Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1491 Undead Natural Disaster Ji Shaoan

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey~~~"

Guigui flew out from Ji Shaoan's shadow, and behind Ji Shaoan appeared a huge dark green star palace, which was the super-level magic of the undead system.

But what is weird is that this star palace is huge and terrifying, ten times bigger than normal star palaces.

"Undead Scourge!"

Standing in the star palace, Guigui suddenly opened his mouth, and the endless breath of undead gushed out from Guigui's mouth. The breath of undead wrapped this huge star palace of the dead, and it turned into the dark palace of the emperor's skeleton and dead emperor. The shape of a pyramid.

Ding Yumian has been promoted to the evil king, but his strength is not as good as the former emperor's skeleton and dead emperor. This is because half of the dark power in the dark pyramid was swallowed by ghosts.

Ding Yumian transformed the power of darkness in the dark pyramid into a sea of ​​poisonous poison, but the ability to control the undead is not in his hands.

However, because Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor has disappeared, and ghosts who have obtained half the power of the Dark Pyramid through the Hungry Ghost Dao, cooperate with Ji Shaohan's undead magic to control Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor's subjugated kingdom under the sea.

Boom! A false undead pyramid built by Xingzi, combined with the power of the dark pyramid obtained by Guigui, appeared. The moment the undead pyramid appeared, green flames shot out from the eyes of all the undead in the emperor's underwater undead empire with skeletons and dead emperors.


Looking from the Dream Dao Tree, all you can see is the scene of undead fighting with sea monsters. Looking around, there are endless, as long as you can see, there are countless undead.

The inner city of the demon city, which was originally surrounded by undead sea monsters, is now guarded by undead.

"The undead sea monster is actually fighting with the sea monster!"

Seeing these undead suddenly attack the sea monsters around them, many mages were puzzled.

After all, Ding Yumian became the evil king, Zhaohua only told some powerful Forbidden Curse mages and commanders to know about it. Tianqingbai's sound system mana consumption is also serious, and there is no way to notify everyone.

"Victory is in sight!! All the military mages concentrate their magic, and the forbidden curse mages with mana will follow me and kill the salamander demon emperor and the golden scale snake king!!!"

Once the sea-monsters who are slaves and warriors are dragged down by the undead, they cannot use the stacking method with peace of mind.

The power of stacking is indeed very powerful, but it was invented by human beings after all, and it was originally used to fight formations and defensive battles. Usually, military mages will hide behind defensive buildings and Jinyao barriers when they want to use the stacking method, because the stacking method is easy to break.

But now, when the undead turn their backs, most of the sea monsters are held back, so the rest are the monarchs and emperor sea monsters.

The last thing the sea monster can lose is the monarch and the emperor, because it takes too long for a king-level sea monster to be born, and there is no slave sea monster to consume and serve as a shield.

The Forbidden Curse Mage has a chance to kill the emperor, just like Hua Zhanhong killed the Dragon King Ant Emperor back then. Even if they sacrificed, but when they knew that victory was in sight, all the Forbidden Curse Mages seemed to be on stimulants, like hungry wolves pounced on the emperor and the monarch siren.

"Hahaha! Humans are inherently mortal, and they are either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather, depending on what you use. If my life can be exchanged for a monarch, it will be worth it!!"

"Yes! Man is mortal!"

Meng Daoshu had already set himself on fire, so he could no longer provide a geographical advantage, and after fighting for so long, even the magic equipment had been exhausted.

But after the undead defected, there were almost no extra sea monsters on the ground, and there was no need for human mages to open the way. The endless undersea undead took on the responsibility of opening the way. Many mages even ran with their legs, rushing towards the nearest monarch, the sea monster. and the Emperor Siren.

If Mo Fan had already been a Forbidden Curse Mage in the first battle in the Demon City, maybe Mo Fan could also control the dead kings in all directions and use the undead to open the way like he is now.

Zhaohua leaned against the White Feather Sacred Willow, and all his summoned beasts were around to protect it.

Even Haiyuan Dilong of Yadiwang and Tianyan, Longyi and Sanwei of Yadiwang stayed with Zhaohua.

It's not that they don't want to fight, but that all Zhaohua's summoned beasts are now covered in bruises. Standing at the forefront, Haiyuan Emperor Dragon, who has fought the longest, has been pierced by the Dragon King of the East China Sea. how long.

Tianyan even exploded with all the flames, killing an Asian emperor, but he also had several deep wounds on his body.

The beast tide and sub-diwang summoned by Zhaohua did not go back because Zhaohua's mana was not enough, but all the monsters in the beast tide were injured, and they fought until they lost their combat effectiveness.

The glaciers summoned by Zhaohua through the Blue Star Fox had been broken into pieces, and Gu Suoyu's bone halberd had been broken into two halves.

The White Feather Sacred Willow exhausted all its purification power, and the bugman's plant-type forbidden curse sky crown evil plant has been disintegrated. Zhaohua has exerted all his power in this battle. Not only has his own mana energy been exhausted, Even the monster energy and physical strength of the summoned beast were exhausted.

But the battle is almost over.

Zhaohua looked at the huge brain behind the siren, his eyes narrowed slightly, this thing is not as simple as an ordinary monster, Zhaohua has some guesses about this huge head-like thing.

Now the Kraken Brain is just not reconciled, once it is delayed for a long time, it will be detrimental to the Kraken. Maybe Al-Quds, American Free Mage, and Magic United will suddenly launch a counterattack.

"As long as you can kill one or two more emperors, the sea monster will retreat."

Zhaohua even discovered that Poseidon Ji had the intention of retreating. Poseidon Ji came alone. In order to disguise, most of her Haiji Empire's Haiji were in the imperial capital to attack the mages of the imperial capital and the military mages of the northern military region.

Although its strength is strong, but the Dream Dao Tree has not been completely burnt out, it is also difficult for it to kill Hua Zhanhong who is protected by the undead flames. If so, I may be attacked by other sea monster emperors.

There is more than one Shiyuan Emperor on the bottom of the sea, and the Shiyuan Emperor in other regions who are responsible for putting pressure on the United States and the European Union is completely harmless.

If the Demon City is not captured in the end, the enemies of the Sea Demon Emperor such as Sea God Ji may change from humans to sea monsters.

Hua Zhanhong and other forbidden spell mages understand this truth better, so now they all play like mad dogs, and they gradually start to repel the sea monster emperor and force the sea monster emperor Back to the outskirts of Fancheng.

Zhaohua leaned against the white-feathered willow, looked up at the sky, and muttered to himself: "After this battle, there are still many problems. If we survive, we will survive, but it consumes too much national strength."

Nourish! Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a purple divine thunder fell from the sky, and the divine thunder caused an extremely violent explosion. The power of this divine thunder surpassed the thunder-type forbidden spells of all the thunder-type forbidden spell mages in Yaodu.

This divine thunder did not land on Yaodu, but on a mountain peak far away from the battlefield of Yaodu.

The top of the heaven, the top of the heaven was bombarded by the thunder of the gods. Thunder, lightning and flames enveloped the entire insect country, and even the clouds were burned.

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