Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1427 Disaster in the Magic World

Now the little loach has also lost its luster and has fallen into a deep sleep. Although the state has subsidized a lot of resources to Mo Fan, the little loach also consumes a lot of soul power, and it will take a lot of time to recover.

Mo Fan meditated for five hours, but his spiritual world didn't even recover a little bit, it was still shriveled.

Mo Fan heard footsteps outside, opened his eyes, and just saw Lingling, who hadn't slept for two days, walked in with big dark circles under her eyes.

"Mo Fan, what are your plans for the future? Now the country plans to retreat in an all-round way, to the central and northwest."

Mo Fan stood up, sat on the chair, picked up the apple on the table, took a bite, and said: "My magic department is dry now, and I can't do much. My lightning department and shadow department have been fully repaired." , the fire system is almost gone, and the summoning system, space system, earth system and chaos system are left."

"Now I have a batch of resources obtained from the Kraken, and there is still a little holy spring in Shayuan. After awakening the little loach, I plan to go to the west of the city to retreat."

Mo Fan created a certain meaning for the city, and Mo Fan is still an honorary councilor there.

Although Mo Fan told the chief of the Huajun that he would not go inland, it was because there were still many friends of his in Shanghai, and he did not want to abandon the land of Shanghai, nor did he want Shanghai to become the second city of Bo.

But the result is often backfired. There are many things that cannot be decided by oneself, and it is impossible for everything to go smoothly.

Magic City is even worse than Bo City, it has been completely reduced to the base of Sea-Monster.

Mo Fan is now a poor homeless child.

Lingling also nodded, and didn't tell Mo Fan about Qinglong's heart. Now tell Mo Fan that he is too reckless, and wait until Mo Fan comes out of retreat.

Except for Zhang Xiaohou, a military mage, and Mu Ningxue and Mu Bai from Fanxue Mountain in Feiniao Base City, who have their own missions and must stay in the war zone to protect the city, everyone else is also retreating to the city, and Feiniao City is backed by the imperial capital. , Mo Fan is also more at ease, after all, the imperial capital is terrible, even if Mo Fan doesn't know the actual situation, he has heard a little bit.

The emperor is the place where the patron saint really exists. It is the last remaining place of our country, and it is absolutely safe.


Just when Mo Fan and others repelled the two Shiyuan emperors and retreated to Suzhou to settle down.

In Tokyo, Japan, there is a haze here. Tokyo, which was originally very lively, is like a dead city, but now Japan has completely fallen. All the coastal areas of Japan have been lost, and the Kraken has occupied half of Japan.

In less than half a day, Japan's 34,000-kilometer coastline, Japan, which claims to have the world's third ocean mage, faced endless sea monsters and the alliance of eight emperors led by the strongest overlord of the East China Sea, the Dragon King of the East China Sea. The coastal cities were helpless.

The only advantage is that Japan's area is not too large, only the size of 60 magic cities, and Japan's transportation is quite developed, and many routes can retreat directly from the coast to Tokyo.

Compared with our country, which has a vast territory, the demons in Japan are completely inferior to the sea monsters, and the emperors only have the masters of each generation of ghosts.

Eight siren kings invaded at the same time, one can imagine how big the difference in strength between the Japanese mage and the siren is.

In the underground shelter in Tokyo, the relay magic device in the shelter broadcasts the front-line news of the confrontation between the front-line mage and the sea-monster.

"Coastal cities in the United States, Miami, Boston, Los Angeles, and Houston have all been occupied by the Kraken, and only New York is left. We have lost the possibility of being rescued. The strongest light mage in the United States, the Son of Light, has also been captured by the Kraken. Emperor Shiyuan defeated."

"Even the last emperor-hunting operation of the shrine mage has failed."

The Japanese in the underground shelter in Tokyo kept praying with their hands clasped together, but all their prayers turned into nothingness at this moment.

Japan's territory is relatively large, but in fact its own strength is not very strong, only because Japan has always had the support of American mages to maintain it and not be invaded by sea monsters.

But now, the Kraken natural disaster has spread to the whole world, not to mention external rescue, the United States itself is unable to protect itself, and has been seeking rescue from the Holy City.

Hearing the news about the broadcast host, everyone sighed and sat on the ground with a decadent expression on their faces.

A voice came from the relay magic tool and said: "It seems that the fate of our country and ourselves has been doomed, no, the fate of all mankind has been doomed. Destroy! Hahahaha, let's be destroyed together!"

The host of the broadcast has been defeated by despair, and the person responsible for delivering the news is the most pitiful, because he knows again and again that those desperate news will be relayed, and he can no longer bear it in his heart.

There was dead silence in all the underground shelters, everyone's eyes had already lost their light, and they all had foreseen their own future.

That is, the door of the sanctuary was torn, and the sea monsters rushed in and had a full meal.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Suddenly, a person took out a dagger, but he didn't point it at others, but pointed it at his own neck, with crazy eyes, and said with a half-smile: "It's better to be eaten alive by the sea monster... .”

This middle-aged Japanese man held the dagger behind his back with trembling hands. His hands kept trembling, and he looked at the dagger tightly. He was just an ordinary person, and he was equally terrified of death.

Unexpectedly, the people in the refuge just looked at him indifferently, and no one spoke out to dissuade him. Some even thought it was a good idea to borrow the knife in his hand.


Just when the man was about to pluck up the courage to stab himself in the neck, a passionate voice came from the spreading magic weapon.

"It's saved!!!! We're saved! Siren, siren, siren, the siren has retreated!!!!"

Not only Japan, but almost at the same time, all Krakens stopped attacking in Asian countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and South Korea.

In a small country like South Korea, which is only one-sixth the size of Japan, the Siren Emperor has even reached Seoul, and almost all cities have been destroyed. Only the last Seoul can be captured to occupy the entire country.

However, the attack still stopped, and even the emperor who attacked South Korea returned to the Bohai Sea, leaving only a large number of slave sea monsters to occupy the city.

This kind of thing happened all over the world, and the siren kings from the invading countries such as the United States, Canada, Italy, Britain, and Germany in Western Europe stopped their attacks one after another.

Among them are the two Shiyuan emperors in the United States and the two Shiyuan emperors who invaded the European Union and Russia. Neither of them continued to attack human cities, but chose to stay on the coastline and wait for opportunities.

Zhao Hua, who was in the trial meeting, naturally also received these news. Not only was he not happy, but his face was solemn, and his mood sank to the bottom.

"I thought it was a week, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

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