Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1495 The Origin of the Zerg


The Black Vatican and the Parthenon have always had a lot to do with worms.

Whether it is the parasite poisoning ability studied by Sa Lang and Fang Shaoli, the Wang Chong that makes human mages forget their memories, or the earliest and most terrifying black beast in the Black Vatican, they all have a lot to do with the Zerg race.

The Titans, the ancient gods who once guarded Greece, will also live in symbiosis with an ancient mite, an ancient parasite that survives by eating the dander and fat of the ancient Titans.

When our country's Magic Association researched the Black Beast, it discovered that the black corpse water that cultivated the Black Beast had similar curse power to the ancient god mite. Moreover, after a person becomes a dark beast, he can no longer return to his original form. The only way is in the hands of the Goddess of the Parthenon Temple.

So Zhaohua felt that the Parthenon had a lot to do with the Black Vatican a long time ago, and even if Ye Xinxia has become the heir of the soul in our country, he still hasn't had much contact with the Parthenon because of Pat The Temple of Saturn is bright and beautiful, and it is a holy place for healing and blessing, but it is probably the darkest place behind it.

And Wentai seems to have nothing to do with these dark things, but whether it is the mystery of the Parthenon, Sarang or the resurrected Yizhisha, they all have a great relationship with Wentai.

However, what made Zhaohua connect Wentai and Chongguo was not because of the Parthenon Temple, but because of the corpse.

The Greek god of death, Mu Yao, was temporarily pierced through the heart by the holy son Wantai more than 20 years ago, which made Mu Yao's strength drop from the Asian emperor to the supreme monarch. After being severely injured by Mo Fan, Mu Yao had to activate an unknown The worm heart bestowed by the Lord of Darkness summoned the worms to rush out of the enchantment range of the Dark Order, absorbing the lives of a large number of people in Athens to recover from their injuries.

Mo Fan's demonization at the beginning was actually able to defeat Mu Yao, who only had the strength of the Supreme Monarch. In the end, Little Flame Fairy needed to blew herself up because the worm heart absorbed a lot of life force, allowing Mu Yao's strength to return to the level of an invincible monarch.

Father and son Zhaohua and Zhaolang were watching from the sidelines at the time, and they wondered if the Fallen Saint King Wentai had any connection with the Zerg.

Until later, after Zhaohua defeated the Zerg, and finally made a contract with the Zerg, Zhaohua was almost sure that Wentai had a great relationship with the Zerg.

The evolution of the silithid is a strange direction, it is very different from other Zerg. It even made Feng Zhoulong and other researchers believe that the heterogeneous Zerg is probably not a native creature of the magical world.

In Congcheng, there are not only different kinds of Zerg, but also a passage of the Holy Plane in the Tower of the Tropic of Cancer.

Fallen Saint King Wentai, Zerg Zerg, and Saint Plane, there is probably a connection between these three that Zhaohua doesn't even know about.

So when Zhaohua saw that his father Zhaolang, who had recovered to full state, would attack the worm nest, he guessed that Wen Tai really had a lot to do with the alien zerg, and he might even be the creator of the alien zerg. The Zerg was created by it, bred by it.

The heterogeneous Zerg appeared a hundred years ago. It is reasonable that Wen Tai was not born at that time, but Wen Tai entered the dark plane in just a dozen years and became a fallen saint king with the power of the evil fallen god.

Zhaohua also asked the ancient king, but even the ancient king couldn't give the answer, because after Wen Tai entered the dark plane, after a while, he suddenly became the fallen saint king, hiding all dark creatures and all Darkness reigns.

No master of darkness knows what happened in the middle, and no master knows why it can be so fast. This speed of cultivation is abnormal.

Buzzing buzzing, thunder and lightning, golden fire dragons soaring into the sky, the gate of hell is behind. Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound, and endless black spots poured out from the huge white insect nest. The black spots flooded the sky, and the whole sky suddenly turned black. Zhaohua's expression was solemn.

This is why Zhaohua thinks he will fail. In fact, it is difficult for Zhaolang alone to stop Zongguo, even Zhaohua has heard how powerful his father was, and even a great hero who saved the world.

But it is impossible to deal with a worm country, the most is to resist the worm mother desperately, blocking it for a period of time may create a miracle to kill the worm mother.

But now, Wen Tai's avatar came with the divine right of death, it was a complete divine right, and it was still in Wen Tai's hands, how powerful it would be even Zhaohua couldn't guess accurately.

But it is said that in ancient times, the first goddess of the Parthenon broke out the spirit of the Parthenon, and almost wiped out the ancient gods of the Titans.

That is the kingdom of ancient gods and demons. There are probably no fewer than ten titans with the emperor level. Although this is not the credit of the goddess alone, we can know from the ancient records that such things as the soul and the power of the gods are terrible.

Seeing the dense things in the sky, I don't know how many people were scared out of their wits.

The mage, who was originally fighting high, seemed to be drenched in a basin of ice water.

After destroying the sea monster, the undead came again, and the dragon king of the East China Sea who killed the little emperor came from the Sea God Ji of the Shiyuan Emperor, who used the Mengdao tree to occupy the geographical advantage, and came to Hainao and the sea monster to use the superposition of the sea monster.

Now it's finally hard, Zhaohua has prepared several methods for several years, allowing Ding Yumian to be promoted to the evil king so that he can hold back the cold moon eye demon god, and the necromancer Ji Shaoan controls the undead sea monster to fight against the sea monster, and sees a little bit of hope.

As a result, the Zerg Kingdom of the heterogeneous Zerg came out in full force.

Hua Zhanhong's voice came through the heart sound network: "Where is Zhaolang? Is that the thunder and lightning just now?"

Hua Zhanhong didn't know the plan, but he knew about Zhaolang. Zhaolang hadn't participated in the war from the beginning to the end. If there was no accident, he was guarding the Zong Kingdom alone. The purple divine thunder just now was probably Zhaolang's thunder system.

Zhaohua said with neither joy nor sadness: "Wen Tai should have appeared, he was restrained by Wen Tai."


Hua Zhanhong didn't know so many things about the Black Vatican. To put it bluntly, the Black Vatican was just a bigger ant nest in the eyes of the military leader-level mages, and Hua Zhanhong only cared about demons.

But even if he doesn't pay attention to the Black Vatican, all mages all over the world know that Wen Tai has become one of the masters of darkness.

Even Hua Zhanhong couldn't help sighing, in fact, he had already guessed that Zhaohua was really helpless.

Evil King, let Ding Yumian, who already possesses twin souls of good and evil, possesses psychic attack spells, feign death to lure the emperor, the skeleton and dead emperor, and then use the contract prepared in advance to revive Ding Yumian's soul at the last moment, and then burst out attack spells to be promoted to the evil king.

Hua Zhanhong admired this set of operations, but this was already the limit.

After fighting for such a long time, the resources have long been exhausted, and all the mage's mana has been exhausted, and even Hua Zhanhong has not much mana left.

The oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.


"Let the people in the underground shelter run as much as they can."

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