Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1543 Mo Fan surrenders himself

The hero of the ancient capital, the champion of the national competition, the brave man in the sea battle of the magic city, and the guardian of the green dragon totem.

Mo Fan is no longer a small person like he was in Bo City at the beginning. Now Mo Fan can be said to be one of the most famous mages in the entire magic world, with a great reputation.

Now Mo Fan can be said to be the new patron saint of the country, and the name of Master Dongfang Qinglong has already been resounded all over the world.

The sixteen-winged seraphim Michael of the holy city defeated the emperor on the roof of the Antarctic and broke the cold current of the Antarctic.

Mo Fan, the guardian of the Eastern Azure Dragon, reconstructed the totem, guarding tens of thousands of people in the Demon City, and resisting countless sea monsters alone.

If there is a holy city in the west, then there is an ancient country in the east. There is the strongest battle angel Michael in the holy city, and there is Mo Fan, the guardian of the blue dragon in the east.

In the west, Michael is indeed famous, but in the east, especially in Asia, especially in the oldest magic empire, Mo Fan's reputation far surpasses that of Michael.

It is impossible for the holy city to have an excuse to deal with Mo Fan, let alone attack the magic empire. Even if Mo Fan can't revive Qinglong now, the military mages in the east and south military regions are almost dead, and only Shi Xiao, the military leader of the four countries, is left with combat power, there is no way to make a move.

Because righteousness is not on the side of the holy city.

In order to fight against the sea monster, the whole country suffered heavy casualties. If the holy city suddenly fell into trouble at this time, then the holy city would not only not be the guardian of the world, but also become the enemy of mankind.

And the devil system, the evil holy king ceremony of the dark plane, is the best excuse for the holy city.

Now that Mo Fan has reached the Forbidden Curse, he has completely solved the mystery of the demon system after he has completely controlled the demon system.

The demon system is not crooked, it is not sorcery, the demon system is serious magic, the essence of the demon system is the poison system, it is the ultimate mystery of the poison system magic or the original form of the poison system magic.

Mo Fan's transformation into a demon is equivalent to a poisonous transformation, but the biggest difference between Mo Fan's demon system is that the demon system can obtain the power of darkness from the dark plane, allowing Mo Fan to explode beyond his class.

Mo Fan even eliminated the demon pattern just now, no longer borrowing power from the dark plane, abandoned this power, and let the demon system return to its essence as Mo Fan's first forbidden curse system, so Mo Fan will no longer be demonized Then he lost control, and even said that Mo Fan's normal state is the body of a demon, which is invulnerable to all poisons.

But does it work? The holy city can turn black into white, and Sariye can even deliberately let the red devil perform the evil holy king ritual, and then Sariye will push the casualties caused by the red devil on Mo Fan's head.

Now that Sariye was killed by Mo Fan, there is no need to guess, Mo Fan knows what kind of peerless devil the Holy City will describe himself as, deceiving the world, killing angels, and killing countless people in the Shuangshou Pavilion Just to be promoted to the Evil Saint King.

And the high level of the country will definitely not believe it, the country will protect Mo Fan, and then there will be a conflict with the holy city.

Mo Fan knew it, the Holy City knew it, and the country's top officials knew it.

This is actually a game that all three parties know well.

And the holy city wants this result, so that the crime can be raised from the personal Mo Fan to the national level, slandering the country as an evil magic country, and then uniting all the mages in the west and even the mages of the world, and then the holy city will It is logical to become the leader of the world, but also to eradicate the biggest opponent.

Mo Fan retreated for a year and a half, and the Holy City did not trouble him, and Mo Fan just came out a few days ago, and Sariel and Hong Mo were ready by such a coincidence.

How can there be so many coincidences, when all the coincidences happen together, it is not a coincidence, but deliberately arranged by someone.

The director of this scene is the holy city.

In this scene, the angel is the warrior, Mo Fan is the villainous dragon, and the country behind him is the Dragon City.

I don’t know how many times I have used this old drama road holy city. At the beginning, because Qilin was the reason for summoning the plane, it was also this way. The seven archangels attacked him, and wanted to open the channel of the holy plane to destroy Qi Lin.

At that time, not only the Holy City, but also the contemporary goddesses of the Parthenon were there to attack Zhaohao and Qilin. It is conceivable how deep the interests are involved.

And Mo Fan also knows it well, so Mo Fan knows that the only way to solve this matter is to cut off contact with the country and go to the Holy City by himself.

Don't give the holy city a chance to slander, and don't give the holy city a chance to black hands. Mo Fan surrendered himself, and then exposed this incident, so that all mages in the world can witness and judge together, not like Wen Tai.

And this time Mo Fan's situation is much better, at least one of the seven angels died, and one of the angels is still his disciple, he will stand by him, and the Parthenon Temple will also stand by him because of Xinxia.

It is not so easy for Michael and other angels to do their hands and feet.

Lingling looked at Mo Fan in surprise, she didn't expect Mo Fan to be as wise as a fool, she would have understood it long ago. In order not to implicate his friends, not implicate his country, and prevent his country from becoming a battlefield, he chose to go to the holy city alone.

"However, the strength of the Holy City is unfathomable. The strongest battle angel Michael, he has reached the strongest sixteen-winged Seraphim. He has already returned to Raphael and Lemuel, and what is even more terrifying is the earliest return But no one knows about his strength, the most mysterious Uriel."

"Sariel may be the worst among all the angels, but you almost died in the hands of Sariel. If the holy city directly attacks you, you will definitely die!"

Sariel has not yet returned and only has the strength of the eight wings. Although the return ceremony has been completed for more than half, he can still use the angel weapon, but if he has not returned, he has not returned. The strength is not at the same level as the angel who returned to the Holy City.

Angels who have not returned are strong or weak. For example, Sariye only has eight wings, but Sharjah has ten wings. Sharjah was almost able to complete the return ceremony. If Feng Zhoulong's fusion method was promoted at that time, Sharjah You can return to this.

Once back, the angel's guaranteed twelve wings have the combat power to fight against the little emperor, which is not at the same level as Sariel.

Mo Fan, a demon with a small body, went to the holy city, and he was completely sending sheep to the tiger's mouth.

Mo Fan said: "Don't worry, I'm not here to deliver. We need time, I need time, and the country needs time. I'm just delaying time."

Lingling's words came to her lips, but she suddenly felt a little suffocation. It was Mo Fan who hugged her, as if a gentle hug could not leave a deep impression on her memory.

Mo Fan let go of Lingling, untied the little loach necklace around his neck, and gently wiped the little loach necklace, and the little loach responded with a faint blue light.

Mo Fan hung the Little Loach Necklace around Lingling's neck and said, "It's not that I don't have any plans. I'm going to find Xiaohou. We all need time."

"Little Flame Fairy, you stay by Lingling's side to protect her, I'm afraid the Japanese mages will do her harm."

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