Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1605: Mo Fan's Summoning System Forbidden Curse Magic

Accompanied by Leng Lingling's anger, there was a roar of flame explosion.

In an instant, Leng Lingling's body erupted with flames that even a magician of the fire department would be ashamed of, and the wings on Leng Lingling's body suddenly shot up into the sky like the flames of the sun.

Rumbling, in a bang, an incredible thing happened, Little Flame Fairy came out of the void, as if flying out of the contract space, and then possessed Lingling like Mo Fan.

With a snap, the rubber band that tied her hair was burned by the flames, and Lingling's black and smooth hair was dyed fiery red. At this moment, Leng Lingling was not cold at all, but extremely hot, comparable to the sun in the sky.

Zhao Manyan and Jiang Shaoxu quickly avoided to avoid getting burned.

"I'm going?! Isn't this Mo Fan's Little Flame Fairy! Why is she possessed by Lingling!" Zhao Manyan was dumbfounded, but he remembered that Mo Fan once failed to keep up with Little Flame Fairy's strength during the National Competition , resulting in the inability to possess the body.

And now, Leng Lingling, who is only in her early twenties, can be possessed by Yan Ji! And Little Flame Fairy's strength is so terrifying that even Zhao Manyan got a big jump. This strength is even stronger than her own big turtle!

Mu Ningxue explained: "It's the effect of the five-color glazed feather coat on Lingling's body. Little Flame Fairy is not possessing Lingling, but using this special magic tool to achieve possession without harming Lingling." spirit."

But to Mu Ningxue's surprise, Little Flame Fairy's strength improved too fast, unbelievably fast.

Mo Fan defeated Michael half a year ago. At that time, Little Flame Fairy was the supreme monarch, but now it has only been half a year, and she has broken through to the orthodox emperor, jumping two levels in a row, skipping the Asian emperor and directly reaching the strength of an ordinary emperor .

As Mo Fan's eldest wife, Mu Ningxue would of course talk to her about anything, so Mu Ningxue also knew that Little Flame Fairy would go to Xinxia to completely integrate the goddess' heart.

But even Ye Xinxia judged that even if the heart is completely fused with the magic of the Parthenon, Little Flame Fairy can only reach the strength of a sub-emperor. To reach the level of an ordinary emperor, she needs to continue to practice and become stronger.

Now it has exceeded expectations!

The flame of the Little Flame Fairy who has completed her training in the Parthenon Temple is no longer the same as before. The radiance of the sacred fire of Jieyan that surrounds her body is comparable to the scorching sun, and the sacred fire has a milky white holy light.

With the appearance of Shen Yanji, the originally ominous Huangsha Death Land was burned and purified. Shen Yanji's Jieyan Divine Fire ignited in the sand and burned rapidly. It didn't take long for the sea of ​​sand to turn into a terrifying sea of ​​flames. Hundreds of heroic spirits instantly turned into flying dragons under the burning of the Holy Spirit flame. Ash.

In the holy fire, Fenner's soul was also purified and rested in peace, leaving only a smile and gratitude for Lingling.

Even more so, Lingling still couldn't forgive this evil demon who was more filthy than a demon, and the fiery red eyes showed Lingling's anger.

"Didi Didi... Impossible, how can you, a middle-level mage, have the emperor's summoned beast!! Impossible! This is impossible!!!" Liekui Huobo has begun to speak incoherently, but it is no wonder, no matter what Whoever it is, it is already remarkable to be able to maintain reason in the face of the emperor.

"I will burn your soul to nothing, even if Hades comes, you won't be able to be reborn!"

At the beginning, Fenner provided information and helped them deal with Khufu. This friendship has not had time to repay, and the result is like this. Let this flame of revenge repay the original friendship!

"No! I am the messenger of Hades!! I am immortal! My heroic spirit is immortal and endless! Heroic spirit possessed!"

boom! Hunter Huo Bo completely opened his Tower of Heroes, and with a bang, the Tower of Heroes merged with Huo Bo. For the necromancers, the Palace of the Undead is their forbidden curse, and the Palace of the Undead is everything the Forbidden Magician has.

When the necromancer chooses to merge with the palace of the undead, it means abandoning everything about human beings and completing the incarnation of the undead.

Just like the pharaohs of different eras in Egypt, they finally merged with their own palaces of the dead, that is, the pyramids they built. Under normal circumstances, they cannot leave the palace of the dead after they have merged, and they can only leave under special circumstances.

Huo Bo turned into the king of heroes, his body disappeared, replaced by gray mist, Huo Bo devoured all the ancient spirits in the tower of heroes, allowing himself to have the combat power of the undead kings of Asia.

Lingling looked at such a huge King of Heroic Spirits, without any expression change, pointing to the sky with his right hand, at this moment, countless red stars flew out from Lingling's multicolored glazed wings, 16,807 grains of fire element The stars formed a fiery starry sky, and all the surrounding fire elements obeyed Leng Lingling's orders like soldiers, and all condensed in the starry sky.

Flame Fairy God's Domain! This is Little Flame Fairy's god domain as the God of Fire Elements. Like Mu Ningxue's Xueshenao, she controls all the fire elements around her, and her control is extremely powerful.

"Forbidden Curse?!!!!!!" Zhao Manyan was about to drop his jaw in shock, a twenty-year-old Forbidden Curse Mage? ? ? ? ? He didn't know the world a little bit.

A white light flashed in Jiang Shaoxu's eyes, and the eyes of the soul let Jiang Shaoxu understand what was going on.

"No, this Xingzi... doesn't seem to be Lingling's."

"Huh? Isn't it Lingling's? Could it be Mo Fan's?"

Zhao Manyan's blurted words shocked him, this star belongs to Mo Fan!

Just as Zhao Manyan blurted out, these stars are indeed Mo Fan's, they are Mo Fan's summoning star.

It is impossible for Mo Fan to walk the road of Zhaohua's Summoning System Forbidden Curse, it is impossible to copy it. Mo Fan's Summoning Forbidden Curse Magic is also unique just like himself.


Mo Fan thought for a long time, what should his summoning system forbidden spell be, Mo Fan doesn't have supernatural power of summoning system, but does Mo Fan really not have supernatural power of summoning system?

No, when he saw Zhaohua's summoned beast, he suddenly realized that his summoning supernatural power was Little Flame Fairy, the Little Flame Fairy who had been accompanying it to fight and possessed.

Fusion Summoning, this is Mo Fan's Summoning System Forbidden Curse Magic, he fuses his Summoning Stars into the summoned beast, fuses his Summoning Magic Power with the summoned beast, enhances the power of the summoned beast, and allows the summoned beast to fuse human magic , become stronger, and possess human magic!

Of course, Lingling can't be a Forbidden Curse Mage, and she can't use Forbidden Curse Magic, and this is the horror of Mo Fan's Summoning Forbidden Curse Magic. After being possessed by Little Flame Fairy, Lingling is fused with Mo Fan All 16,807 stars can use forbidden spells and magic.

"Anyone who blocks me will die!" Huo Bo said loudly.

Endless interdimensional storms poured into this fragile world, sucking all the sand into the cracks, scraping away the clouds and the rocks of the earth together, Hobo turned into a natural disaster to swallow the spirits into the dark plane among.

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