Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1554 For You The Pope

Jinyao Titan giant, this must be an emperor, if it is an ordinary Jinyao Titan giant, the strength is only sub-divine, if the Jinyao Titan giant has a crown like the sun, the strength will reach that of an ordinary emperor.

Ordinary emperors, this is enough to destroy a medium-sized country, and Greece is actually a small country without a goddess.

The area of ​​Greece is only about one-third of that of Japan. Without the Goddess, Greece would not be as powerful as Japan. Most of the combat power and magic of the Parthenon Temple are in the hands of the Goddess.

At the beginning, Mo Fan also asked Asharuya about the combat power of the Parthenon Temple. At that time, Asharuya told Mo Fan that there were more than 10,000 middle-level mages and more than 1,000 high-level mages in the Parthenon Temple. There are dozens of steps.

At the beginning, Mo Fan was only high-level, so he was naturally frightened by Astraea.

But the current Mo Fan, this little strength is not enough for his demon system to get stuck between his teeth. How could it be possible to rank with the Holy City and the Five Continents Magic Association with this strength.

The Parthenon with the goddess and the Parthenon without the goddess are two things.

嚄! !嚄!

Suddenly two roars sounded, and in the west of Athens, on Mount Egalio, two silver faces suddenly appeared on the mountain, and then a hand as big as the mountain peak was seen grabbing the undulating body. The ridge, and then a silver terrifying giant jumped directly from the other side of the mountain to the urban area like a hurdler, and jumped into people's sight.

They are Silver Moon Titans, and they are definitely the kings in Silver Moon. They are too big, not much shorter than Jinyao Titans, so that they look like a mountain slowly heading towards the urban area In that way, those tall bell tower buildings in the city of Athens are like a toy city.

The invincible existence among the Supreme Sovereigns is even more powerful than the Totem Black Snake and Ba Xia.

Titans, this is not a monster, this is a race, an ancient race of gods and demons that once dominated Greece and Europe.

In ancient times, there were only two dominant races in this area of ​​Europe, the dragon race and the titan race, and humans were enslaved by the titan race.

Later, the holy plane came. In order to snatch the resources and territory of the magical world from the titans and dragons, the holy plane bestowed white magic on humans, and used humans to consume the power of these ancient gods.

The appearance and height of these two Supreme Silver Moon Titans are exactly the same, like twins.

The only difference is that one hand holds a lightning silver spear, and the other holds a silver shield.

These are not magic tools, they are natural treasures that have naturally formed such a shape among the precious minerals in ancient times, and they are treasures created by nature.

The silver moon titan holding the silver spear made a throwing posture, and threw it fiercely at a corner of the city of Athens.

With a bang, I saw a lightning-like spear falling fiercely towards the city of Athens!

The thunder system has the highest penetration ability among all the magic systems.


Hiron's expression changed drastically, but it was too late.

Demons who have reached the level of a monarch are already very intelligent. Seeing the spear flying with lightning, Hailong realized why the Jinyao Titan attacked the Jinyao Barrier in the first place.

In order to reduce the defensive power of the Jinyao Barrier, this created an opportunity for the Silver Moon Titan.

Zizizi! ! ! The tip of the silver spear pierced into the Jinyao barrier. Fortunately, the Jinyao barrier finally stopped the spear.

call! Boom! ! ! A huge shield flew over at a high speed, and the silver shield slammed on the bottom of the spear, whoosh! The silver spear covered with lightning was inserted obliquely into the densely packed buildings, and the large buildings were instantly turned into powder, and the white lightning circles swept across the ground, and the densely packed crowd disappeared in an instant, turning into nothingness. It turned into a white mist, and even the screams could not be heard, let alone half of the corpses could be seen.

Cooperate! These titan giants are not only powerful, but also possess high intelligence, and also possess weapons from ancient times.

Hailong looked at a street that was wiped out by lightning, and stood there dumbfounded.

"Haven't the ancient Titans been wiped out in ancient times...why..."

Oh oh oh! ! Whoooo! ! Black figures appeared one by one, and the mountains and plains were full of humanoid monsters.

The giant titans are not only powerful giants, like the mountain man that Mo Fan met, the frost giant that Zhaohua met, and some humanoid monsters such as earth trolls, all belong to the giant titan family.

They are very similar to humans, only more robust.

The Titans are not the biggest evil in Greece, but these servant-level giants are the biggest danger. Servant-level giants will capture Greek women and use them as breeding tools. Those who are captured by giants are very miserable.

Now, the entire city of Athens will be threatened. Once the giants rush in, the consequences will be disastrous.

Ye Xinxia looked at all of this, the mountains around the entire city of Athens were densely packed with giant monsters, a king-level Jinyao Titan, two ancient Silver Moon Titans with the power of a supreme monarch, and several monarch-level giant titans.

The city of Athens was surrounded, just like the catastrophe of the ancient capital, exactly the same.

No, this is more serious than the catastrophe of the ancient capital. This time, the people of the entire Greece are in the city of Athens, and there are also emperor-level monsters appearing. Even the two ancient silver moon giants are much stronger than the original king of death.

And this time there is no ancient king who can make the Titans retreat. The Titans and the Greeks are feuds. They are eager to dominate Europe again, destroy the Parthenon, and revenge the Greeks!

Zizizi, the black poppies turned into black mist, and began to corrode the golden barrier from the inside. These poppies also have an addictive effect on the Titans. The Titans like to suck the poppy fruit, but the flowers also have a certain effect.

All giants are like drug addicts, unable to resist the smell of poppies.

The specialized violent poppies are drugs to the giants.

The Jinyao enchantment was destroyed from the inside by the black mist of poppies, and lost the protection of the Jinyao enchantment. A group of knights and a group of ruling mages screamed in mid-air. of.

When people looked up, they saw a Titan's hand completely covered in black flames, tightly holding a group of mages!

They were squeezed like earthworms, and suffered from black spot inflammation during the extrusion process!

If the Parthenon Temple is based on an organization, they have more than a thousand high-level mages, and dozens of super-level mages are already very powerful, much stronger than the domestic magic families such as the Mu family and the Deng family. .

But if you are facing a demon empire with an emperor, there is only one Parthenon temple with a curse mage, it is impossible to stop the emperor's pace.

Even crushed, the Parthenon has less mages than the original ancient capital, but it has to face the imperial attack of the emperor.

This gap is huge and terrifying.

The Jinyao Titan giant, who was originally gone in ancient times, was revived for some reason, which led to the current situation.

Ye Xinxia watched the mages die one by one, and watched the people in Greece being killed by the aftermath of the battle. She clenched her fists tightly and bit her lower lip, a stream of blood flowed out from between her teeth.

"People of Greece, mages of the temple, please lend me your strength!!"

Yi Zhisha looked at Ye Xinxia who was standing on the ceremony stage with her hands open, her heart was shocked, and her whole body was like an electric current.

She instantly understood why Sa Long did this! Sa Long is not trying to become a god! Sa Lang wants to make Ye Xinxia a god! ! ! For her the Pope!

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