Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1589 Heresy

"Mo Fan has brought Wei Guang, Jiang Shaoli, and several surviving mages from the Forbidden Curse Society to the Pyramid of Khufu." Xiao Ji said seriously, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses without lenses.

Zhaohua couldn't help but smiled and said, "What kind of look do you have?"

"Change your look."

Zhaohua looked at Ji Shao and asked silently, "What's the reaction from the holy city?"

[No, since the battle between Michael and Mo Fan, the Holy City was shot down and the Archangel Uriel of the Holy City announced the closure of the city. The Holy Inquisition and the Magic Association were merged into the United Nations of Magic. action. ] Ji Shaoyin wrote.

Zhaohua looked at the location of the holy city at this time, and his eyes slightly rolled away. Last year, the devil broke into the holy city, and now the angel has fallen into the mortal world.

[However, the Parthenon has made a big move. In the past six months, because there is no holy city, the Parthenon has become the largest religious organization in Europe, America, and Africa. Believers are almost all over the world, absorbing the power of faith in the holy city. 】

[In addition, a few months ago, another black soul in red from the Black Vatican planned to prevent the disaster in India by the Parthenon Temple in time, and now even Asia has many believers. 】

Zhaohua nodded and said, "Go to Italy first, and I'll come as soon as I take care of some things."

"Well, let's go first then."

【Be careful. 】

The two stood on tiptoe, kissed Zhaohua's face and then disappeared into shadows.

Zhaohua looked at a remote place in Congcheng at this time: "The more dangerous the place, the safer it is, but unfortunately you used the wrong place."

Rushing, Zhaohua's shadow suddenly stood up, and the bugman turned into a piece of black and hid in the shadow.

The bugman changed into Zhaohua and said, "He seems to feel something is wrong."

"It doesn't matter, do you think he can escape?"

The bugman grinned, obviously, the bugman felt that the man couldn't escape.

From a remote small village on the outskirts of the city, this place, like Zhaohua's hometown Zhaojia Village, is a small village with only a few dozen households.

Because this kind of small village is very remote and small, sometimes it is safe, and the monsters may not necessarily find it when they launch a large-scale attack.

"Hey, old man Jian, where are you going in such a hurry, the rice is harvesting today, it's not good to wait."

An old man wearing a straw hat and holding a sickle to harvest rice shouted at the hurried old man walking on the field path.

The old man Jian with white hair and braids waved his hand and said, "My sickle is broken, I'm going to the city to buy one."

Old man Jian lowered his straw hat, and walked out of the village quickly without saying a word.

When old man Jian walked out of the village, he looked left and right to make sure that there was no one around, and suddenly a faint white light appeared on his body, and his eyes immediately became sharp, and turned into a white shadow after he took the direction seriously, moving almost invisible under the sun.

Old man Jian was sweating on his forehead. Although he didn't know why, his sixth sense told him that he was in great danger now, and he must leave quickly.

"Who would have thought that an old man in plain clothes and covered in mud would be the sixteen-winged Seraph of the Holy City?"

"Yes, Michael."

! ! ! !

The old man Jian stopped abruptly and looked at the young man standing in front of him. Although it was the first time for him to see Zhaohua face to face like this, Michael could never forget the figure standing on the Antarctic continent at that time.

Michael’s expression is serious. He has been in Congcheng for half a year. At the beginning, he was randomly exiled by Uriel. The position was originally not in Asia but in Europe. Michael was afraid that Mo Fan would never let him go, so he planned to come here once. Xia Hei deliberately came to Asia.

But he didn't dare to get too close to Mo Fan. He was afraid of being perceived by Mo Fan, so he didn't choose to be close to the imperial capital and Asuka City of Fanxue Mountain, but came to a remote mountain village in the Demon Capital.

His magic department was abolished by Uriel, but the angelic soul is still there. As long as there is an angelic soul, he can recover.

In the past six months, Michael also knew about Zhaohua, so there was nothing he could do about it, Zhaohua was too famous.

Michael asked in a deep voice, "You actually found me?"

Michael used the angelic holy soul to hide himself, and even changed his appearance, so he had to hide in the field and do dirty work that he could never have imagined.

In this world, besides that demon, there are people who can find themselves!

Aww! ! Holy Silver was not polite anymore, and appeared directly from the dimensional crack. When Holy Silver with ten pure white wings exuded unparalleled holy energy appeared, Michael's eyes widened in disbelief.

"How is it possible! You... you actually contracted a creature from the Holy Plane! You even cultivated it to become an emperor!!"

The holy soul of the angel is also the power of the holy plane. Even the original bright golden dragon came from the holy plane. Of course Michael realized that the holy silver also came from the holy plane.

The mage couldn't detect the angel's holy soul, but in front of Shengyin, even fellow villagers were very kind when they saw fellow villagers. Michael's angelic aura was too strong for Shengyin, and he didn't even know it.

"Heretics!! You heretics! Creatures on the holy plane can never be contracted!!" Michael said in shock.

Shengyin stood on Zhaohua's shoulder and spread his paws. Zhaohua smiled helplessly, "Aren't you shy when you say this, Angel Michael."

"We are the angels guarding the world, our power is used to eliminate heresy and evil, and you breaking the rules will bring destruction to the world!"

"It seems that the angel holy soul didn't pass on the memory of how your predecessor died to you."

Each generation of angels is different. For general angels, when the host reaches a certain age, he will start to select the next angel to cultivate, and after a hundred years, he will automatically inherit the angel's holy soul.

However, the seven great angels of the previous generation of the holy city wanted to open the channel of the holy plane to fight with Zhaohao, but the hosts of the angels died, so the strength of the angels of this generation is so uneven. When Zhan Kong went to the holy city, he even Only one angel, Uriel, returned.

"Forget it, I don't want to waste my time with you." A transparent moonlight starry sky appeared behind Zhaohua, and Zhaohua didn't come to reason with Michael Fei.

"I'm Michael, but you have already promised not to pursue it!"

Whoosh, Shengyin fanned the ten wings behind him, standing in the center of the starry sky behind Zhaohua, the ten wings emitted silvery white light, and these rays dyed Zhaohua's summoning system starry sky silvery white.

Kakaka, a silver-white willow tree was summoned from the starry sky.

But when Michael saw the Holy Willow with White Feather, his face turned pale instantly. Michael didn't know the Holy Willow with White Feather, but he saw a horrifying scene.

There are two angelic holy souls who seem to be imprisoned, pierced by wicker into the holy souls, and are absorbing the power of the holy souls.

"The angelic souls of Raguel and Sariel!!"

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