Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1561 Wen Tai's Daughter

Hurrah! ! The originally pure white candle changed from white to black in an instant.

Ye Xinxia looked at the temple mother Pamis who was kneeling on one knee, with a faint smile on her face, she walked slowly towards the goddess' seat.

With every step Ye Xinxia took, the goddess garment on her body was fading, becoming pitch black and gray.

But Ye Xinxia's body still exudes a strong holy light. Ye Xinxia's body reveals an incomparably holy light from the inside out. It is the light of the Parthenon's soul. Now the Parthenon's soul has merged with Ye Xinxia.

There is endless darkness around, endless darkness, but it is this endless darkness that just sets off Ye Xinxia, ​​who is emitting holy light, like a god.

Light needs darkness as a backdrop.

It seems that no matter whether she is wearing black clothes or colorful clothes, she is holy, beautiful and noble from the mud.

Ka, Ye Xinxia walked up to the temple mother Pamis, and grabbed the goddess scepter with her right hand. When Ye Xinxia picked up the scepter, the temple mother Pamis stood up and took off a ruby ​​ring from her hand.

The temple mother, Pamis, held the blood-red gemstone in both hands. At this time, the blood-red gemstone shone brightly, and the gemstone slowly floated towards the scepter in Ye Xinxia's hand.

There is a huge groove at the top of the scepter. There should be a huge gemstone on it, but now it is empty.

At this moment, the blood ruby ​​of the temple mother Pamisi flew above the scepter, and it clicked, as if this gem was originally inlaid on the scepter, it was so perfect.

Bloodstone! The cardinal's identity certificate, no one knows, the reason why the cardinal has the bloodstone is not for identity proof. The bloodstone was originally a huge gemstone on the scepter. When seven bloodstones are gathered together, it is the real bloodstone, which is the symbol of the Pope of the Black Vatican.

The temple mother Pamis is not the pope, she is a cardinal, the shadow of the pope, and the cardinal white shadow is the temple mother Pamis, she has been waiting for the real pope, guarding the Black Vatican for the pope.

Not only the bloodstones of the palace mother Pamisi, but also the bloodstones of the killed cardinals Jiuying, Leng Jue, and Shura are also in the hands of the temple mother, and bloodstones fly out with three clicks , are perfectly inlaid together, and more than half of them have been filled.

Seeing the four bloodstones, Pamis was ecstatic. Only the real Pope can take her into the Kingdom of God and escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Ye Xinxia spread out her left hand, and there were two bloodstones lying on it.

The palace mother Pamis was startled when she saw the blood stone in Ye Xinxia's hand, and asked in surprise: "This...this is..."

The identity of the red clothes is not known to the temple mother, except for Sa Lang, there are two other red clothes that no one has ever known, and the other two red clothes have not appeared for a long time.

The other two bloodstones flew out, and Ye Xinxia said calmly: "Hailong, black soul in red."

"Hai Long, the Lord of the Knights Hall?!!! No wonder, no wonder he has been guarding you until now, so that's how it is." Pamis, the mother of the palace, suddenly realized.

This is the reason why Hailong has been guarding Ye Xinxia. I am afraid that it has something to do with getting the Dark Soul.

"Pennyja, Winnie in Red."

The Seven Red Clothes of the Black Vatican, Bai Ying, Black Soul, Sa Long, Winnie, Leng Jue, Jiu Ying, Shura.

The temple mother, Pamis, instantly understood why Pan Nijia was killed by Ye Xinxia. Because Pennyja is so smart!

She used her bloodstone to discover Ye Xinxia's true identity!

At the beginning, Ye Xinxia was suspected to be Sa Lang, dripping blood into Sa Lang's blood stone could activate the blood stone, and then Sa Lang's appearance also activated the blood stone.

But it's not because Ye Xinxia is Sa Lang's daughter, if the blood stone can be activated by blood relatives, then the proof method of the blood stone will have no effect.

In fact, blood relatives cannot activate bloodstones, but there is another person who can activate all bloodstones, and that is the Pope.

Because the bloodstones of the seven bishops together are the Pope's bloodstone.

Pannyja was too smart to get killed.

Ye Xinxia looked at the last missing piece, which was Sa Lang's bloodstone, Ye Xinxia just smiled, she knew that Sa Lang was rescued. And Ye Xinxia also knew the real reason why Sa Lang was rescued, someone was stopping her.

Ye Xinxia sat on the goddess throne, poked the ground with a scepter, and said, "I'm back."

A burst of divine light instantly illuminated the entire temple.

The temple mother, Pamis, immediately prostrated herself on the ground, her forehead pressed against the ground, and said in a panic, "Welcome the Pope back."

Ye Xinxia is wearing a divine crown, a scepter in her hand, and a divine garment. She is a god.

The real pope is not Ye Xinxia. The pope of the Black Vatican has never died since ancient times. The spirit of Parthenon is the real pope of the Black Vatican.

It's not Ye Xinxia, ​​it's not Pamis who is a shadow, and it's not Sa Lang or Leng Jue who wants to become a god and seize the throne.

This is why Leng Jue knew the true identity of the Pope, because Leng Jue's mother was the saint of Yizhisha's class, a woman known as the dark saint, she guessed something and told the guess Leng Jue, use this as a bodyguard.

Ye Xinxia is not the Pope, or the Ye Xinxia Mo Fan knows is not the Pope, but Ye Xinxia is also the Pope, because the soul is.

When the Totem Black Snake appeared in HZ City, it was because it became very sensitive during the shedding period, and it felt the threat of the soul.

That's why Ye Xinxia killed Pan Nijia back then, but she didn't have this memory. Because it was not Ye Xinxia who did it, but the Parthenon spirit in her body.

When Ye Xinxia came back to her senses, Asha Ruiya and others saw Ye Xinxia kill Pan Nijia with their own eyes. Even the mages from various countries came to interrogate and diagnose, but they didn't find that Ye Xinxia was controlled, so they judged that Ye Xinxia did it.

After eliminating all the impossible, what remains, no matter how unbelievable, is the truth.

The soul is the condensate of the power of the holy plane, and Ji Shaoan's divine power of death can give birth to Xiao Ji's self-awareness that is one with him, and give birth to another self.

The power of the dark gods can be conscious, and of course the soul of the holy plane can also have it.

In fact, Ye Xinxia still vaguely remembers when she was born, her father Wen Tai hugged Ye Xinxia to accept the prayers of the people. But Ye Xinxia didn't know that it was not she who received the blessing, but the soul in her body, and those who prayed were all believers of the Black Vatican.

Wen Tai's daughter is not Ye Xinxia, ​​but the soul of Parthenon. The reason why the soul has been attached to Ye Xinxia's body is not sealed by Wen Tai, but the soul is voluntary.

Because the soul needs to grow and awaken together with Ye Xinxia, ​​and finally merge with Ye Xinxia, ​​and then become Ye Xinxia.

Ye Xinxia is just a growing body of the soul. It is almost impossible to create a body that can accommodate the soul. This is the reason why Ye Xinxia's lower body could not move freely.

But now, Ye Xinxia can act, she has also become a goddess, her soul has also awakened and merged with Ye Xinxia.

Although Yi Zhisha is a goddess, she has never obtained the soul. It was not until the last moment that Yi Zhisha realized why the soul was attached to Ye Xinxia, ​​because the soul regarded Ye Xinxia as a body and a shell.

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