Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1449 Not worth it

"God... really exists?"

Michael couldn't believe how such a thing as God could exist.

Uriel looked at Michael with a suspicious face, nodded and said affirmatively: "Of course it exists. Otherwise, where do you think the angelic holy soul we inherited came from, or who do you think built the holy city under our feet?"

"We are angels, and our duty is to protect human beings and God to obey God's will."

Uriel walked slowly towards Michael. The sun seemed to be controlled by him, and he followed Uriel all the time. Compared with Michael, the battle angel who was full of fighting spirit, the neatly dressed and plain Uriel was more like a legend. An angel who protects the world.

"Michael, what you have to deal with is not the sea monster, but darkness. The magic empire in the east is the hotbed of darkness. Didn't you see how they repelled the sea monster in the first place?"

"There is a demon there. He is a heretic, a devil from the dark plane. He is the one you want to eliminate."

The whole world knows about Mo Fan repelling the sea monster in the magic city. Although there is no live video, many high-level magicians also know about the demon department. When he was in the Parthenon, the Holy Inquisition could still see it. It is clear that Mo Fan is also at the top of the holy city's must-kill blacklist.

"Michael, the enemy of God is darkness. God will protect us humans. Your enemy is those who surrender to darkness. That country has long been reduced to the devil's land, it is already the territory of the devil, and the people in that country are already dark His slaves are not worthy of our holy city to save."

"The Antarctic ice river can be dealt with by Mrs. Luo in Europe. She is the most powerful ice mage in the magical world. Now there is only one Shiyuan Emperor in the sea area in Europe. You can take advantage of this time to deal with the Antarctic cold current. Mrs. Luo left Europe It doesn't matter. Before God comes, we do need to improve our prestige."

"There can only be one voice in the magical world, and that is our holy city."


In the dual battlefields of Imperial Capital and Asuka City, Shao Zheng, who was in charge of the commander-in-chief, saw that the Emperor of the Abyss Demon Tiger who was supposed to be lurking in the European continent was actually in Bohai Sea, so he naturally realized it instantly.

The sea monster has eight Shiyuan emperors whose strength has reached the middle level, and sent five Shiyuan emperors to destroy our country.

It is conceivable that this piece of oriental land with profound heritage is such a thorn in the sea monster's heart. And to avoid being discovered in advance, the Abyss Demon Tiger Emperor did not bring its Demon Abyss Empire, but came alone, while the Haiji Empire of the Holy Spirit of Heaven and Earth left two sub-king-level Haiji in Bohai, plus The other monarch-level Hai Ji created an illusion for the mages.

It made Shao Zheng and others think that the Sea God Ji of the Shiyuan Emperor used her characteristics as the holy spirit of the water element to lurk in the sea, waiting for the opportunity to sneak attack. After all, all Hai Ji itself has no entity, and it can even be called a ghost in the ocean. It is invincible and immortal.

It's as if Little Flame Fairy blew herself up and was resurrected by Ye Xinxia, ​​and after Mo Fan threw the fruit of Heavenly Tribulation into a volcanic holy place, Little Flame Fairy was resurrected.

The Sea God Ji of Shiyuan Emperor is only stronger than the ordinary Hai Ji.

But now, Shao Zheng found that he was put together, more precisely, the human mage was put together by the sea monster.

The sea monster knows that human beings have been completely ignorant of the ocean for millions of years. Since the establishment of the Ocean Alliance, one of the eight major organizations, the investigation of the sea monster is still in place.

The characteristics of the water-attributed element Holy Spirit Sea Ji, the Ocean Alliance does not say it clearly, but also knows a thing or two.

Knowing that you can't fight the Haiji Empire in the sea, you want to draw Haiji.

Therefore, the sea monsters used their tactics, knowing that humans would not take the initiative to attack, so they let the abyssal devil tiger emperor lurk in the different space under the sea, and never appeared, so that the sea god Ji of Shiyuan emperor came to the demon city without anyone noticing.

Because if the human mages know that there are only three emperors in the west, there may be western curse mages who will come to reinforce them.

And Yaodu is the base city that Sea-Monster will completely wipe out this time.

Weng! Just when Ai Tianba used the curse of space and detonated a point in a deep sea in the Bohai Sea, wounding the Abyss Demon Tiger Emperor who was also proficient in space and forcing it to appear from a different space, a dark beam of light shot into the sky in the sky. rise.

Although Nan Jue is majoring in the Department of Phonology, even the Phonology Department has almost reached the semi-forbidden curse, but Nan Jue has no way to pass the news from the Imperial Capital to the Demon Capital. Now the road from the Imperial Capital to the Demon Capital has been occupied by sea monsters. But in the past, we can only use the ancient method similar to the wolf smoke beacon to deliver the news.

Shao Zheng knew that with Zhaohua's intelligence, he should be able to guess something.

A silver-white sub-king beast appeared beside Pang Lai. The reason why it was able to lock the space where the abyssal tiger emperor was just now was because of its space perception ability.

"Emperor Shiyuan's Poseidon Ji is in the South China Sea?" Pang Lai asked eagerly.

Shao Zheng's expression was unusually solemn, and he nodded and said, "Well, we were fooled. I didn't expect the sea monster to be so cunning."

Shao Zheng clenched his fists tightly, and he could see the anxiety and unwillingness in his heart, but he didn't realize it!

There was a bang, and at this moment, the ground in the Forbidden City suddenly shook, and a divine beast stepped forward. When it landed on the ground, it seemed that the ground could not bear its strength.

Above the courtyard of the Forbidden City not far from Shao Zheng and others, a mythical beast appeared. It was a unicorn with a whole body of purple. Unable to be blocked, this purple light swept away everyone's haze.

But when you look carefully, you realize that this is not a real purple unicorn, but a phantom.

Shao Zheng looked at the gate of the Forbidden City suddenly, and Qi Lin and Zhao Hao, who were wearing purple skirts, walked out of the Forbidden City slowly.

You must know that Zhaohao and Qilin cannot leave the Forbidden City, and it takes a huge amount of energy to maintain it. Once they leave for too long, Zhaohao will lose his soul. Now it is obvious that the two of them intend to leave and go to the rescue of Yaodu.

Although Qilin is the backup of the divine beast of the Summoning Plane, and has even been recognized by the divine blood, it has already given up and cut off its bloodline. Now its strength is only that of a little emperor, and with Zhaohao teaming up, it may be able to have the power of the middle emperor. strength.

But this is only within the imperial capital, leaving the imperial capital, after a long time, Zhaohao will be out of his wits, let alone fight.

Shao Zheng knew that they were going to save his grandson, and Shao Zheng spread out his magic wings and appeared in front of Zhao Hao. As soon as Shao Zheng just landed, an extremely fierce killing intent rushed over. At this moment, Shao Zheng finally felt what kind of peak the man known as the God of War Hunter was once.

"I have saved the country once, and it ended up like this. My son Zhaolang lost his parents for more than 20 years because of this. There is no childhood that a child should have."

Zhaohao's voice is like a god and demon under the Nine Nethernesses. He has the extraordinary six gods—the six gods, even if he has died once, his strength is still strong.

Shao Zheng knew that it was impossible for him to use his national mission to protect human beings to stop them. They had already saved them once, and they had to pay back what was due.

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