Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1573 Orthodox Magic

call out! A ray of thunder and fire flashed, and this ray of thunder was not conspicuous at all in the sky of the holy city. Because fast, too fast!

Mo Fan is now in a demonized state, a completely demonized state, the strength of his arm throwing can shoot through the mountain even with ordinary steel.

But now, Mo Fan combined his Thunder Element and Fire Element to create a Fangtian Painting Halberd that fuses lightning and flame.

It is hotter than light magic, and faster than lightning.

That speed cannot be avoided by human beings, it is thunder, lightning and thunder, it does not have a powerful thunderstorm explosion, nor does it have high temperature, it is just a thunder flash.

Even Michael, the sixteen-winged seraphim, couldn't avoid it.

Michael grasped the handle of the cross with his right hand, the middle of the cross with his left hand, and placed the cross in front of him.

Boom boom boom! ! Zizizi! ! ! ! !

Strong lightning and flames hit Michael, even if Michael had sixteen angel wings, he couldn't resist this powerful thrust. Pfft, Michael was pushed into the sky by Mo Fan's attack, passed through the clouds, and rushed to the troposphere and stratosphere.

boom! After rushing to a height of tens of thousands of meters, Michael flapped his wings and turned sideways, finally bounced off Mo Fan's thunder and fire painting halberd.

Michael felt a burst of numbness in his right hand. His right hand was numb by the lightning, while the right hand holding the cross was scalded and turned black. Michael's angelic artifact, the sacred cross, was flushed red, and Michael was full of surprise. He could see Mo Fan through the big hole in the clouds that he had punched open.

The thunder and fire elements are definitely not super-level, and they are not the power of ordinary forbidden spells. Although Mo Fan did not use the forbidden spell starry sky, after reaching the forbidden spell, he does not need to use stars to use the magic of the forbidden spell power.

If you pursue the speed of release, you can give up the star to reduce the power and control.

And just now Mo Fan is not only more powerful than ordinary forbidden spells, but also has an extreme speed. Michael is sure that Mo Fan has comprehended the time sequence of the profound meaning of the chaos system, and accelerated the speed of his magic formation.

And the horror is not only that the chaos system and the space system have reached the forbidden curse, but the fire system and the thunder system have definitely reached the forbidden curse.

Michael landed in front of Mo Fan, Michael looked solemnly, and asked, "How many elements have you reached the forbidden curse?"

The corner of Mo Fan's mouth rose, and he sneered for a while. Mo Fan knew that Michael had guessed it, so Mo Fan didn't hide it anymore. Immediately behind him, a starry sky appeared, and the color of the starry sky was constantly changing.

The purple black of thunder, the crimson of flame, the pitch black of shadow, the silvery white of space, the chaos of chaos, the brownish yellow of rock and the blood ink of last demon.

Seven pieces of starry sky! ! ! Except for the summoning system, Mo Fan's other systems have reached the Forbidden Curse. Except for the demon system, which has no stars, all other starry skys are bright and dazzling, and the stars in the starry sky are like real stars.

"Impossible!!! No one can surpass the limit of the four-series forbidden curse! The seven-series...impossible!"

Michael couldn't believe it. Sariel deliberately let Mo Fan get the power of the Red Devil, and he knew that he was promoted to the evil king. It was even Michael who made the suggestion.

Because he calculated that there is a high probability that Sariel will not be able to kill the evil holy king. In the end, the evil holy king will cause disaster in Asia, and he can take the opportunity to deal with Mo Fan, restore his faith in Asia, and go further.

It's just that Michael and Sariel both made the most fatal mistake, that is, they both thought that Mo Fan was weaker than the evil king.

The evil holy king ritual has always existed. This ritual is no secret among the high-level magicians. It has always been placed in the evil temple of Egypt.

There have been several evil saint kings since ancient times, so the strength of the evil saint kings is also recorded in the Holy City. It is also because of this that Sariel dared to let Mo Fan be promoted to the evil saint king.

This is their deadliest point, Mo Fan, is more powerful and terrifying than the previous evil kings.

If Mo Fan was just a pure evil saint king, then Mo Fan might have died in the hands of Sariel.

Michael calculated Mo Fan's combat power with the Evil Saint King. His arrogance as an angel made him ignore Mo Fan's power as a human mage.

All the people in the holy city, from the sixteen-winged archangel to the middle-level guards, are all proud of the holy city's divine arts, and believe that divine arts are superior to magic and forbidden curses.

Mo Fan is a real mage, and Michael couldn't understand it, but he understood it from the moment Mo Fan broke through the forbidden curse of the demon system. The demon department is very powerful, but the demon department is only one of his departments. He has always hidden the most powerful power, which is stronger than demons.

Mo Fan's body hides a power that is more invincible than demons and evil kings.

What Mo Fan needed was time, so he delayed it for over a month. Mo Fan already had half-forbidden spells in seven elements, and the Eight Souls of Good and Evil in his body had a lot of energy enough for him to advance into forbidden spells.

Boom boom boom! Mo Fan pointed to the sky with his right hand, and the space was distorted. A huge meteorite appeared from the space and fell from the sky and hit Michael.

"Meteorite destroys the world!"

Boom! ! The huge meteorite almost destroyed the holy city, and the streets have already changed beyond recognition.

The time is still too short. Although Mo Fan has broken through the forbidden curse, he still has not comprehended the forbidden curse magic. He can only rely on fusion magic to fuse the forbidden curse magic.

Even if he didn't create his own forbidden spells, the forbidden spells for self-breakthrough are all endowed by gods, and the control power is not comparable to that of the holy shadow apostle and the title knight.

Michael raised his hand and turned the messy rubble into dust. He stood up again, and stared at Mo Fan who landed on the long bridge along the unrecognizable First Avenue of the Holy City with his eyes full of hostility!

Seven series of forbidden curses! Even the highest mage in history, even the ancient king, only has four lines of forbidden curses, human beings cannot break through the five lines of forbidden curses, emperors cannot break through the supreme emperor, and the strongest emperor on the roof of the ocean is only the great emperor.

Creatures born and raised in the magical world naturally have limits, and it is impossible to become infinitely stronger.

However, Mo Fan broke this limit.

Michael suddenly discovered that he seemed to have raised a mage dad who he couldn't solve!

Michael turned his heart, and the sixteen wings disappeared behind him, and the angelic holy soul flew out of Michael's body.

Michael's angelic holy soul transformed into a mountain of heaven with mountains and mountains in an instant, and this mountain suddenly descended to where Mo Fan was.

The speed was so fast that Mo Fan didn't even have time to react. Heavenly Mountain suddenly fell down. The sky above Mo Fan was empty just now, but it was suddenly replaced by an extremely sacred Heavenly Mountain. This Heavenly Mountain weighed heavily on Mo Fan's body. On the body, it is like the Tathagata Buddha Wuzhishan suppressing Sun Monkey.

An unspeakable pressure suddenly pressed down, Mo Fan supported with both hands, and with a bang, Mo Fan was pressed down to one knee. But the strange thing is that the ground of the holy city was not crushed, as if Mo Fan was the only one who was suppressed.

Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia didn't care about dealing with the Holy Shadow Saints, they hurried over, but when they entered the range of the Holy Light of Heavenly Mountain, an extremely powerful suppression came instantly.

Hailong hurriedly pulled the two of them away and said, "It's useless. This is all the wish power collected by Michael and blessed to the angel's holy soul. As long as it is the orthodox magic power of the magic world, it will be suppressed."

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