Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1576 The former roof

Sharjah landed next to Mo Fan holding the holy book of angels. Sharjah has not yet returned, but she saw another side of human beings after traveling in the world, so she chose to stand by Mo Fan.

Not only Sharjah, but also Mu Ningxue who holds the Jichen Ice Bow, Ye Xinxia who controls the divine art, Zhao Manyan who stands on Baxia, and Leng Lingling who is with Little Flame Fairy.

They all stood steadfastly beside Mo Fan, even if they were defeated, they would not run away.

"He can execute me, but I can't execute him. If you really respect the unknown and the new legal system, then you should show up and give me a hand when I was thrown into hell by him, instead of letting my friend be thrown into hell." Drag into hell and never be reborn!" Mo Fan took a deep breath, and the brother with a rotten face in the quagmire appeared in his mind.

Those who saved him were not these blazing angels, but a dark messenger from the dark plane.

Mo Fan also won't back down, if he succumbs at this time, what face will he have to meet Mu Bai who dragged him into hell to protect himself.

Uriel looked at Mo Fan expressionlessly, and said, "We have our own difficulties, but if you insist on going your own way, we can only end this matter with war."

After finishing speaking, Uriel motioned to Lemuel, and Lemuel also nodded. He raised his right hand high, and suddenly clenched it tightly. A breath could be seen rolling towards the holy city in the sky, and soon Pieces of gorgeous golden meteors fell towards the ruins of the holy city.

More and more golden meteors turned into a shocking golden meteor rainstorm. Those people are all armed forces of the Holy City, and the number is more than people expected. Even those who look like ordinary residents of the Holy City Many people, even hiding the priesthood, all flew into the ruins of the holy city under the order of Lemuel.

Only now did Mo Fan know that the Holy City was divided into sects. There were two sixteen-winged Seraphs in total. Michael was a militant faction who preached the theory of the supremacy of the Holy City.

Uriel, who has always been low-key, has been lurking, waiting for a certain opportunity.

And there is another team of holy city mages in front of us, which belong to Uriel's mage troop. One after another, the holy city guards spread out along the avenues with only traces left. The star river shining with golden light gave off an unprecedentedly strong aura.

The true background of the Holy City is also fully revealed at this time. The three Seraphs, Lemuel, Raphael, and Uriel, obviously will not easily compromise with Mo Fan, even if Mo Fan has reached a realm beyond the rules and has The powerful God of Law has awakened all magic systems except white magic and black magic.

But this is not enough. The power of the holy city also surpasses the magic world, and the foundation of the holy city is extremely powerful.

This also made Mo Fan feel the unfathomable depth of the holy plane. This is just a holy city, and the magical magic it possesses is so powerful that human mages can't breathe.

The giant Jinyao Titan stood behind Ye Xinxia and let out a roar, and the Holy Dragon of Light also roared, and the two powerful emperors faced each other.

All the knights of the Parthenon stood behind Ye Xinxia. They vowed to protect the goddess to the death.

Ye Xinxia's face was cold, and she asked in a deep voice: "Lemuel, do you have to fight to the end, even if human strength will decline because of this, and monsters will take advantage of it!"

The mages of the Parthenon Temple and the Holy City have always been very restrained, and none of the title knights died, because internal fighting will lead to a decline in the overall strength of mankind.

Demons will fight among themselves, and human beings can too, but once a big war breaks out that will reduce the overall strength by a large amount, it will be prohibited by the whole world. This is the highest agreement of the United Nations, and the whole world must abide by it.

Michael dared to execute Mo Fan because Mo Fan was always a mage, no matter how powerful a curse mage is, he cannot change the world situation.

"Lemuel said righteously. "We will not allow Mo Fan to kill another Archangel. This is the last line of the holy city, even if it is a river of blood!" !

Uriel said solemnly: "We only want you to keep Michael's life, he is not for himself, he is for the holy city."

Leng Lingling frowned, she suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something hidden in the holy city.

The archangel keeps changing. The name of Michael is the name of the angel's holy soul, just like the title knight, just like the Parthenon goddess.

Uriel and Michael were not on the same side, but Michael was still confident when he was defeated by Mo Fan, knowing that Uriel would definitely come to save him, and what Uriel said seemed to tell Mo Fan something.

Seeing Uriel's firm attitude, Mo Fan and Leng Lingling looked at each other, but it was impossible for Mo Fan to let Michaelna go.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, Mo Fan's heart suddenly trembled, and his serious and cold face instantly collapsed, revealing a cheap expression with a gratified smile.

"Brother Fan!!"

Suddenly, a shout came from high in the sky, and a gust of wind was seen, and a young man in military uniform landed in front of Mo Fan.

Seeing Zhang Xiaohou in military uniform, Lemuel's eyes narrowed, and he said, "A military mage? And he's the leader of the army? Could it be that the military mage in your country wants to get involved in this battle?"

Countries all over the world have magical conventions, which stipulate that internal fighting between countries is prohibited.

Although the holy city is called a city, they are still a country in Europe. Zhang Xiaohou's identity is very sensitive. If the head of the country's army attacks other countries, it must be stopped.

Because the greatest enemy of mankind is still the demon.

That's why the Holy Inquisition and the Magic Association appeared to mediate the problems between mages and mages.

Raphael said with a cold face: "Your country wants to violate the UN Convention for Mo Fan alone? Very good, it seems that you don't pay attention to our European Magic Alliance!"

According to the agreement of the European Magic Union, European countries are attacked by monsters or other countries, and each European country is obliged to help that country fight against foreign enemies.

Zhang Xiaohou looked at Raphael with fourteen wings, and the aura of the military mage exploded, not afraid of these so-called angels at all. Now Zhang Xiaohou is a true Forbidden Curse Mage. Although he only has one line, being able to become the leader of the army proves that Zhang Xiaohou's divine talent is not as simple as God's Domain.

"I didn't come here to join the war, but to return Brother Fan's things."

Zhang Xiaohou walked up to Mo Fan, stuffed something into Mo Fan's hands, and said, "Brother Fan, let them see and see, the power that belongs to our country, and the power that belongs to you!"

Mo Fan felt the touch on his hand, he has touched this little thing that accompanied him countless days and nights countless times.

Mo Fan untied the knot and put the cyan necklace around his neck.

A cyan light flashed, and the cyan light covered the golden light of the holy city. The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and an extremely depressive momentum suppressed the entire holy city.

Ho ho ho! ! ! !

The emperor who once ruled the sky reappears in the world.

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