Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1523 Time Dawn

Pa, there was a snap of fingers, and Mrs. Loo, who had been flying out at a speed of a thousand meters in an instant, returned to the original place in an instant.

"This is! My Chaos-type Forbidden Curse Magic!!"

Mrs. Loo was startled. Isn't this her Chaos-type magic? Although her own Chaos-type Forbidden-Curse Magic barely reached the level of Forbidden-Curse Magic, it was far beyond super-order.

Mrs. Loo's understanding of the chaos system is naturally far from enough, and she can only create forbidden magic with half the power of forbidden magic. Of course, she must have boasted that it is forbidden magic.

"The sky is big and the earth is big. The mages in our country can go wherever they want."

Suddenly, on the battlefield where Wei Guang and Mu Rong, two forbidden curse mages, were fighting, a woman wearing a military cap, a military coat, and twin ponytails squatted halfway on top of a piece of ice, with a smile on her lips. Look at the direction where Mu Ningxue and the little white tiger are escaping.

The first dawn of the Western Army! She actually came to the Antarctic continent!

Wei Guang looked at Shi Xiao's military jacket, which was densely covered with golden stars and medals, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that she must be the head of the country's army.

Although the identity of the country's army chief has always been kept highly confidential, both the eastern and southern army chiefs were killed in order to protect Yao, and the northern army chief was seriously injured on the battlefield in Asuka City, and even his spiritual world began to collapse. The identity of the girl in front of him was almost revealed.

"You are the leader of the Western Army?!"

Wei Guang couldn't believe it, this girl in her teens or twenties turned out to be the strongest mage in the country according to legend! Protect the vastest western part of the demon region!

Of course, Shi Xiao only made herself look young because of the chaos system, but she was actually the same generation as Zhaohao.

Shi Xiao turned his head to look at Wei Guang, nodded and said, "Wei Guang, you didn't waste Hua Zhanhong's flaming earth core at the expense of the old face."

Shi Xiao looked at Mu Rong at the side, his eyes narrowed slightly, with a meaningful smile on his face.

Mu Rong's feet softened, and he sat down on the glacier with a puff. Commander! Although everyone is a forbidden spell, it is not at the same level as the military chief!

Mu Rong trembled all over, and shouted loudly as if to embolden himself: "You, you, you can't leave the border of the country and appear on the Antarctic continent!"

Shi Xiao nodded and smiled, and said, "Of course, if I had come to the Antarctic continent, the guy in the middle circle would have appeared long ago."

"This is just the third-level magic of the high-level chaos system, the seal of rubbings-reconstruction."

The effect of the chaotic high-level magic rubbing chapter is to copy the magic in advance, and then use it immediately without releasing the time.

"Impossible! How can Chaos magic copy itself! This is impossible! You must have used some kind of sorcery!" Mu Rong is not only a magician of the Ice Forbidden Curse, he also has a Chaos system. He does not believe that anyone can reach this level .

Naturally, it was impossible for Shi Xiao to explain to Mu Rong, how could a forbidden spell that didn't even have its own forbidden spell magic understand the true meaning of the forbidden spell.

Shi Xiao rubbed himself with chaos magic, and put the rubbing on the invitation letter when he came into contact with Mu Ningxue's invitation letter.

The country said that there is no extra manpower to protect Mu Ningxue's experience, but how could it really allow Mu Ningxue to go to the Antarctic Continent alone. The Antarctic Continent is not only scary, but also people.

Originally, it would be a failure to activate Mu Ningxue's practice with the rubbing, and Shi Xiao would use the chaotic marks left on the periphery to send Mu Ningxue away, but now, Shi Xiao feels that there is no need to stop, because Mu Ningxue's talent is stronger than expected , and Mu Ningxue only came for seven days, and broke through to the semi-forbidden curse.

Even Mu Ningxue didn't realize that since she entered the Antarctic continent, she has entered a state of epiphany. If she is sent away by force, it will destroy her chance, and it may not be possible to come again next time.

Shi Xiao glanced at Madam Loo's position, and snapped her fingers again. Madam Loo, who was standing in the middle, suddenly shattered. It was her ice avatar. Then the real Madam Loo appeared, and she wanted to escape , but no matter how they can escape from this chaotic forbidden world.

Mrs. Loo was sweating profusely on her forehead, and she had already guessed why the other party could use her forbidden spell.

Mrs. Loo said in horror: "You copied my forbidden magic."

The Chapter of Rubbing - Restoration, this is the advanced level 2 magic of the chaos system, the effect is to copy other people's or your own magic, and then restore it, and the high level 3 level will build the basis of actual copying and then strengthen it.

Obviously, the other party did not change his forbidden magic, but restored it.

This horrified Mrs. Loo.

Facts speak louder than words. No matter how unbelievable it is, the facts are already in front of my eyes. My chaos-type forbidden curse magic has been copied, and it has been copied by high-level magic!

Chaos magic can’t copy anything. As high-level magic, it can only copy high-level magic. If you copy your own magic, you can upgrade it to super-level after construction, but super-level is the limit.

And the premise of copying is to understand the principle of this magic, at least you need to know how to place the stars and have enough control. Therefore, it is very difficult to copy other people's magic in general, but it is impossible to copy a forbidden spell at a high level! Not to mention copying other people's forbidden magic!

Not to mention Mu Rong, even Mrs. Loo, who is also a forbidden curse of the chaos system, can't understand what kind of power this is.

Pfft, Shi Xiao seemed to hear some funny joke, and couldn't help laughing out. Originally, she looked very cute and lively with a pair of ponytails, but when she suddenly laughed, she looked like a teenager like a little girl.

"Forbidden spell? Can this shabby magic of yours be called a forbidden spell??"

"That's right, I forgot. You Western mages always like to brag about weird and inexplicable things. A mage who has no divine endowment and can't use forbidden spells is also called a forbidden spell mage. This kind of rough magic can It's called a curse."

Suddenly, the holy light shone on the earth, and the sixteen-winged seraph Michael stood in the air, condescending, followed by many holy mages of the holy city.

With a sound of Po, the forbidden realm of chaos that imprisoned Mrs. Loo was wiped out by the holy light, and Mrs. Loo was liberated.

The sixteen-winged seraphim Michael has a powerful strength that even Khufu fears.

Michael appeared, but Shi Xiao, who made the rubbing, naturally knew that there was nothing to play.

No one will doubt the strength of the Archangel of the Holy City, it is powerful, and this is recognized by the military capital of our country. No matter where the power comes from, strong is strong.

If it wasn't for Shi Xiao's avatar, he could try to tear off his chicken wings, but it was impossible for Shi Xiao to leave the country, or even leave the west. She came to support at the price of shrinking the western border.

Shi Xiao stretched out his hand to touch Wei Guang who was on the side, and suddenly, a chaotic spatial turbulence swept Wei Guang away and swept him to the periphery of the Antarctic continent. Our country has lost enough Forbidden Magic Masters, and it is natural for such people to be preserved.

"Take care of you easily."

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