Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1472 Atlantis Magical Empire

Whoooo! ! ! This time, the commander, the monarch, and the emperor siren also used the siren skill together. If it weren't for the limited amount of seawater pouring into the Tianque hole, the siren might be even stronger.

After all, Fancheng is hundreds of kilometers away from the South China Sea, and the front line is long enough.

No matter how powerful the Leng Yue Mou demon god is, even if it is injured and uses its demon skills with all its strength to open two big holes in the sky, it will take a lot of time and demon energy to reverse enough sea water.

Hurrah! ! The ignited Dream Dao Tree divine fire surged. These golden flames are warm to mages, but deadly flames to sea monsters.

Waves of sea water rushed towards the sky, and the Jinyao barrier of Fancheng was finally broken, and now only the core inner city remained.

This time there is no need for encouraging voices. All mages know that even with their bodies, they must prevent the Kraken from breaking through the last Jinyao barrier in the inner city.

At this time, Zhaohua, who had been given the last hope, had already entered the Dark Pyramid. Of course he didn't know about the outside world. Of course, whether he expected it or not, only he knew.

When Zhaohua entered the Pyramid of Darkness, the darkness disappeared in an instant, and glaring white light appeared instead. Zhaohua's eyes instantly turned into ghostly dark pupils, immune to the white light, and at the same time prevented from being bewitched by the magic of the soul system and curse system.

Zhaohua once also entered the pyramid. At that time, during the Beiyuan War, the Pyramid of Khufu was dragged by the Pyramid Lord Frog through the Minghui Passage. When Mo Fan and the ancient king were fighting Khufu, Zhaohua entered the pyramid.

In the earliest days of training in the national government, Zhaohua entered a small pyramid.

The first floor of the Pyramid of Khufu is a purgatory. Countless undead and resentful spirits attracted by the pyramid will fight on the first floor, and the winners will enter the next floor to become Khufu's reserve army.

When the white light dissipated, Zhaohua couldn't help staring at it slightly, because it suddenly entered another world, completely different from Khufu's pyramid, here is a simple and simple city, surrounded by people and traffic.

Even when a gust of wind blows, you can still smell the faint smell of sea water and dried fish.


All the summoned beasts are in the space magic stone, because Zhaohua can already guess that the space is blocked in the dark pyramid, and even the summoning system cannot open the dimensional space, so Zhaohua summoned Xiaofengcan and Shengyin early .

Zhaohua's dark pupils have the ability to see through falsehoods, but this time, he found that this place is not false, but real. These human beings are actually human beings. The only possible falsehood may be that the sun above his head is artificial. , the surrounding sea area is man-made.

It is unimaginable and incomprehensible that there is a continent and a sea in the dark pyramid, and Atlantis was resurrected in the dark pyramid.

What makes Zhaohua laugh the most is that there are sea monsters here, and sea monsters and humans coexist peacefully, and traces of humans and sea monsters living together can be seen around.

Of course Zhaohua understands what Huangsha Skeleton and Dead Emperor means. It is saying that what Atlantis did was right, that humans and sea monsters can coexist.

If it weren't for the Human Mage Alliance, Atlantis would have been a mediator between humans and sea monsters. There would be no killings or sacrifices in the future. This is a perfect country.

This is what the future world should look like.

Zhaohua looked up at the deepest part of the imperial palace. He knew that the dead emperor's skeleton was there, so he couldn't help shaking his head and said, "It's boring, only those idiots from the Black Vatican would believe in such ghosts as the Kingdom of God."

As soon as Zhaohua finished speaking, all the people in Atlantis seemed to be possessed. They were smiling and laughing, but suddenly cracks appeared on both sides of their necks, like fish gills, and their mouths were open and their teeth were as sharp as sharks. teeth, fingernails grow sharp bone spurs.

Even children playing are no exception.

At the beginning, the most terrifying way to practice in Atlantis was that everyone was born. Even the children born are like slaves and monsters, with powerful fangs and claws, but appearance is not the most important thing for human mages to destroy Atlantis. main reason.

At the beginning, all human beings and even the holy city in ancient times were shot together because of reproductive isolation.

After the people of Atlantis passed on from generation to generation, they were reproductively isolated from the outside world, unable to reproduce and give birth to children. This was the reason why Atlantis was wiped out in the first place.

Zhaohua looked at these people, no, these cannot be called human beings, these are sea monsters such as sea monsters and mermaids.

With a buzzing sound, the sea was churning, and a gloomy light rose into the sky in the palace. Zhaohua looked in the direction of the palace. An empress wearing a purple veil and lying lazily on the throne was leisurely eating the fruit peeled by the maid , teasing the waitress from time to time.

Zhaohua had investigated the history of Atlantis at the beginning, and it was rumored that the last emperor of Atlantis was a woman, who liked women, and was a homosexual. Zhaohua didn't believe it at the time, but now I see it.

Sure enough, there is no most outrageous, only more outrageous.

Inside the Pyramid of Darkness, the Emperor Skeleton Dead Emperor seemed to be reborn, and it regained its original body and appearance.

Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor showed a sneering expression through the veil, and said: "You are a super-level mage, with several monarch summoned beasts, the strongest is a sub-divine king who dares to come into the pyramid by himself? I even doubt it is Other than the problem in your mind, it was during the years of my deep sleep that my cognition went wrong and super-level is actually more powerful than forbidden curses, and the monarch is stronger than the emperor?"

Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor sat up, and Dama Jindao sat. At first, it thought that Zhaohua would bring Ji Shaoan in. After all, although Ji Shaoan did not have a forbidden spell, its own power was a bit too special.

"If that little girl is willing to be my woman, I may still consider letting you humans go, letting you live."

Zhaohua's face suddenly turned cold, this guy fell in love with his wife!

Buzzing buzzing buzzing, all the summoned beasts appeared, Xiaofengcan, Shengyin, Tianguanxinhuayao, Sanwei all stood beside Zhaohua, the origin directory opened, and the ring of spirits appeared behind him.

The reason why Zhaohua didn't attack immediately at the beginning was because he was also looking around for traps. It was later discovered that there was no trap at all. But that's right, a Shiyuan emperor still needs traps to deal with a super mage, so it is estimated that the emperor has a problem with his brain.

"Hahahaha, summon assimilation, what can you do with just these! You haven't even reached the forbidden spell!"

Zhaohua looked at Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, and suddenly smiled.

"Heaven's sad rainbow."

Immediately, all the surrounding light condensed, and a beam of light from heaven shot directly at the palace. If Mo Fan can definitely recognize it here, this is the one who almost killed him in a second, the light-type forbidden curse magic, the sad rainbow of heaven! !

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