Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1551 Pope

"What time are you!" Nuoshan Kasa stood up abruptly and asked face to face.

Zhao Manyan stood on the podium, smiled slightly, and said like a nobleman: "Just last night, after arriving in Hawaii yesterday, the document sent by the supreme judge of our country. And this will only be done by me, Zhao Manyan. This carte blanche will only come into effect when the carte blanche takes over."

Nuoshan Casa continued to scroll down, and there is indeed a supplementary agreement under the agreement, which is equivalent to saying that the state supports Zhao Manyan.

After thinking about it for a while, Nuoshan Casa and others also understood. It is obvious that the ancient magic empire wants to protect Mo Fan with all its strength, so it gives all the resources of this foreign trade to Zhao Manyan as a bargaining chip.

According to the normal situation, the sea monster resources obtained in the sea battle in the capital city were the most important guarantee for that country's foreign diplomacy. As long as the emperor's resources are in hand, other countries will expel extremely generous conditions.

Emperor-level resources are simply not available, and now that ancient country will definitely sell emperor-level resources in order to rebuild.

But now, this power is handed over to Zhao Manyan, which is equivalent to giving up part of the bargaining chip.

Nuoshan Casa and others are not fools. If you want to get voting rights from yourself, then the price increase of resource trading will definitely be lowered. This is not as small as hundreds of millions or billions, it is an astronomical figure.

The Victorian magic family in the UK does have the technology to tame dragons, but the Casa family and the Rothschild magic family in the United States are not afraid.

Dragon training technology is indeed powerful and an innovation, but it is impossible to train animals on a large scale, and it is even more impossible to cultivate a powerful hunting dragon on a large scale.

No matter how high the level of animal taming is, it can never get rid of one essence, that is, animal taming and summoning are actually using human resources to cultivate monsters.

Animal taming is an enemy.

No matter how strong the British Victoria magic family's technology is, it's useless. They don't have so many resources to cultivate a full-fledged dragon, and it takes a lot of energy and time to deal with the issue of animal taming contracts.

If there are only one or two thousand sub-dragons leading, then there will be no problem, because this number has not exceeded expectations.

But it is impossible to cultivate a dragon country. If a real dragon suddenly emerges, causing the dragon to rebel, the whole of Britain will become a dragon country in an instant.

Back in Hangzhou, the Taming Flying Eagle had rebelled in front of the Silver Skylord, and the tamed monsters had no way to suppress the bloodlines. This was a biological instinct.

"Rosde, Nuoshan Casa, now I have two votes, you should understand that I don't need four votes, I just need more than half of the votes." Zhao Manyan smiled, but said without a smile in his eyes .

Sowing dissension, Zhao Manyan is not stupid, he can't really lower the price of resource sales, the reconstruction of the country needs too many resources.

The military mages in the two military regions all need resources. Zhang Xiaohou needs even more resources when he becomes the leader of the army. He also needs to regain lost land and build defenses and other resources.

The country did not recover the lost land because the resources obtained by the Siren Calamity were not enough to restore the country to its original state.

Nuoshan Casa said coldly, "Zhao Manyan, you are too naive if you want to sow dissension, it's a little too tender."

"Mr. Zhao, I apologize to you and your country on behalf of the magic business families in the Americas." Suddenly, Rose stood up and said in fluent Chinese.

"Rosde!!! You!"

Roth didn't even look at Nuoshan Casa, and said with a smile: "I think we have misunderstood the slander, your brother Mo Fan saved tens of millions of people, how could he be the sinner who killed angels, there must be something in it What a misunderstanding, we are in favor of throwing white stones."

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

The overall strength of the United States is the number one in the West. At the beginning, there were two Shiyuan emperors and many Kraken emperors who attacked the United States, and the United States did not defeat the Kraken, but unilaterally destroyed the city, and then the Kraken ran away. .

As a result, the power and reputation of American mages have also declined, and they do not want to lose their status as a hegemony.

The Holy City did secretly promote and support the independence of the United States hundreds of years ago, but that happened hundreds of years ago, and American mages did not necessarily listen to the words of the Holy City.

As for businessmen, the most important thing is profit.

Zhao Manyan stepped off the stage and shook hands with Roth and said, "This is a wonderful decision, Mr. Roth."

In this way, the world where only the Casa family was injured was completed.


A few days later, in Athens, Greece, the election of goddesses was held as scheduled.

It had been drizzling the night before the goddess election, so the flowers in the morning were covered with a little dew.

The olive flowers outside the city of Athens are in full bloom, and clusters of goose-yellow stamens convey a unique fragrance, unknowingly making the whole city as intoxicating as a woman.

In the city, there are two statues, which represent the two candidates for the goddess who entered the final election.

One is Ye Xinxia, ​​and the other is Yi Zhisha.

The statue of Yizhisha holds a spear in her hand, and her whole body is covered with mighty armor. She dresses herself up as a symbol of victory, and she has the aura of a fighting saint all over her body.

The statue of Ye Xinxia is unarmed, and her own weak and gentle temperament is also perfectly presented on the statue. She holds a slender olive branch and rests the other hand on her chest, elegant and peaceful, representing peace and wisdom.

Early in the morning, the city of Athens was crowded with believers. This number is more than when Michael mourned Sariel.

After all, the holy city represents combat power, the pinnacle of magical power. But the Parthenon is the holy land of healing magic, synonymous with saving lives and healing the wounded, the only place where the blessing system can be awakened, and it also has the legendary resurrection magic.

For ordinary people, the Parthenon is the holy place for healing they yearn for.

The two saints had just finished their speeches, and the city of Athens was boiling. People couldn't wait to salute, and they wanted to pay their allegiance to their goddesses in advance.

Believers all believe that if the saints they believe in become gods and goddesses, they will also be blessed, which means that one person will ascend to heaven alone.

Yi Zhisha looked at Ye Xinxia, ​​and said firmly: "I have been mistaken about one thing all along, you are not the archbishop in red, you Ye Xinxia is the Pope of the Black Vatican!"

Ye Xinxia didn't say anything after hearing this, but just smiled slightly, with a look like a fool in her eyes.

At this time, when the goddess election began, a plane took off from Yaodu International Airport, and its destination was the city of Athens, Greece.

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