Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1457 Not yet finished

The storm stopped, the thunder and lightning ended, first it was the impact and baptism of the final colorful breath, and now it is the first burst of all the magic energy of the Nalan Dragon Army, and the original storm is exerted by the control power of Xiaofengcan and Zhaohua.

All of a sudden, Nancheng, which was originally full of high-rise buildings and vast streets, was wiped out, leaving only a terrifying bottomless black hole and ashes that were annihilated by the original storm!

More than half of all the buildings in the southern city have disappeared, and the sea monster servants and warriors who poured in from the big hole in the sky are almost dead.

The range of the two magic tricks is too huge, even the monarch siren cannot escape. Only the emperor siren and the supreme monarch, who sensed the danger in advance and stayed away from the Dragon King of the East China Sea early, were not affected.

Little Fengcan's elf magic, Zhaohua, had never thought of using it, it was really unexpected.

The origin magic is of course included in the origin catalog. When Zhaohua got the origin fire jade from it, he knew that this book must have recorded some extremely ancient and terrible magic.

The ice age used by the Antarctic roof emperor with the help of the origin ice crystal is one of the origin magic.

The little wind silkworm didn't use the complete original magic, it just borrowed the wind magic energy from the explosion of the military leader's spiritual world, it was a semi-defective product.

If Feng Ling uses it, the entire Demon City and the entire southeast will disappear, just like the Antarctic cold current of the Ice Age. This is a great magic that affects the whole world.

After the storm passed, everything disappeared, and the overlord of the East China Sea became history, even his soul was annihilated, and Nalan Long did as he wished, his long-cherished wish was to die on the battlefield.

Xiao Fengcan used the dimensional rift to return to the summoning plane and was summoned again.

At this time, Zhaohua was holding the closed origin catalog in his left hand, and the bracelet of Meng Dao Tree in his left hand, which continuously provided Zhaohua with magic energy.

For a moment, Zhaohua was like a god of summoning, with a terrifying murderous aura permeating the entire sky. Even the Sea God Ji of the Shiyuan Emperor, and the Emperor's Skeleton and Death Emperor hiding in the darkness, or they came from the South China Sea and broke the sky. The cold moon-eyed demon god of Pengcheng Jinyao Barrier.

As if being stunned, the air was still, and the sea monsters did not continue to attack. Without exception, the three major monster emperors all looked at Zhaohua who was holding the catalog of origins.

The Mengdao tree has shrunk, fearing that it will be affected and taken back to Fancheng on the second ring road. I don’t know how many mages standing on the branches of the Mengdao tree opened their mouths wide enough to stuff an egg. They couldn’t close them for a long time, and some even wore glasses. The sorcerer didn't even know that his glasses fell on the ground.

Except for the Forbidden Curse Mage, not many people noticed that Nalan Dragon was there in Origin Storm. Everyone thought that Zhaohua created the colorful breath of Final Yan and the terrible storm.

At this moment, even the people watching through the broadcast magic device in the underground refuge were frightened, because the broadcast magic device has been focusing on Zhaohua, and people who don't know think that all this is Zhaohua's power .

More than half of the southern city has been wiped out, and the place bombarded by the final dragon's breath has turned into a terrible black hole.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhaohua to do it again, this is his hole card, and it can only be done once.

But the sea monster doesn't know, and now the three Shiyuan emperors are not sure for a while. After all, in the magic capital, there was also a mage with unreasonable combat power, which made Leng Yuemou demon god stop Tian Que Waterfall.

There was no sea water flowing into Tianque's big cave, and the sea monster was not sent to die.

The only place that was still fighting was the battlefield where Gu Suoyu and Long Yi fought against the three undead titans in Pearl City.

As the sea water in Tianque Dadong stopped pouring back, the military mages of the two southeast military headquarters that Pengcheng retreated went smoothly, while the other surviving siren kings and emperors were also uncertain for a while.

At the beginning of the Battle of the Demon City, although four emperors died, the three emperors were all sub-emperors, and one of them was the black death plague dragon resurrected by the emperor's skeleton dead emperor.

However, this time, not only are there more Shiyuan emperors, but also more emperors and sea monsters. Even though the other party has no totem beasts such as Qinglong, even greater casualties have occurred.

Little Emperor! This is the existence second only to the Shiyuan Emperor, the invincible Dragon King who ruled the East China Sea for countless years, unexpectedly died, and there was no complete body in his death.

The Moxu White Spider Emperor who first entered through the Tianque Waterfall also died, and the four sub-emperors including the Fortress Killer Whale and Kuangyu Yudi also suffered injuries to varying degrees.

This time, although there are no blue dragons, no totem beasts, and no demons. But this time there are humans, there is magic, and there is unity.

All the military mages in the two military departments in the southeast, all the mages in the two base cities are not afraid of death, and Mo Fan won the precious half a year of preparation time in advance.

Co-cast it all.

Xixi, Xiao Fengcan also consumed a lot, sitting on a branch with his back against Honglong's head with a tired face, the two of them definitely consumed a lot.

Hua Zhanhong and the other Forbidden Curse mages were vigilant against Sea God Ji, and at the same time led all the military mages from the two southeastern military divisions to the branches of the Dream Dao Tree.

On the Pengcheng sea battlefield, the military mages of the two armies did not know how many sea monsters were eliminated. All the energy of the magic stones and formations were emptied, and densely packed layers of sea monster corpses were pushed.

"Now you are in charge of the Eastern Military Region, and Commander Nalan has fulfilled his long-cherished wish." Hua Zhanhong said to a lieutenant general of the Eastern Military Region.

Lieutenant General An Qing of the Eastern Military Region was in a daze for a while, with tears in the corners of his eyes, clenched his fists, nodded heavily and said, "Yes!"

The number of forbidden spells is small, and forbidden spell mages are not suitable for organizing mages to cooperate. Forbidden spell mages are all in teams of three or five to contain the emperor. The emperor's subordinates and guards will rely on these super-level mid-term futures to command and eliminate them and open the way for the forbidden curse.

At this moment, the human mages and sea monsters were clearly separated, with Nancheng as the dividing line, the formation of human mages on the left, and the sea monsters and undead on the right.

Pengcheng is gone, just like the original demon city, submerged by sea water.

There was a huge pile of sea monster corpses, and the ground of Pengcheng was paved with sea monster corpses.

Although there is a Pearl River flowing from the South China Sea between Pengcheng and the Demon City, the water volume of the Pearl River is very small, smaller than the Tianque Waterfall, so if the Kraken wants to invade the Demon City, not only will there be no geographical advantage, but it will also affect the Kraken's demon skills freed.

The two goals of elongating the battle line and killing important emperors were barely accomplished at the sacrifice of countless mages.

Now everyone hopes that the sea monster can just let it go like the one in the magic capital.

It is impossible to defend the coastal areas, and the bottom line for human beings is to abandon the coastal city of Peng. Now I just hope that I can hold the demon capital that is closer to the inland, with endless mountains, and a hundred kilometers away from the South China Sea, as a cornerstone.

Gulu Gulu, at this time, in the Philippine Sea above the East China Sea and the South China Sea, in the northeast of the Philippines, deep in the Pacific Ocean of the Mariana Islands, huge bubbles are constantly emerging from the black forbidden area of ​​the Mariana Trench.

At the bottom of the bottomless Mariana Trench, the true brain of the ocean god wakes up.

Zhaohua frowned suddenly, because he had received news from the insects.

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