Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1593 The Instigator of the Antarctic Cold Current

In Italy, the now-collapsed holy city is wrapped in a holy light shield. Since Mo Fan blasted down the holy city in a different space half a year ago, the holy city has been wrapped in holy light, and no one can enter.

In the mask, in the hall of the tallest bell tower in the holy city that Michael had stepped on, Uriel was standing in the highest space, and the battle between Zhaohua and Michael was playing in front of him.

Michael has always been under surveillance. This is the ability of Uriel's clairvoyance. When Uriel abolished Michael, he put the imprint of clairvoyance into Michael's body.

From the appearance of Zhaohua to stop Michael, he summoned the holy willow with white feathers, and the wicker on the holy willow with white feathers absorbed the holy souls of Sariel and Raguel. Finally, Zhaohua summoned four summoned beasts of the imperial dimension to defeat Michael. , and then took away Michael's holy soul, everything that happened was like a movie, displayed in front of Uriel from Michael's first perspective.

Uriel saw the moment Zhaohua snatched Michael's holy soul, and said, "Zhaohua, the summoning magician, you have colluded with the emperor on the roof of the Antarctic, launched the Antarctic cold current, and captured the angel's holy soul. The evidence is convincing. Now you will be judged." !"

Hearing Uriel's voice, Zhaohua didn't feel flustered or surprised at all. Zhaohua seemed to be able to see through everything, with straight eyes and a friendly smile on his face looking at Uriel.

"Hello, Archangel Uriel." Zhaohua nodded in greeting, as if he didn't hear what Uriel said.

In the Holy City, there are not only Uriel, Raphael of the Fourteenth Wing, Remir of the Twelve Wing, but also Gabriel who has officially returned to Sharjah because of the Michael incident and helped Mo Fan to be rehabilitated.

Sharjah is now a fair and just angel, one of the few angels in the holy city who still has many believers. After half a year, she has fourteen wings now, but the sixteen wings are a critical point, and it is not so easy to break through.

Seeing that Michael's holy soul was taken away, Lemuel's hair turned white instantly, and he began to grow old. He stood up and said angrily, "Zhaohua, you took the angel's holy soul privately and harmed the mage. You should be punished for this crime!"

"Return the holy soul of Michael to Michael immediately, and release the other holy souls immediately, and come to the holy city to be punished, otherwise you will not be able to bear the anger of the holy city!"

Zhaohua was still the same, and said flatly: "Angel Lemuel? The holy soul wanders in the world, and those who are destined know it, why can't I get it?"

"Bewitching words to confuse the crowd, you are robbing and plundering, the holy soul of the angel is something that belongs to the holy city!"

Zhaohua shook his head, glanced at Michael, who had become an ordinary mage, and said: "Although you have lost the power of the holy soul, you are still a plant-type forbidden curse mage. Although the spiritual world has begun to collapse due to age, you are stable and stable." It’s okay to spend your old age, I can send you back to Italy.”

Michael wailed: "Give it back to me, give it back to me! Give me back the holy soul!"

But Zhaohua bound Michael with wind silk. Although he is a curse mage, he is just an old mage. Without the support of the holy soul, his spiritual world is very decayed.

Lemuel scolded angrily: "Raguel and Sariel's can still be said to be ownerless. Michael's holy soul belongs to him. If you snatch his holy soul, it is tantamount to murdering money."

Zhaohua couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and suddenly his eyes narrowed, and he said murderously: "You mean him? He framed the hero of our country and killed Mu Bai, the leader of the guardian mage group of Asuka City. As the country's highest judge, now Just kill him."

Mo Fan and Michael could still say that they had forgiven, but Mu Bai, as the country's powerful Forbidden Magic Mage, the most powerful hole card in Asuka City and the leader of the most powerful mage group in Asuka City, was pulled into by Michael. In hell, Zhaohua, as a high-ranking member of the National Tribunal, is in charge of the trial.

In the holy city, Mu Bai and Mo Fan were judged by angels, and in this country, he is the judge angel.

A life for a life, fair.

"I'm just crippling his angelic holy soul now. I didn't take his life because he had saved many people before. Let's make an allowance."

"you you!"

As an angel, Lemuel has never been threatened like this, and even Mo Fan has never said this to him. Their holy city has always been the leader of the world, and the angels control the trials of all mages, but now they are being judged in turn? ?

Uriel raised his hand to stop Lemuel from continuing the verbal dispute. Uriel said flatly: "You colluded with the emperor on the roof of the Antarctic and launched the Antarctic cold current to kill countless innocent people. You don't have to deny it. Four Continents Magic The Association, as well as those Forbidden Curse Mages who were saved by you, have proved that you have a close relationship with the Emperor of the Antarctic Roof."

Zhaohua didn't make any objection. Because it is true.

At the beginning, Mo Fan was able to be completely white because the rescued Forbidden Curse Mages were high-level officials of some big countries. After learning about Michael's true face, he chose to let Mo Fan cast white stones as the guardian of the world.

But saving them is tantamount to self-explosively being able to move freely in the depths of the Antarctic continent, not being attacked by the emperor on the roof of Antarctica, and even letting go of the frozen curse mage.

This is naturally impossible.

The biggest beneficiaries of the Antarctic cold current are the countries attacked by the Kraken natural disaster.

Because of the Antarctic cold current, the number of glaciers increased, the sea water was frozen, and the sea level dropped. Otherwise, the Leng Yue Mou demon god would not even need the big hole in the sky, and would directly submerge the magic city and Pengcheng.

Thinking about it this way, any fool would have guessed that sea level rise is the plan of the Kraken, and the Antarctic cold current is to deal with the Kraken, which is caused by Zhaohua.

The Antarctic cold current saved the country, and finally helped Zhaohua and others defeat the Siren Scourge.

However, the Antarctic cold current has killed many people. The cold current will not directly freeze people to death, but it will kill plants and crops, and indirectly kill many people.

Even many people in our own country starved to death because of the cold Antarctic current.

Zhaohua has already blew himself up.

If the Antarctic cold current can be regarded as a man-made disaster, then Zhaohua is estimated to be a super black church that ten Sarang can't match.

The cold current affects the whole world, and the catastrophe of the ancient capital caused by Sa Lang only affected millions of people. And he caused seven billion people to suffer!

It was Zhaohua who spread the Antarctic cold, and he could immediately become a god of death.

But the strange thing is that Zhaohua saved another billion people.

"Well, the Antarctic cold current was caused by me."

Zhaohua readily admitted.

Sharjah didn't respond, just watched all this happen. Sharjah naturally knew Zhaohua, and he had known Zhaohua when he was training and doing research with Feng Zhoulong.

Sharjah naturally understood that Zhaohua did this to deal with the Kraken, but it is also true that he killed many people.

"Since you pleaded guilty, it's best, and the trial process is unnecessary."

"Sin Stone Judgment!"

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