Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1516 Entering the Shenmu Well

After Kraken lost, Zhaohua no longer regarded Hainao as an opponent.

The method of the brain is actually a bit similar to that of the Black Vatican. The Amazon wizard must have reached some kind of deal with the emperor of the roof of the ocean, or told it about the position of the god a long time ago, or for various other reasons.

Let the sea monster launch this super sea monster natural disaster that has spread to the whole world.

In fact, after the Kraken Calamity was defeated, the Brain or the Amazon Wizard had already lost everything. If there is no seed code of Li Kaifeng, maybe it can hide in the Amazon rainforest and linger on, delusion that it can turn around in a hundred years.

But once the location is known, what greets it is the price of failure.

At first, Zhaohua thought that the Amazonian wizard had a divine eye, and wanted to come and take it away, but it seems that he also knew that he would die, so he lost the divine eye somewhere.

After Zhaohua solved the Amazon wizard, Zhaohua walked into the frozen altar. All life in the entire tribe has withered. Being frozen in the ice is mortal, and it can be revived after being frozen for decades That is impossible.

Zhaohua looked at the painting through the iceberg, and the painting was frozen inside.

Zhaohua asked in his heart: "Do you want it?"

Aww! Shengyin refused. This painting is just an ordinary portrait, which is useless.

Zhaohua shrugged. He didn't leave immediately, but took out a branch, held it in his hand, and started walking towards the Shenmu Well.

The Amazon rainforest is not the entire rainforest is a black area, the further you go in, the area near Shenmujing is the black life forbidden area.

And Shenmujing is not just a restricted area for human mages, even demons.

Zhaohua decorated his white T-shirt with branches on his coat pocket. These were not ordinary branches, but green shoots from Shenmujing seedlings.

Of course, normal creatures cannot enter this area of ​​the Shenmu Well. Even the Forbidden Curse Mage is cautious here, like walking on needles, and will be surrounded by plant monsters if he is not careful.

In the depths of the Amazon rainforest, not only is there no mountain of skeletons as imagined, but a forest of bones. Human hair was spun into felt pieces, and human skin and flesh were rotten into dust. Human tendons are entangled in the tree, dry and scorched as bright as silver. Mountains of corpses and seas of blood, stench and bad smell.

On the contrary, the mountains are undulating, the trees are lush and lush, and the entire Shenmujing area is full of vitality. The ground is covered with small grasses and tall trees.

But often such places are the most confusing. Even a small grass may be more deadly than the monarch in the black forbidden zone.

But none of this has anything to do with Zhaohua, he belongs to a related household through the back door.

Wherever Zhaohua went, the trees seemed to be alive, and they automatically grew to both sides, revealing a path.

This is a world of giant trees and sacred trees. When Zhaohua walked in, the whole area was like a giant wooden umbrella covering the sky. It felt like this area of ​​Shenmujing was grinning grinningly while opening its magic mouth, swallowing itself. In its esophagus, it waits for itself to be digested by this infinitely terrifying devil plant world.

Every branch and every rotten leaf in this black restricted zone seems to have strange eyes, staring at Zhaohua viciously, his sense of wind is always open, Zhaohua can be sure that these trees and even the soil , dead branches are connected to Shenmu well.

Everything here is a part of the Shenmu well in a certain sense. The real Shenmu well is more mysterious and terrifying than the Shenmu well that incorporates the crown of heaven.

Suddenly, a shriveled paw grabbed Zhaohua's trouser leg, which was a hand made of twined dead trees and vines.

With a bang, a strange treant whose whole body was woven from dead trees and vines burst out of the ground, and the huge long hands were pulled up from the ground like a carrot, and firmly grasped Zhaohua.

Afterwards, smiling faces suddenly appeared on the main trunks of the surrounding trees, and more and more facial makeups, like Peking Opera changing faces, became clearer and more, and more and more different tree pattern facial makeups appeared on other tree trunks. The demonic plants began to surround Zhaohua.

The weakest of these plants are all at the commanding level, and the treant who grabbed Zhaohua's dead tree and vines even reached the level of a great monarch.

And there are more and more monsters approaching here.

Zhaohua sighed, it's not that the seedlings of Shenmujing are invalid, if Zhaohua hides in the Tianguanxin flower demon, then he will be able to reach Shenmujing smoothly. The demon and Zhaohua's summoned beasts were all absorbing the effect of time liquid, so they were unable to fight.

The identity of a human is really not easy to use, and they are discriminated against in the demon area.

hum! A white light burst out from Zhaohua's forehead.


"The fourth roof was born."

"It's human."

"The human mage becomes the roof."



Waves of strange voices came from all directions, these voices seemed to be far away and seemed to be close to the ears.

There are too many unsolved mysteries and unknown things in the black forbidden zone. Zhaohua doesn't know where these sounds come from, and he also knows what kind of monsters are coming from them. The only thing he knows is that the source of these sounds knows roof ridge.

"It's a miracle."

"It's a miracle."

"This human being is amazing."

"It's about to start."

"It's about to start."

"Competition for the god position."

"The world will be destroyed . . . destroyed."

When Zhaohua heard these voices, he just smiled and didn't go into it, nor did he think too much, because he knew where these voices came from.

Rustle, rustle, all the plants escaped from the earth like snakes and scorpions, no matter whether Zhaohua has the strength of the roof now, whether it is a human, a sea monster, a demon, or an undead, or what means or methods the roof was obtained by, all of these matters. unimportant.

The roof is a status symbol.

This time, Zhaohua didn't have any obstacles, and came to Shenmujing smoothly.

A lake, Zhaohua saw a beautiful lake, there were deer drinking water, birds landed on the deer's antlers from the branches and sang, and the sun shone through the gaps in the leaves. beautiful sight.

But here is indeed the most mysterious and dangerous place of Shenmujing.

That lake is the Shenmu Well, and the shape of the Shenmu Well is a tree stump, like a tree that has been cut off in the upper half, leaving only the stump, and the hollow in the middle is filled with water.

Because it was buried underground and the Shenmu Well was so huge, it looked like a lake.

Zhaohua once suspected that Shenmujing was not like this at the beginning, but a tree, a giant tree towering into the sky, but it was cut down later.

But if that's the case, where does the cut off part go?

Zhaohua walked slowly, and the deer was frightened and ran away. This is a wild deer that is not even a monster.

Zhaohua lowered his head, and the lake was clear and bright, but Zhaohua had entered the Wucai Tianchi once before, and knew there was a cave below.

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