembling. Mo Fan was the one who wanted to use the spell. Now he was waiting for the Holy Spring to awaken the body of the green dragon made by the ancient king.

Just when Mo Fan was thinking about how to use the spell he got from under the bridge of a narrow escape, a change occurred in the little loach.

Buzz buzz! The little loach necklace on Mo Fan's chest kept trembling.

For a long time, the little loach has been rolled into a ball, which is why Mo Fan called it the little loach.

At this time, the little loach turned dark blue, and it floated up by itself, before Mo Fan's eyes, and the curled body stretched out bit by bit.

It looked like a blue dragon.

At this moment, Mo Fan's eyes were full of tears. Mo Fan actually already had a premonition.

Little Loach's favorite is the Holy Spring. At that time, the Immortal Demon Lotus was also devoured by Little Loach, and it was also because of Little Loach when he first entered the Shayuan.

In fact, Mo Fan never told others. At that time, he knew that he was time-traveling and could not be the descendant of the guardian of the holy spring, but he still chose to go to Shayuan because the little loach had a sense of Shayuan. When he drifted to the inner city of the ancient capital, he trembled.

It was at that moment that Mo Fan knew that he had to enter the evil abyss.

Mo Fan is a time traveler who traveled from the world of science. Although everything in the magic world is the same as in the world of science, and people have not changed, Mo Fan still feels strange at the beginning. After all, this is a strange world.

During that lonely time, the day when he was thinking wildly every night, it was just that Little Niqian was always by his side, accompanying Mo Fan to fall asleep every night.

"That spell didn't wake up the Azure Dragon at all, but awakened you. You are the Azure Dragon, right?" Mo Fan asked softly.

But it is obvious that the little loach is a totem vessel. Although it is awake, the pendant cannot speak.

"This is why I can absorb the power of the totem." Mo Fan sighed.

In fact, there were already signs of everything. Many things Mo Fan recalled, those were not accidental, but the guidance of the little loach, and they were all inevitable.

The reason why Mo Fan embarked on the path of searching for the totem was because the holy spring in Bo City was swallowed up by the little loach at first, which brought great benefits to Mo Fan, and then all kinds of things happened later.

Mo Fan looked in the direction of the magic city: "Let's go, go to the magic city, let those sea monsters see clearly, there are dragons in this land!"

Mo Fan retracted the black dragon wings, opened his hands and fell weightlessly. The small loach necklace emitted a faint blue light, which turned into a green light and penetrated into Mo Fan's forehead, drawing a blue symbol on Mo Fan's forehead.

Aww! ! ! ! Boom! ! The earth trembled, and a giant blue dragon broke through the ground and caught Mo Fan firmly. The 20,000-kilometer green dragon rushed into the clouds and flew towards the magic capital.

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