Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1462 Not Enough

Zhaohua was also very surprised to see a human being walking out of the pyramid in simple clothes.

"Is that a living person?" Zhaohua asked.

Ji Shao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said affirmatively, "Well, those are not undead, they are living."

"Not the living dead?"

Ji Shaohan shook his head and said: "It's not the living dead, it's real human beings. These are the people that Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor met when he was still alive. It has seen the lives of these people, knows the death of these people, and resurrects them all." Yes. But it can only be done in the God’s Domain of Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor, if it exceeds the God’s Domain, it will disappear in smoke.”

Holy area! This powerful ability, which should have been possessed by Forbidden Curse Mage, unexpectedly appeared on Dead Emperor, and Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor's Hades domain was exaggeratedly huge, extending dozens of kilometers.

"Is the undead forbidden curse magic...it can really use forbidden curse magic."

This is not just as simple as forbidden curse magic, it may have reached the ultimate mystery of the forbidden curse of the undead system, allowing the dead to be truly reborn.

Unlike the resurrection magic of the Parthenon spirit, even people who have died for thousands of years can be resurrected, and a large number of them can be resurrected.

However, the weakness is also obvious. The magic will disappear and cannot exist forever. This is equivalent to the rebirth of the Atlantis Empire that disappeared.

An empire! A magical empire.

Atlantis used to be a magic empire with a well-developed magic civilization, and the Emperor Skeleton Emperor was the last emperor of the Atlantis magic empire.

All the population of a magic empire, not just mages, but even ordinary people, the elderly and children, were resurrected. Without exception, the eyes of these resurrected people were full of resentment.

"Did you see it! These are the people your country once killed! 12.7 million people were all killed by human magic!!"

The Avengers, all of these are citizens of Atlantis who died in the original crusade.

Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor's Underworld realm is not unconditionally resurrected. These avengers are all in that crusade. Among the ruins, wait for the resurrection of their own empress, and lead them to complete their revenge.

"We in Atlantis live on the island and face the invasion of sea monsters every day. We are just protecting ourselves and practicing a stronger method. And you! Because you want to consolidate your position, you even joined forces with other magic empires to attack us. The country launched a war of extermination!"

The hateful voice of Huangsha, Skeleton and Dead Emperor spread throughout the Demon City.

"Forbidden spells fell from the sky one by one. Have you ever seen how ordinary people are killed by forbidden spells? We are killed by forbidden spells that protect us. They all died under the magic they believed in the most. people!"

"This is your sin!! Unforgivable sin!!"

When Zhaohua saw these tens of millions of human beings, he could even feel that there were ten forbidden curse mages and hundreds of super mages. After hearing the words of Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor, Zhaohua showed a mocking expression and said, "You deserve to die."

More than enough to die! These four words pierced the hearts of everyone in Atlantis like a poisonous needle.

This is their culprit!

Wayyyyyy! ! ! The revived people of Atlantis stopped moving forward one after another. They could hear Zhaohua's voice. Countless Atlantis avengers were so angry that they couldn't stop, no matter if they were only ten-year-old children or The Forbidden Curse mage standing in the front all had red eyes and spouted anger, wishing to tear Zhaohua to pieces.

There was a sound of cursing, and all the revived avengers roared angrily, and the roar shattered the sky.

"It's really funny. If a mage kills a monster, it's a sin. Everyone in our country hopes that their crimes are unforgivable."

Zhao Hua not only did not have the slightest sympathy for these nonsense, but instead came from the disdain in his heart. After being resurrected by Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, these Atlantean ghosts all looked human, but Zhaohua knew that this was just what they wanted to be.

In fact, when Atlantis was wiped out, almost even children and newborn babies had the characteristics of sea monsters. They had scales, could breathe in water, and grew faster. It looks like it's ten years old, with sharp teeth and gills. They have been fundamentally changed.

"Little beast. Today, your country is destined to be wiped out by my army of tens of millions!"

Zhaohua wouldn't talk to it about the truth, the only thing he could do was fight.

Hum, seven summoning stars flew out from behind Zhaohua, a dimensional crack appeared, and a breeze brushed Zhaohua's cheek from the crack. The little windworm flew out from the dimensional crack, staring forward with a serious expression.

Then Zhaohua flew out seven more summoning star particles, hot white flames spewed out, a huge white fire beast stepped forward, Tianyan's barbed tail dragged a scorched black mark on the ground.

Holy light, rainbow light, the third and fourth dimensional cracks have been opened long ago, the holy silver and the rainbow dragon have returned to their normal sizes, an eight-winged sky dragon with white feathers all over the body soars into the sky, and another colorful dragon opens a rainbow Yi stood behind Zhaohua.

This is far from over, the stars are constantly flying out, 7*7 stars form a beautiful water blue summoning star map, a blue fox with nine tails is walking from the void with graceful steps, and the nine tails are winding It swayed and shone with little crystal light.

Another star map emerged, the star map was as black as ink, a cute little girl with black hair and black dress who looked like a Barbie doll came over, holding Ji Shaohan's little hand, smiling very sweetly.

The ground was cracked, a thick tree root drilled out of the ground, and then countless purple roots and branches broke through the ground, the contract summoning star map on the ground became larger, and an excessively huge purple giant tree rose from the ground, although it was far away It is not as huge as the dream cherry tree, but the Tianguan purple linden tree is also as huge as several kilometers.

A flower demon with a pure white body and holy light is standing on the Tianguan Zilin tree. The Tianguan Zilin flower demon has abandoned its original body. After returning from the spiritual trial tree of the imperial capital, it has advanced The flower demon with the crown heart all day long, it is no longer the sacred tree of the crown purple linden.

On the Tianguan Zilin tree, there are not only the Tianguanxin flower demon, but also the three-eyed liger, sea frontier mammoth, sea serpent, Garuda, and countless green fire grasshoppers with blue flames shining like stars.

All of Zhaohua's summoned beasts, including the tamers of the bugman, were summoned to appear.

Not only Zhaohua's summoned beasts, but also the death knight, sky-burial spider, and curse-eating frog made by Ji Shaoan were also summoned by Ji Shaoan. In addition, there are also all of them wearing black hooded trench coats and having scarlet eyes. The vampire with sharp blood teeth stood behind Zhang Ning like a shadow guard.

Not only the vampires who migrated from the devil city, but also the killer mages from the killer hall followed Zhang Ning.

Zhaohua exhaled and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, a pair of eyes were shining with moonlight.

"not enough."

"Graduates ranked on the Thousand Clan Elf Tower, follow the battle agreement signed by you and me, and lead your subordinates to come from the territory."

"Thousand Clan Beast Tide Summoning!!"

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