Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1434 Killing the White Spider Emperor of the Demon Ruins


The military mages of the eastern and southern military regions are at the forefront of Pengcheng to resist the sea monster and the undead army of Huangsha Skeleton Emperor.

But in the past six months, under the oppression of life and death, what the mage needs to do is to practice cooperation besides meditating every day.

At the time of life and death, facing the sea monster disaster that does not know when it will come, all mages are surprisingly united.

Human beings are such creatures. Once faced with a catastrophe of this level, they will give up a lot of things.

Just like the catastrophe of the ancient capital, in order to open the way for Mo Fan and others to go to Shayuan, some elderly ordinary people voluntarily went to the group of undead, using their own flesh and blood to attract the undead.

The stacking method is the sharp weapon of magic civilization. When the elementary magic is dropped at such a high altitude, it will basically be wiped away by the air halfway through. Even the middle-level fierce fist will be worn down a lot. This is the so-called range.

Only magic with high-level and above control will have a qualitative change in scope.

The fiery red star layers are layered on top of each other, not only the fire system, but also the magic light of the thunder system, water system, wind system and other magic systems.

In the past six months, Zhaohua and the high-level magicians have been thinking about how to expand the advantages of mages to fill the gap in number and strength.

The mages of the same department form a superimposed constellation, one after another fierce fist is like a meteorite, and the sky thunder after another is like five thunderbolts.

At the beginning, many people died because of the big hole in the sky, and even the Jinyao barrier was broken, which had almost no effect. By the time Mo Fan came to the magic city and solved the big hole in the sky, the magic city had been submerged for more than half , the sea monster invaded the interior of the magic city.

But Tianque Dadong is not without its weaknesses, that is, the Kraken sent by Tianque Dadong is equivalent to gathering together and falling from the sky.

Usually, a mage needs three to five people to kill a monster of the same level. That is because the monster is flexible, fierce in attack, and strong in perception, so it needs to allocate manpower to protect and contain it.

But monsters can't stand a few shots of magic. Humans are weak, but magic is very strong, and monsters can't stand it.

If the monsters can stand in a row and gather in a pile, then the number of monsters that can be killed by magic is considerable.

And Tianque Dadong helped the mage solve this problem very well.

White sea spiders, red-tailed mouse fish monsters, sea mud scorpions, poisonous seahorses, stinging sea urchins, and large groups of sea monsters poured into the second ring of the demon city along the sea water of the big hole in the sky.

But this time it was different from the last time in Shanghai. This time they were greeted by overwhelming destruction magic that fell from the sky.

"Everyone, don't panic, don't panic, this time we have no way out, think about the homeland behind us, think about the destroyed homeland, we only have one battle left!"

"It is true that there are more monsters than us, but this time we have a geographical advantage. We are in the air and the sirens are on the ground. Ordinary servant sirens can't attack us. As long as we don't mess around, we still have a chance to win!"

On the branches of the dream tree, the leader led by the loser kept encouraging the mages to reduce their magic mistakes.

Because many of the mages in the demon city were just students or office workers half a year ago, they might have been teachers in colleges, earth mages in charge of real estate construction, plant mages in landscaping, or even It's possible that it's a punk who has awakened magic by doing nothing.

Now, it is very likely that they are facing a monster for the first time, let alone such a huge sea monster, it is normal to be afraid.

If it weren't for the protection of the mobile fortress Meng Dao Tree, which provided air and land, they would probably be so scared that they couldn't even use magic.

After all, there are still very few mages who really roam and fight against demons.

Hiss! The Moxu White Spider King rushed out of the waterfall in anger, killing countless sea monsters along the way, and the Moxu White Spider King also couldn't fly.

Puff puff puff, spider silk spewed out from the tail of Moxu White Spider King, the white spider silk stuck to the branches hundreds of meters high, and rushed towards Ying Yan and the others like Diao Weiya borrowing strength.

Not only did Ying Yan and the others not panic when they saw the white spider king of Moxu climbing up with the help of spider silk, but they turned their eyes slightly and smiled.

No matter how powerful Ying Yan is, he is still a 30-year-old sorcerer. He has only been practicing for 14 years. It is already very remarkable to be able to reach the top level, and he is still a top-level sorcerer who has comprehended the semi-forbidden curse.

But Ying Yan couldn't kill King Ya in seconds. Ying Yan attacked Moxu White Spider King just to annoy him and make him give up the favorable water surface and come to the unfavorable air.

Gala Gala! With a snort, at this moment, the branch carrying Ying Yan and the others suddenly rolled backwards, and the Moxu White Spider Emperor, who was about to rush towards Ying Yan and the others, was instantly locked by the thick branch, unable to move at all. .

Guo Quan, a pseudo-wind-type forbidden curse mage who survived the Battle of Modu, looked at the White Spider Emperor of Demon Ruins, and bursts of divine wind swept up his body.

He has not comprehended his own forbidden magic, so he needs to borrow the help of the formation to release the forbidden magic, and the formation provides the shape of the magic. He makes the energy core by himself and needs to guide time. The Asian Emperor contended.

"Song Kang, Dai Yong, your spirits in the sky can rest in peace. The Curse of the Wind Forbidden—Lihentian!"

Between the stone fire and the electric light, the gust of wind rolled up continuous water mist, and a terrifying tornado of the storm fell from the sky in an instant, just like annihilation of the world.

The Demon City was attacked, how much could one escape, especially when the mage, Mo Fan and Saint Totem arrived, the Demon City had already been attacked and invaded by the Kraken.

Guo Quan has been guiding the Forbidden Curse Formation, only the Forbidden Curse Formation can seriously injure or even kill the Asian Emperor.

Forbidden spells also have their own strengths and weaknesses. The power of forbidden spells that require the help of formations is naturally weak. It may not work for ordinary emperors, but it is enough to deal with the injured and trapped Asian emperors. .

This storm seemed to be able to destroy the entire world. The endless storm fell from the sky, tearing apart everything in the world, tearing apart the space, tearing apart the space into cracks.

I only heard bang bang bang bangs, and the tornado rolled up the sharp blade of the wind, continuously strangling the Moxu White Spider Emperor. Just like the name of the magic, this hatred will last forever.

Yayaaaa! ! ! Puff puff puff, the Moxu White Spider King wants to escape, its six spider legs are waving in the air, but here is the air, not the ground, and not the sea, and being bound by branches, this storm keeps blowing the Moxu White Spider King The shell and skin were torn to pieces.

Puff puff puff, thump thud, spider legs fell, magic is indistinguishable from friend to foe, the branches of the dream tree were also destroyed, with a bang, the Moxu white spider king with only two spider legs left fell. ground.

But it still didn't die, the emperor's vitality was terribly tenacious, and he was fleeing to the South China Sea.

Guo Quan looked at Nalan Long, Nalan Long nodded and said, "Go."

Guo Quan smiled, without any hesitation, turned into a gust of wind and chased after the White Spider King of the Moxu. Everyone knows that there is no turning back for Guo Quan, who has not been able to release the forbidden spell by himself.

The air conditioner was broken last night, and it took me a whole night to repair it in the morning. It took a while. ( ̄┰ ̄*)

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