Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1581 Substitute

Mo Fan was taken aback, picked up the little loach, and asked, "By the way, what else are you eating?"

"I remembered! The Immortal Demon Lotus! At the beginning, the ancient king placed the Immortal Demon Lotus at the gate of the Nine Deaths Bridge to prevent outsiders from invading. The little loach ate the Immortal Demon Lotus with a bright light, and advanced!"

At this time, Mo Fan understood why the ancient king put the immortal lotus at the door. I am afraid that the immortal lotus is not a hindrance at all, but a nourishing thing for the little loach. The immortal lotus can.

Leng Lingling thought for a while and said: "Immortal demon lotus is a very rare fetish. I have only seen it in ancient books. It is claimed to be immortal. No matter how you cut it, you can't kill it. Even the ancient kings can only find one and put it on the white In the palace, it might be difficult for us to find it, and one immortal demon lotus might not be enough, we need hundreds of them."

Mo Fan's eyelids twitched: "Come on... hundreds of flowers...there are not so many in the whole world. The energy of the immortal demon lotus is comparable to the pistil of the earth..."

Leng Lingling said angrily: "Do you think you want to resurrect some cats and dogs now? Saint Totem Qinglong, the former emperor of the sky roof, is now one of the most powerful creatures in the magical world. To reshape its thousands of miles long body, this energy is enough A magic empire has been in use for a hundred years."

"However, the immortal demon lotus is indeed an option, but it is not enough."

Mo Fan was full of troubles, sat on the ground, picked up the little loach and began to recall, after all, they have been together for more than ten years, it is really impossible to remember everything clearly.

"In the beginning, I ate the essence from the school's magic weapon."

"Essence is not good. Essence maintains and nourishes the soul, and cannot revive the body."

"Then there is the holy spring of the earth, and then there is the time liquid, but the small loach of the time liquid reacted but did not absorb it...and...and..."

Suddenly, Mo Fan seemed to remember something, jumped up excitedly and said: "Pharaoh Spring!!!!"

"Khufu's Pharaoh's Fountain! At the final of the National Competition, the Egyptian national team used the Pharaoh's Fountain to create an endless wave of undead. If the little loach hadn't absorbed the Pharaoh's Fountain, it would have been hard to win at that time. The Pharaoh's Fountain has a strong vitality. Things should work!"

Hearing Mo Fan's words, Leng Lingling became thoughtful instead, and murmured to herself softly: "Could it be that Xie Kai led Sha Yuan to attack Khufu not just to compete for the position of Pluto? Pharaoh's Spring is the real purpose?"

Mo Fan said excitedly: "There are many pharaoh springs. There must be many pharaoh springs in the Pyramid of Khufu, and there are many holy springs scattered in Egypt. Collecting them may be enough."

"Let's go, let's go to Egypt to find Khufu now."

Leng Lingling gave Mo Fan a blank look, grabbed Mo Fan's clothes, and pulled them violently, Mo Fan sat down on the ground.

"Don't be so impulsive, the Pharaoh Spring can indeed replace the Holy Spring, but Khufu is the most powerful undead emperor on land, without any plan, entering the Pyramid of Khufu rashly is definitely a dead end." Leng Lingling said.

Mo Fan showed his strong arms, raised his eyebrows and said: "I am now a seven-line forbidden curse, with thirteen magic lines, and the god of magic that even Michael, the sixteen-winged angel, can defeat!"

"Then you go, let me see how many undead your demon can kill in the Pyramid of Khufu, one hundred thousand, one million or ten million."

Leng Lingling waved his hand and asked Mo Fan to force his way.

Even if Michael is stronger than Khufu, defeating Michael may not necessarily defeat Khufu. The most powerful thing in the demon empire is not their emperor, but the tens of millions of servants. Ordinary empires have tens of millions of slaves, but the Pyramid of Khufu is the most powerful undead empire in the world, and it has countless slaves. When the ancient capital was in a catastrophe, the Eight Kings of Death had hundreds of millions of undead besieging the city, densely packed in all directions and all directions Seal the ancient capital.

Leng Lingling said: "Even if you can command Shayuan, it's not enough. In the first battle of the underworld, Shayuan was defeated, and Bafang Dead Lord suffered heavy casualties. Later, he also went through the Kraken natural disaster to support the ancient capital. Now the eight dead tribes of Bafang Dead King are left. The number of descendants is far less than Khufu's undead pyramid empire."

"And don't forget, Khufu won the battle of the underworld in the end, and he is now the king of the underworld ruling the entire underworld."

"According to ancient records, Pluto and the evil king you promoted are the strongest commanders of the dark plane Hades and evil gods. Khufu's strength is now stronger than before, and may not even be weaker than Michael. You did beat Michael, but you don’t even have Forbidden Magic and Divine Talent in other magic departments, and the other departments are still elementary stardust, so you may not be able to win the Khufu Pyramid of the Undead Empire.”

Leng Lingling knew that Mo Fan would not call Ye Xinxia, ​​Mu Ningxue, Mù Nujiao, and Totem Black Snake. After all, this is Mo Fan's own business, and if you are not careful in fighting monsters, you will die. Where do not expect any surprises.

Not to mention Qinglong, this time it is to collect the energy to revive Qinglong, if it consumes the holy spring again, it will be in vain.

So to get the Holy Spring, Mo Fan can only rely on himself.

It is impossible for Mo Fan to defeat the entire undead empire alone. Although Mo Fan is strong, he does not have infinite mana and soul power. Once he is exhausted, he may be taken advantage of.

Mo Fan also calmed down, he was indeed floating, although he now has the most forbidden spells in the world, but he is still a little boy who has just entered the forbidden spell, there are too many dangerous places in this world, there are too many unknowns The forbidden zone has not been explored, and there are some emperors who are more invincible than Michael.

"I listen to you, what should we do now?"

Anyway, Khufu will not run away, the pyramids are always there, and everything is easy to handle if you know the target.

Lingling said: "We need support."


"Well, this time it's not as simple as finding clues to the totem, taking risks in the demon area, and completing the tasks of the Hunter Alliance. You didn't find the Pharaoh's Spring when you entered the Pyramid of Khufu, which proves that the Pharaoh's Spring is equally precious to Khufu. Khufu is accompanied by Khufu in the depths of his mausoleum."

Pharaoh's springs are extremely precious. Even occasionally due to some special reasons, the pharaoh's springs scattered in Egypt are resources that the world is vying for. At the beginning, the Egyptian national team was even willing to trade with Mo Fan for a little pharaoh spring, giving up the national competition.

Leng Lingling continued: "With your current strength, once you enter the range of the pyramid, Khufu will immediately find out that your forbidden spell is too powerful, once the forbidden spell mage enters the emperor's perception range, it will almost break out into a war. "

"If it's a series of forbidden spell mages, it can still hide, but you... I'm afraid you can't hide it, so we have to change our strategy. Instead of sneaking around, we will directly attack the Pyramid of Khufu and grab the Pharaoh's Fountain!"

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