Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1531 A country that does not believe in the holy city

"Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael!"

"Savior, savior, savior, savior!"

In the holy city of Rome, the center of Italy, countless people came to worship in the whole of Italy.

A year ago, Antarctica suddenly released a strong cold current, which swept the whole world, and the cold current caused the temperature of the whole world to drop. Although the temperature in some tropical areas has not dropped very seriously, the impact of even a one-degree drop in temperature around the world will have a huge impact on plant cultivation.

But now, Michael defeated the Emperor of the Antarctic Roof and cracked the Antarctic cold current. For some countries, this is more important than repelling the Kraken. After all, the Kraken is only lurking on the coastline and has not continued to attack the country.

People dressed in white knelt down on the ground and knelt down as if possessed by demons, shouting Michael frantically.

But Michael in the holy city was not as happy as imagined.

On the high tower of the holy city, Michael's body is still frozen. The back of his hands, body, and cheeks are covered with purple-black frostbite in many places. Michael can't even use the angel's holy soul now.

"How long will it take to get rid of these extreme dust and cold air?" Michael asked with a low voice, his eyes were gloomy and terrifying.

And the former goddess Yizhisha standing behind Michael bent slightly and said: "I don't have a soul now, and it will take at least a year to expel the extreme dust and coldness of the emperor on the roof of the Antarctic."

Michael had invited Ye Xinxia, ​​the owner of the divine soul, who is the next strong contender for the Goddess, to come together to expel the extreme dust and coldness of the emperor on the Antarctic roof, but Ye Xinxia pushed him away with the excuse of being unwell and seriously depleting his divine power.

Obviously, Ye Xinxia knew that Michael had always supported Yizhisha, so Ye Xinxia didn't bother to go to the Holy City, but went to England to get support.

Especially after the United Kingdom has broken away from the agreement of the European Union of Magical Empires and is no longer a member of the European Union of Magical Unions, Ye Xinxia needs the support of the United Kingdom, the five permanent members of the Council of Magic.

Yizhisha with the support of the Holy City is equivalent to holding the support of the United States, France, and other high-level wizards of the European Magic Empire Alliance. If Ye Xinxia wants to win against Yizhisha, the support of the magic high-level of the other three magic empires is very important .

But now, the British high-level magic will basically support Ye Xinxia to become a goddess, while the Russian high-level magic will support whoever has the soul, and the situation between the two is now the same.

"One year...Okay, that's one year. After one year, I will go to that country in person. I want to see if there are any places that our holy city can't control!"

Michael wanted to break through the limits of the angels of all ages, reaching the level of creation angels with sixteen wings, eighteen wings or even the legendary twenty wings, and become the most powerful angel in history.

And to reach the level of this twenty-winged creation angel, at least the power of faith of all human beings in the world is required. Even the eighteen-winged majority of human beings need to believe in themselves and worship themselves.

However, now Michael found that his power of faith not only did not increase due to the Antarctic cold current, but was gradually decreasing.

The reason is that in the oldest magical empire in Asia, people lost their belief in the holy city.

Not only that country, but even Japan, Thailand, Cambodia and other countries are reducing their beliefs. Now in the whole of Asia, the magic empire that tried its best to repel the sea monster is the center of belief in these Asian countries.

Just as Western countries are more afraid of cold currents, Asian Pacific countries are more afraid of sea monsters than Antarctic cold currents. The sea monsters are indeed invading. The sea monsters in the Pacific have slaughtered most of the magical countries in Asia, and all countries with coastlines have been devastated.

Whoever can defeat the siren will be the savior.

Because of the Kraken natural disaster, the oldest magic empire in remote Asia has undoubtedly risen, becoming the leader of most countries in Asia, and it has become another holy city in Asia.

However, the Kraken Calamity Holy City did not send any support. This practice made people in many countries feel disheartened by the so-called guardians, saviors, and archangels.

Books engraved with the word "holy" were burned one after another. The churches that were once provided for believers to visit and chant scriptures every day were destroyed by sea monsters and are still ruins, and no one has rebuilt them.

The Kraken disaster made people realize that there is nothing in this world worth believing in. The so-called angels are too illusory. Only the military mages who have been guarding the country's borders and sacrificing their lives to defend their homes are the real saviors.

At this time, Zhaohua, who had returned from the Antarctic continent, was standing in the Zhongshan Academy, which was being rebuilt. Naturally, the Zhongshan Academy was also destroyed by the Kraken.

In Zhongshan University, where Meng Daoshu used to be, there is now a huge stone tablet, which is densely written with names, all of which are the names of the mages who died in this sea monster natural disaster.

The name of this stele was carved by hand instead of directly using earth magic. Every stroke is so deep to carve, and every stroke is very heavy.

It took half a month to finally complete this huge monument to martyrs.

The numerous names on the stele of the martyrs remind the mages of later generations all the time that the peace we get today is all bought by the sacrifices of the sages.

Zhaohua stood in silence in front of the martyr's monument. When he left, the martyr's monument had not yet been built.

While Zhaohua was mourning in silence, Moze hurried over.

Three minutes later, Zhaohua turned around and looked at Mo Ze, who was like an ant on a pot, and asked, "What's wrong? You look so anxious."

"There is a person who claims to be the holy shadow apostle of the holy city and wants us to hand over Mu Ningxue, saying that Mu Ningxue has betrayed humans, colluded with the Antarctic demons, lured the crusade team into a trap on purpose, and killed all the Antarctic crusade team. The mage said that she was controlled by the Antarctic emperor and would be handed over to the holy city." Moze said as he walked.

After hearing this, Zhaohua smiled and shook his head speechlessly. Zhaohua knew about Mu Ningxue's experience in Antarctica. Although it was not arranged by Zhaohua, the leader of Shi Xiaojun did not hide it.

Even Shi Xiao knew that it was not Mu Ningxue who framed the Antarctic expedition team, but Mu Rong and Mrs. Luo Ou who planned to frame Mu Ningxue and steal her natural talent, and Mu Ningxue escaped in the end.

What's more, who cheated Michael Zhaohua is clearer than everyone else, because he was the one who cheated.

"Where is the Holy Shadow Apostle in the Holy City?" Zhao Hua asked.

"In the conference room of the court."

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