Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1444 The Frontline Collapses

Boom, boom, one of the crowned undead titans holding a huge bone stick was repelled by the death energy from Gu Suoyu's halberd. With a bang, the bone stick supported the ground, smashing a big hole and killing an unknown number of mermaids. The soldier stabilized his body.

But there are three Crown Undead Titans, and the other Crown Undead Titan holding a huge bone sword roared, and with a sword sound, the Crown Undead Titan held the sword in his right hand and swung this heavy bone sword that was almost as huge as himself. , swung a semicircle and slashed towards Long Yi.

In ancient times, the Titans were the strongest monster race in Europe, and even the dragons in Western Europe were just the targets and food of these ancient gods.

The strength of the giant titan is greater than that of the western giant dragon. This sword seems to have the power of the heavens. It cuts the dragon with one sword. This sword is like wanting to slay a dragon and kill a god.

Seeing this scene, Gu Suoyu snorted coldly, and tightly held the purple-red bone halberd with five fingers in his right hand. The shadow under Gu Suoyu's feet quickly wrapped the bone halberd, and a death mark appeared on the back of his right hand.

Gu Suoyu is not only a vampire now, but also Ji Shaoan's dark contracted beast, and Gu Suoyu is Ji Shaoan's dark contracted summoned beast.

With the sound of clang, Gu Suoyu didn't have the slightest fear in the face of the huge bone sword. The bone halberd aimed at the huge bone sword above his head and stabbed straight out, blocking the long sword that was cut down.

When two undead weapons made of bones collided, there was no spark splashing, but the dark forces of both sides collided.

For the undead, the strength of the undead weapon depends on the strength of the maker's dark power. The dark power that collides and splashes hits the ground like a meteorite, hitting the Pearl River.

This is the death power of Ji Shaohan and the dark sea power of Huangsha Skeleton and Dead Emperor. The power of both sides is so great that the entire Pearl City shakes when they collide.

In the small villa, Empress Jiuyou didn't leave, and Shayuan didn't disappear, and Shiyan went to Haiyuan Emperor Dragon to support him. And it is even more impossible for the dead king of all directions to help.

The commander of the million ghost soldiers is Gu Suoyu, so Gu Suoyu can still control the million ghost soldiers.

But Bafang Dead King and Shayuan don't even belong to the ancient king anymore, and belong to Mo Fan, the holder of the holy relic.

Half a year ago, the battle between the Shayuan Undead Empire and the Khufu Pyramid Undead Empire caused a serious loss of vitality. Otherwise, Shayuan would probably appear in the magic capital to help Mo Fan.

Even after half a year has passed, the Bafang Dead Kings have just recovered, and the number of Bafang Undead Tribe has not increased much.

When the ancient capital was attacked, there were hundreds of millions of undead, but now there are less than 10 million in all directions. One can imagine how tragic it was in the underworld of the dark plane.

Therefore, it is impossible for the dead kings of all directions to make a move. They belong to Mo Fan's power.

Jiuyouhou and Shayuan are still here, just want to see clearly who the final winner of this war is.

Empress Jiuyou looked at Gu Suoyu who was fighting in the sky. Gu Suoyu was already stronger than Empress Jiuyou, even stronger than Mountain Corpse, at the level of an invincible monarch.

But even if it is an invincible monarch, it is not a world at all to face the Asian emperor. But in the end, Gu Suoyu was able to withstand the attack of the Asian Emperor's undead Titan.

The Empress of Nine Nethers looked at Ji Shaoan, who was also a top necromancer with the full cultivation of four lines of super-levels. The spiritual power of Yuyi Ningmeng, who was already a human genius, had been exhausted and needed to be recovered with a monarch-level undead crystal core, but Ji Shaoan was still like Sitting on the Shenmu emperor's coffin to watch the battle like a normal person.

Empress Jiuyou knew that the reason why Gu Suoyu became so strong was without a doubt the woman in front of her.

The undead system has always been a very special magic system. The strength of the undead depends entirely on the creator. If the creator is strong, the undead will be strong, and the opposite is still the case.

If the ancient king is still there, the strength of the dead king of all directions will definitely be improved to a higher level. Mo Fan is the heir, but not only does Mo Fan not have the Undead system, he is not the creator either, so the strength of the Eight Fang Dead Kings has not been improved.

On the contrary, Gu Suoyu has been recreated by Ji Shaoan and turned into a special kind of vampire. That's why after Jiuyou said that Gu Suoyu betrayed the ancient king, because Gu Suoyu has been reborn.

Originally, Zhaohua was not sure if such Gu Suoyu could control a million ghost soldiers, but it turned out that Gu Suoyu still had some means of his own.

The key to Gu Suoyu's ability to contend against the Asian emperor was Ji Shaohan.

Those death aura and marks of death brought great power to Gu Suoyu, even Huangsha Skeleton and Death Emperor dared not underestimate Ji Shaohan's death power.

After all, the power of death does not exist in the magic world, it is the exclusive power of the dark plane.

The dark plane brought only four magic systems to the magic world, the undead system, the curse system, the poison system, and the special shadow system, such as the shadow of the craftsman.

The dark plane is a larger and more complete plane than the magic world, so how can there be fewer types of power than the magic world.

Death is the power of the dark plane. This kind of power that fundamentally destroys creatures is so powerful that in the most ancient times, the creatures of the dark plane were unwilling to teach humans in the form of magic.

Not at all willing to teach human mages as a trade.

It's a pity, even so, Empress Jiuyou still doesn't think human mages can win. Even if the Qinglong is fully revived now, and the ancient king is reborn, they cannot be defeated.

"The front line is going to be overwhelmed."

The Empress of Nine Serenities has a strong perception. It has already sensed that the most serious front line is about to fall, and it will not be able to withstand the attack of the sea monster.

The attack of the Atlantis murloc warrior army was indeed temporarily stopped by the million ghost soldiers led by Gu Suoyu, the sea monsters pouring in from the big hole in the sky, the four sub-king sirens, and the East China Sea Dragon King rushing from the sea. It was also temporarily blocked by Nalan Long and the Forbidden Curse Mage of the Forbidden Curse Society.

But these two battlefields are just the two weakest battlefields. In a sense, this is a solo raid, which is intended to go around and sneak attack. The number is not much at all, only about 1% of the number.

Although there are many emperors, the number is very small.

The real big problem is the undead army attacking the Jinyao barrier in Pengcheng, and the bigger problem is the sea monsters gathered from the three oceans at the sea defense dam.

No matter how strong the sea defense dam is, it can't withstand the endless attacks of sea monsters, let alone the combined attack of four ordinary emperors and two little emperors.

One emperor can't hold it anymore, let alone six!

With a sound of Pa, the sea suddenly rolled, and the demon god Leng Yuemou hidden in the South China Sea once again displayed his demon skills, and a long whip made of the sea appeared out of thin air, like a mountain range.

Boom! ! At the moment when the long whip appeared out of thin air, the mages of the southern military region also knew that something was wrong, and immediately used the sea defense dams to the extreme. All the mages of the earth system and the magic of the earth system worked together. Magic stones and magic stones were all intertwined together, and turned into a huge earth shield all of a sudden.

When Hua Zhanhong saw the sea whip appear, he clenched his hands tightly. He knew that the sea defense dams on the front line were about to collapse.

Gagen, which has been delayed for so long, is here!

Then I found out that I seemed to be in debt again.

Thanks to [856***904], [Noisy in the Silence], [20210715192557283], [Old Hairy Boy] [Lost Home and Heart Dust] for their generous rewards. The sum is indeed more than ten thousand coins.

Procrastinate first, then update later. []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

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