Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1613 Evil Snake God Apas

There are four types of black magic, Shadow, Undead, Curse, and Poison.

The poison system comes from the evil god who is the ruler of the blood-slaughter theocracy. Mo Fan has completed the evil holy king ceremony, and his demon system can get the poison system mana from the dark plane.

Although the Shadow Element is from the Shadowborn King of the Shadow Theocracy, Mo Fan needs the permission of the Shadowborn King to break through the forbidden spell, but the Shadow Element is not a way to cultivate the dark plane. The Shadow Element was indeed bestowed by the Shadowborn King in ancient times, but There is also darkness and night in the magical world, and with shadow magic power, Mo Fan's method of awakening is the shadow method of the magical world, which does not require the consent of the Shadowborn King.

That's why Mo Fan couldn't awaken dark magic in the holy plane, but he had the shadow system forbidden spell. This is the reason. Mo Fan's shadow system comes from the night of the magic world.

But the Undead and Curse systems are not enough. Mo Fan, who became the Queen of the Evil Saint, belongs to the forces of the evil gods, and he can't even awaken the Undead and Curse systems.

It is still a mystery which master of the undead system passed to the magic world, but the curse system was passed down from the god of the underworld in ancient times. Mo Fan is now dealing with the underworld king Khufu, and he is even more unable to awaken and use the power of the curse.

Therefore, Mo Fan needs to change. In the dark plane, only the Shadow and Demon systems are not enough. It is necessary for Mo Fan to defeat Khufu’s other two systems, because Mo Fan’s hole card is fused with magic, and the more magic systems, the better. powerful.

Two weak groups of light appeared in Mo Fan's spiritual world, the dark undead and the scarlet curse. But these two light clusters seemed to be affected by some powerful force, and they were unable to give birth to planetesimals, formed stardust, and were sealed.

Mo Fan cannot awaken another black magic, it has been blacklisted.

When Hu Fu saw that Mo Fan wanted to awaken the Undead and Curse systems, he couldn't help laughing. He laughed and said, "Hahaha, you want to awaken the Undead and Curse systems? You are wishful thinking."

"The undead system is controlled by the divine power of death dominated by death, and the curse system is controlled by the divine power of curses from the underworld god. Both of these divine powers are now in the hands of that lord. Do you think you can compare to it!"

Wentai! It is impossible for Mo Fan to break Wentai's blockade. Once the Dark Lord blocks black magic, the black magicians all over the world will lose their source of black magic energy.

The practice of black magic by a black mage is different from that of an elemental mage who cultivates the elemental system. The elemental system can absorb the elements of the same attribute in nature to become stronger through meditation, but the black mage uses the magic energy obtained through meditation and the dark plane. Dark transactions, in exchange for black magic power to improve cultivation.

Once the ruler with theocracy blocks it, the black magic in the entire wizarding world will immediately collapse.

Especially the two magic systems of undead and curse.

The fusion of magic and magic can indeed break the rules of the world, allowing Mo Fan to break the Heavenly Mountain and awaken all elements and dimensions of magic, but Mo Fan cannot break the rules of black magic, because it is the power above the forbidden curse.

Whirring whirring! ! ! Mo Fan gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead popped out, and the gray and scarlet rays of light were still very dim.

"I know that the magic methods of the undead system and the curse system come from the dark plane, but you underestimate me, Mo Fan!"


Standing on the red dragon evil python, Apas, who was struggling with the scorpion ancestor and the eagle-body witch, suddenly showed an evil smile, and looked at the scorpion ancestor and the eagle-body witch with crooked eyes. playful light.

"It really made me wait for a long time, Brother Mo Fan."

This look shocked the hearts of the Scorpion Ancestor and the Harpy God Witch. The two African giants had the illusion that they were being played all the time.

Is Apas really unable to defeat them? It has been almost a year since Mo Fan became the evil sage king, and Apas has been in charge of the evil temple for a year, and he has already reached the spiritual realm of soul power. How could Apas fail to break through the sub-divine king for a year.

The answer is of course not.

The evil power of the evil temple is definitely enough for Apas to break through the emperor. There is only one reason why Apas has not broken through the emperor. It is waiting for Mo Fan to come to Egypt.

Mo Fan is the evil sage king, just like Khufu vying for the throne of Pluto, Mo Fan is the real master of the evil temple.

Apas's eyes of destruction suddenly burst into light.

The Scorpion Ancestor and the Harpy God Witch saw Apas using the World-Exterminating Gaze, so they didn't dare to continue fighting, and ran away in a hurry, using their subordinates to resist the power of petrification.

But Apas didn't use the power of petrification, it wanted to summon the evil temple. In the Sunset Temple, the snakemen of Apasi's Medusa Snake Kingdom muttered to themselves the summoning spell engraved in the evil temple.

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! A black temple emerged from the yellow sand, standing on the barren yellow sand. The shape of the black temple is somewhat similar to the Parthenon, but the evil temple is black. The Parthenon is white.

I don't know how many years have passed, but the evil temple is still standing.

hiss! ! Apas's legs turned into a snake body, darker red than the red dragon and evil python. Apas's forehead appeared the imprint of a demon totem. The moment he opened his mouth, the evil power of the evil temple went crazy under Mo Fan's control It poured into the body of Apas.

It was a matter of course, and at the moment of absorbing the power of the evil temple, Apas broke through the power of the monarch and reached the level of the emperor, and a phantom of a giant snake of the evil god appeared behind Apas.

Not only that, Apas itself is a plant mage, the fusion of a dark green plant-type forbidden curse starry sky and the evil snake made Apas's power explode again, absorbing the evil power of the evil temple, plus Mo Fan With the magic power of the summoning system forbidden curse, Apas actually advanced from the supreme monarch to the ordinary emperor in one breath.

Apas appeared in the evil temple at this time, like the person in charge of the evil temple, controlling the evil temple instead of Mo Fan.

"Khufu, open your eyes to see clearly, the ruler will never even try to seal my Mo Fan's magic!"

"Fusion Magic - Creation!"

The white undead palace in the abyss flew out.

At this moment, the dark red and gray colors in Mo Fan's spiritual world burst out with powerful light like a bomb explosion. The evil temple and white undead palace merged with Mo Fan, becoming Mo Fan's curse magic and undead magic!

Mo Fan inherited Shayuan, which means he inherited the ancient king’s undead palace. All the forbidden curses of the undead system are in the undead palace, and Medusa is a race cursed by the god of the underworld. Medusa’s power is incomparable. Mostly curses.

Since he couldn't awaken it, Mo Fan created his own undead system and curse system.

The white undead palace and evil temple have become Mo Fan's undead-type forbidden curse and curse-type forbidden curse!


"Khufu, let's see if your curse is stronger or mine."

Buzz buzz! ! ! In Mo Fan's spiritual world, the magic energy of the demon system and the evil temple merged, and a red and green mixed chaos without stars appeared. Apas glared at Khufu who was far away in another world.

In the next second, Khufu's undead body began to melt! !

Fusion of Poison and Curse Forbidden Curse - Curse of Poison and Evil!

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