Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1609 Expedition

Zhaohua's double magic method originally came from the powerful imitation ability of Xiaofengcan. At the beginning, Zhaohua did not have a method, and the double magic used by Zhaohua was entirely dependent on Xiaofengcan.

It was Xiao Fengcan who saw through the wind magic of human beings, and then imitated it by himself, combining with Zhaohua's wind magic to create the double magic. This has nothing to do with Famen, and no one in the world except Zhaohua has two magic schools with the same attributes.

Moreover, Zhaohua's is still a summoning system, and he himself cannot possess two other attributes, so this method can be said to be outrageously biased, and it can even be said to be very useless.

In ancient times, there were also many such partial methods, which were specially used by certain mages with special talents. There are a large number of such partial methods in the ancient king's magic Afang Palace, Zhaohua's double method is this kind.

The principle is actually a special advanced version of stacking, from an army to an individual, double magic is also called 100% magic stacking, and the stacking rate reaches 100%.

Originally, a mage could only have one attribute of the god-seed, but because of Little Flame Fairy, Mo Fan added the Suzaku God-fire that evolved from the heavy flame strengthened by the demon power, and Mo Fan could have two kinds of god-fire at the same time.

Even if two kinds of divine fire are used at the same time, only one forbidden curse starry sky cannot perfectly exert the ultimate power, and the divine fire that a forbidden curse can carry is limited.

Without any fancy moves or earth-shattering visions, Mo Fan shot from the sky like a meteor, and aimed at Hu Fu's disgusting face with a heavy punch.

When Khufu realized the horror of Mo Fan's super double forbidden curse magic, he hurriedly grabbed his Pluto staff, which was placed in front of him, and the skull-like decorative eyes on the top of the staff sprayed With a gloomy death breath, countless ghosts from the underworld turned into undead and rushed towards Mo Fan.

But Mo Fan possesses two kinds of divine fires. This is a divine species that cannot be born in the magic world. Only the emperors who surpass the rules of the world can be born, and Mo Fan has two kinds at the same time.

Mo Fan, protected by divine fire, is like a real flame god, beyond the reach of a hundred ghosts, all demons are wiped out, and all evil spirits, heretics, monsters and monsters that approach are burned and purified, turning into dust.

Following Mo Fan's roar, Mo Fan's Flame God Fist slammed heavily on Khufu's Pluto scepter.

Boom! ! ! ! ! !

Like a giant log hitting a copper bell, the heavy sound spread throughout Cairo, and the terrible shock wave washed away the yellow sand on the ground several kilometers away from the two of them, revealing a large yellow sand pit.

"Die to me!"

Whirring whirring! ! ! ! The flames on Mo Fan erupted wildly, and endless flames poured out from the two fire-type forbidden curse stars in the sky. The two gods opened at the same time, and all the fire elements within a hundred miles of hot Cairo were controlled by the gods.

All the fire elements swarmed in. At this time, all the fire elements turned into solid flames and began to roll back. At this moment, all the fire elements turned into a flame god empire, and all the fire elements were soldiers of Mo Fan.

This flame god kingdom is extremely vast, and in such a god fire kingdom, there are endless god fires. As if summoned by the flame god, the fire element has been revived repeatedly and turned into countless creatures.

Mo Fan's Fire-type Forbidden Curse not only has God's Endowment and God's Domain, but also has God-Seed. Mo Fan also comprehended his own Fire-type Forbidden Curse.

Originally, a Forbidden Spell had already reached its peak with the Divine Realm, Divine Endowment and Divine Seed, reaching the power of the Great Forbidden Spell. To further increase the power of the Profound Truth does not rely solely on external forces to enhance it, but requires the mage's own breakthrough.

Mo Fan's fire element can't reach the level of profound meaning, which can't be done in half a year, but the double method allows Mo Fan to make one plus one equal to two, and after the two fire element forbidden spells are 100% superimposed, This kind of power has surpassed the predecessors and reached unprecedented power.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka! ! ! ! ! The power of the forbidden spell erupted completely, and there were bursts of shattering sounds. Under Khufu's terrified expression, the supreme scepter from the underworld shattered. The pale face of Khufu, the god of the underworld.

For the account of the military mage who was killed by Khufu in the Beiyuan War, he wanted to replace those mages and people who died tragically at that time, and seek justice.

Mo Fan's punch was red and red, and after the divine fire broke out completely, the punch was so huge that even the space continued to melt.

Khufu is standing at the exit of Minghui passage, behind him is naturally the underworld of the dark plane where it is located.

Khufu connects to the magical world through Hooper's summoning and the rite of brilliance, just like the Dark Inquisition summoning the corpse.

Mo Fan punched Khufu forcefully from the magical world, not to mention kicking Khufu back to the underworld with one punch, and the endless flames even passed through the Minghui channel, rushing straight into the world like a meteorite. In Khufu's Underworld Imperial Palace.

That is its palace as the king of the underworld, that is its underworld empire, and its imperial capital.

When Khufu became Hades, its pyramid undead no longer lived in the pyramids, but lived in Hades City in the dark plane.

Khufu's statement that the people of Cairo, Egypt, committed suicide to join and become its people is not empty talk, and it does now have a capital city that is bigger than Egypt.

But it is not here to enjoy the blessings. It needs coolies and slaves to build undead palaces for it.

Boom! ! Khufu, the king of the underworld, was bombarded heavily by Mo Fan into his own palace of the underworld king. The mummies guarding the palace hadn't reacted yet. The endless fire exploded with Khufu's 'arrival', submerging the extremely huge palace in the In the crimson sea of ​​flames.

The aftermath of the divine fire swept quickly, and the huge fire fist reduced all the necromancer eagles, dead vultures, and black crows flying over Hades City to ashes, and this noble mummy kingdom was evaporating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Mo Fan!!! I swear against you!!!"

The flames continue to burn Khufu's body, but the curse power of the underworld and Khufu's necromancy are being repaired at the same time. Khufu has no divine right and naturally cannot control the power of the entire underworld, but as the king of the underworld, Khufu can mobilize his own underworld. dark power.

In Hades City, it Khufu is immortal!

No matter how fierce Mo Fan's divine fire is, Hu Fu just won't die and cannot be burned to death.

But pain is still pain.

Khufu was constantly being burned by the flames, but the anger made him forget the pain. He clenched his fists tightly. Unexpectedly, Mo Fan's strength has reached this level. He is the peak strength of the little emperor. The little emperor with the punch just now is likely to He was seriously injured and died.

With Mo Fan around, it can't conquer Egypt at all, let alone become the emperor of the roof, it has to think long-term.

"Mo Fan! I will come back again. After a few decades, your spiritual world collapses. Let me see how you protect this world!"

The Minghui channel began to close, and Khufu roared unwillingly, he just became the king of Hades! It was such a failure! !

Standing in the sky, Mo Fan looked at Khufu's angry face with cold eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a low and cold voice, "Khufu."

"I didn't say you could go."

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