Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1529 Candy [Two Chapters in One]

"If it's just a curse mage, it's impossible. Even the summoner who influenced the white dragon with his three-inch tongue, at the peak, the monk who reversed assimilated the emperor couldn't do it. The power of human beings is still the same. Too weak." Finally Yan Diwanglong raised his head and said solemnly.

"Then what do you mean..."

"If you can't do it once, it doesn't mean you won't do it in the future. Although human life is short, but such a short lifespan can be enslaved and raised in captivity from the beginning, and then the three major planes compete for the magic world and a war breaks out to survive until the end, even from the three major planes. Learned some techniques from the plane, and developed the power that belongs to human beings called magic, and human beings have used their strength to prove that they are the most powerful."

The words of the final emperor dragon were sonorous and powerful, and the mass extinction war made the final emperor dragon feel incredible.

Turning the tide against the sky, whether it is the holy plane or the dark plane, who would have thought that human beings who were as weak as ants and food would have the last laugh.

Even in the current magical world, the human race is still the most powerful race, and it needs other monster races to unite to fight against it. Finally, magic was created, and that supposedly barren world entered the age of magic. It is enough to understand that the masters of the world are called wizards.

Magic is the power of humans, not demons.

Finally, the Emperor Dragon retracted his gaze and said on his stomach: "Winning is winning. There is no luck or another chance. Back then, humans had the last laugh. No matter what the reason was, or how strong they were, we must admit this result."

The original elves of the Thousand Clans Elf Tower attacked together, but they had tried countless times in ancient times, but none of them were successful, even several times with the participation of Wanlong Valley, they failed.

And this time was no exception, the chains remained the same.

No matter how they are destroyed, these chains will return to their original appearance as if they will be reincarnated.

It was a little different this time around.

In the holy island of elves, a magic gate appeared, with various elves engraved on the magic gate.

The magic gate has been opened, but unlike the previous ones, there is a star road behind the magic gate, which is composed of 16,807 star particles.

If the Demon Sect can't bear it, then add another Forbidden Curse Star Road.

Back then, Feng Ling stretched out a hand, snapped his fingers and instantly killed the Spanish national team in the national competition, and blasted the protective cover of the competition.

Seeing this magic door and the forbidden curse star road composed of summoning stars, Rin smiled slightly and said: "The child who works so hard must give some candy."

Rin flicked his hair with his left hand, and the short-haired Rin smiled with a feeling of first love.

Without any hesitation, Rin walked through the magic gate and embarked on the Forbidden Curse Star Road.

At this time, on the Antarctic continent, Zhaohua held the catalog of origins, and the forbidden curse starry sky in the sky descended a road of forbidden curse composed of stars.

Rin slowly approached from the sky like a goddess descending.

Zhaohua looked at Rin who was coming from the magic gate, his eyes could not help but be dignified, because Rin's limbs and body were bound by a silver chain, which Zhaohua couldn't see through.

"It is these chains, not only the holy island is sealed, but these chains of reincarnation are blocked from the source of our power."

Lelele, stare! Suddenly, the chain began to drag. Although Rin was temporarily summoned by Zhaohua, Zhaohua thought that at least he would wait until the energy of the summoning system was completely consumed before going back. After all, Rin is the same as Fengling back then. Most of the power is unavailable.

Just like when Mo Fan summoned the Manjusha Huawu queen from the dark plane, he suppressed his strength.

But it's obviously not now, and the power has not even started to be used now, the chains have begun to drag and tighten, and to drag Rin back, Rin still needs to allocate most of his strength to fight against the seal.

In other words, Rin, who was summoned by Zhaohua with the help of the geographical advantage of the Antarctic continent, is not as powerful as summoning Huawei.

Zhaohua reached out to touch the chain, but as he expected, he couldn't touch it.

According to Feng Ling and the others, these chains do not exist. These chains exist in another unknown world, so they need power that also does not belong to the three major planes and the magic world.

"You work so hard, there are still candies." Rin smiled lightly, as if her sister was teasing her younger brother.

Although it failed, there was a consolation prize.

Boom boom boom! ! ! Suddenly the entire Antarctic continent was trembling. The Antarctic continent was originally a clear sky, but suddenly the eternal night was approaching, and some dust floated from the avalanche river.

Ice-type extreme dust, they are the most precious treasures in the entire southern land. The reason why those ice creatures can be several times stronger than the monsters on land and in the deep sea is that they are tempered by the harsh environment on the one hand, and on the other hand. This ice system is extremely dusty.

The extreme dust is like the fragments of stars that fell to the earth in the eternal night starry sky. Even in the dark blizzard, they still shone with rare dust colors. Just a piece of extreme dust the size of a fingernail, the energy released is enough to turn several Ten kilometers of mountains were completely frozen into icebergs.

These are also the reasons for the birth of the most terrifying cold air on the Antarctic continent, these are the extreme dust that is everywhere but hard to get.

These things as small as dust are the raw materials of resources that mages dream of breaking through the threshold.

There is ice-system extreme dust in the Antarctic continent, and other places naturally have different properties. It is mixed in a certain proportion, and then mixed and diluted, it is cosmic dust.

The proportions are different, and the products produced are different. The higher concentration is the pulse of the galaxy needed by high-level mages, and the higher concentration is the pulse of the star sea and sky needed by super mages.

This is also the reason why Cosmic Dust, Vein of the Galaxy and Vein of the Star Sea are suitable for all mages. Whether it is fire, water, shadow, dimension or others, you use these three things to break through the threshold.

It is because the cosmic dust, the veins of the galaxy and the veins of the galaxy contain all the energy in them, and at the same time, they can also strengthen the spiritual world of the mage.

These extreme dusts are extremely difficult to obtain, even if they are extremely scarce in the whole world, and to make cosmic dust, the veins of the galaxy, and the veins of the stars and the sky, extreme dusts of different attributes are needed, and it is impossible for any country to have extreme dusts of different attributes at the same time. territory.

And so the National Competition was born.

Because these breakthrough resources can only be manufactured by the cooperation of countries all over the world, uneven distribution is prone to occur. After all, there are some places, such as the soil-type extreme dust in the Sahara Desert, the ice-type extreme dust in the Antarctic continent, and the water-type extreme dust in Bermuda. It is too difficult to obtain.

Except for the Forbidden Curse Mage, who dares to go to these places to collect extreme dust.

It is also impossible for countries to exist in these places, so the difficulty of extreme dust with different attributes will be different. In the end, all magic countries will discuss that every four years, the young mages of the country will compete for it, and the resources will be reserved for countries that are more capable of cultivating powerful young mages. Only by using it can the future of mankind be guaranteed.

Undoubtedly, although Spirit Seeds, Soul Seeds, Heaven Seeds, and some resources to speed up cultivation can make mages stronger, everyone knows that the resources that can make mages break through are the most precious and important.

It is almost fatal to break through the ultra-level without the Xinghai Tianmai. It is impossible for everyone to break through with the power of the totem like Mo Fan and the others.

Mastering the cosmic dust, the veins of the galaxy and the veins of the galaxy is the real power to master magic.

There is no power, but just like Fengling back then, Rin's control over the elements is not at the same level at all. They're not even called controls, they're masters.

What you have is the supreme control of the master.

For the sake of a piece of extreme dust, even many monarchs and emperors don't mind massacring an entire population of the extreme south.

Similarly, the extreme dust will also bring a strong transformation power to the creatures of the ice field, and the ice races living in the extreme south will also try their best to obtain the extreme dust.

And now, such precious dust is controlled by Rin, pieces of dust are like snowflakes fluttering to the palm of Rin's palm, these dusts seem to be assembled, and quickly become a six-faced ice flower .

Of course, this cannot be the extreme dust of the entire Antarctic continent. Although Rin is powerful, if he captures the extreme dust of the entire Antarctic continent, then the Antarctic continent will cease to exist.

It can't do it in its current state, it's just drawn some from the avalanche river, and the Antarctic roof emperor occupies the place of the avalanche river, which already shows where the most dusty place in the Antarctic continent is.

But just this point is enough to drive all ice mages in the world crazy.

In the eyes of the extremely strong, some resources are nothing more than that.

Just like a forbidden curse mage like Zhaohua, money is not even a number to him.

It is also impossible for him to compete for the Spirit Seed, Soul Seed, or even the Heaven Seed. Each of his Forbidden Curse Magic is worth ten thousand gold, and it is too easy for a Forbidden Curse Mage to obtain money.

For example, if the two countries go to war, a Forbidden Curse mage runs over, one billion one Forbidden Curse, and whoever pays me will use the Forbidden Curse to bombard the opposite side.

And when it comes to resources of the level of the sky seed, money can't buy it, let alone the sky seed that can make the magician of the forbidden curse fancy, even the big sky seed of the forbidden magician may not be in the eye.

Masters like Zhaohua are even less interested in money. (Zhaohua: I am not interested in money)

Of course, the ice flower made of extreme dust is still interesting.

With a sound of Peng, Rin flicked the ice flower with his fingers, and the ice flower was like a light petal, fluttering into the long avalanche river.

Rin also knew that Zhaohua came to the Antarctic continent at the risk of being attacked by the emperor, and tried to use the power of the Antarctic to summon him out. The purpose was to let his second life annihilate the Holy City mage, and even kill Michael.

Rin looked at Zhaohua with a smile, and said with a smile: "Those are all human mages. What you do is to increase the power of demons and weaken the power of mages."


Although the mages assembled in the Holy City are not all the forces in the Holy City, they are also the most powerful elite troops. The crusade team assembled now is enough to overturn the Pyramid of Khufu.

But Zhaohua, as a human being, is now planning to frame him.

Zhaohua looked at Rin who had something to say, and said with a smile: "If the holy city doesn't suffer once, the magic of this team of holy mages will fall in my country, and the holy city will not allow a man who can overpower them The nations above appear."

Behind the United States is the Holy City. When the United States became independent from the United Kingdom, it was the support given by the Holy City. Even the method of the Pistil of the Earth was secretly given to the United States by the angels of the Holy City, and then the United States rose because of it.

The Holy City has always been the secret ruler of the Western countries, and it is impossible for it to watch a behemoth appear in Asia far away on the other side.

boom! Suddenly, the avalanche and long river erupted with shocking cold air, and the endless ice power even froze the projected holy city.

Ice can not only freeze water, it can freeze anything, including space, flames, holy light and darkness.

When the snowflakes flew in, the emperor on the roof of Antarctica gained the power and recovered a lot of power. Far away in the European continent, in the real holy city of Rome, Italy, pieces of frost emerged from the ground of the holy city emitting golden light out of thin air.

Uriel, who was looking at ancient books in the library, suddenly changed his expression, and with a whoosh, the sixteen wings spread out behind him. Uriel was the first archangel of this generation to return to the holy city, and he even stepped into the Sixteen Wings earlier than Michael.

Uriel, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are called the Four Angels because they are said to be the four archangels standing before God.

And Uriel means "God's Light" and "God's Flame".

Although there are seven angels in the holy city, the seven archangels are also different. Only Uriel, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael can stand before God.

At this time, Uriel spread out sixteen angel wings and rushed out of the library of the holy city, and snowflakes fell in the holy city.

"Through the projection of Michael's holy mage, the cold current is coming from such a distance!"

The temperature of the holy city suddenly dropped rapidly, and even the protective barrier of the holy city began to freeze.

Uriel's eyes stared directly in the direction of the Antarctic continent. His "clairvoyance" could not only see through human crimes at a glance. According to legend, Uriel also saw through Satan's plot to invade the Garden of Eden.

But even if they have reached the strength of the sixteen wings, and they are the first angels to return, they cannot see such a long distance from the Antarctic Continent.

Huh, Uriel summoned his own angelic soul, Uriel's angelic soul is different from Michael's, Uriel's angelic soul is wrapped in flames, and holds a flaming sword in his hand.

Although Uriel often hides in the library to read ancient books, Uriel is actually an angel in charge of anger. He is irritable and moody. Only in the library can Uriel calm the fire of anger in his heart.

The moment Uriel's angelic holy soul appeared, the angel's flame light began to warm the entire holy city, and the firelight brought warmth to this cold city.

"It's Archangel Uriel!"

"It's so warm, this is the angelic fire of Archangel Uriel."

There are also people living in the holy city. Although the holy city is not big, Italy is around the holy city. Some apostles who claim to be the people of God will live in the holy city and praise the greatness of the angels.

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