Full-time Summoner

Chapter 163 Dead Trees Grow Leaves

Zhaohua entered the Guifeng Mountain Range at noon, and now he has walked for six hours, and night has fallen.

Under the night, Mount Guifeng began to change its appearance, and Zhaohua felt some mysterious shadows moving in the distance, as if he was watching a Chinese Ghost Story with VR. But this is not in the undead zone of the ancient capital, it is impossible for undead monsters like ghosts to appear.

The birth of all monsters must be a matter of principle. In things like mountains and forests, because there are many trees, plants, and Zerg monsters, the corpses will soon be decomposed by the Zerg and absorbed by the trees, leaving nothing behind, let alone Wraiths are gone, and even white bones and skeletons cannot be born.

Zhaohua narrowed his eyes and stepped back step by step, intending to leave this area. Besides, climbing the mountain at night is undoubtedly lighting a lamp in the toilet-looking for shit.

However, Zhaohua did not intend to leave the Guifeng Mountains. He had only hunted eleven of them today. If he went back at this point, when would he be able to collect enough materials.

If it were some other middle-level mages, they would have gone back at dawn. Even the mage team would camp and recuperate in the mountains and forests at night, and would not dare to wander around.

Zhaohua's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at a section of 'Lightning Strike Tree' in the distance. The tree seemed to be split by lightning, split in two in the middle, and the left and right sides and the center of the tree were completely scorched black, black Almost like charcoal. But the strange thing is that this tree still has a green leaf, which is so green that it looks like a piece of beautiful jade under the moonlight.

It's an unusual thing to do, but the more unusual, the more valuable it is. The so-called extremes must be reversed, the whole tree is dead, but there is a leaf left. This leaf should be a natural treasure that has absorbed the last vitality of the tree.

Most people don't know what it is called, they just feel that it should be very extraordinary, but Zhaohua really knows it.

"Dead trees grow leaves, I didn't expect to see them here."

Dead tree leaves, which means the same as the name, the green leaves that grow from dead trees, this kind of green leaves are very precious, because the dead tree leaves are equivalent to the spiritual species of plants, and these are the most exquisite types one.

Special magics such as plants, undead, and chaos do not have spiritual seeds, but there are other things that can be called spiritual seeds.

For example, the leaf in front of me is a spiritual species belonging to the plant department. With this special plant, the plant mage can strengthen or have special effects on his plant magic.

Leaves from dead trees allow plant mages to have a certain chance to grow a magic leaf on the plant when using magic. It can heal teammates and recover part of the magic power.

The last time this special plant-type spiritual species appeared at an auction in the UK, it sold for a sky-high price of 3.3 million pounds. You must know that this is equivalent to more than 29 million yuan. This kind of Qianjun is only 28 million.

Qianjun not only has the special effect of space vibration, but also can increase the lethality of all thunder magic, and this kind of plant-type spiritual species can't increase the attack power of plant-type magic, but it is still more expensive than Qianjun.

Zhaohua is not the kind of stunned young man who loses his mind when he sees treasures. Most of the treasures of Tiancaidi will have guardians.

There are even some monsters who use natural treasures as bait to fish.

Zhaohua watched all directions with his eyes and listened to all directions. With his current position, he could only see through the trees and see the leaves of dead trees hanging on the black wood, but he couldn't see around the black wood.

Such an obvious phishing behavior, who do you want to deceive?

"Dead trees need strong dead energy to grow leaves, and there must be extreme vitality around them, so they won't appear in some corpses."

Where dead trees and leaves appear, there must be a place where a great deal of biological death has occurred.

Zhaohua had some guesses in his mind, he didn't choose to approach from the ground, but jumped from the tree. No mage would see the treasure in front of his eyes and not go to find out, just turn around and walk away when something is impossible.

Although Xiaofengcan is powerful, this is the Guifeng mountain range full of monsters. Even if it is still at the foot of the mountain, some monsters Zhaohua are quite afraid of.

Zhaohua didn't summon any summoned beasts. He was squatting on a tree, 30 to 40 meters away from the black tree. He didn't dare to get off the ground, because he guessed that the real danger should be underground.

Patience, Zhaohua remained motionless, squatting on a branch like a sculpture, lost under the protection of the night.

Sasha Sasha. . . . When Zhaohua heard something, he was just waiting, waiting for the spoiler to appear, and he had to first determine what was playing the role of the hunter, so that Zhaohua could perform a trick of praying mantis catching cicada and oriole behind.

"Sword-scarred lion."

A huge lion with a length of six to seven meters walked down from the mountain of Guifeng Mountains step by step. The sword-marked lion's body muscle lines are perfect, its limbs are long, and the mane around its head is like a sharp sword. Scarred lions have very sensitive senses of sight, hearing and smell, and their canine teeth are extremely developed, making them look ferocious. The claws are sharp and retractable.

The most amazing thing is that it has a scar on its body. The scar spans from the head to the tail. From a distance, it looks like a sword. The scar looks like it was injured by some sharp sword. But the scar was just a decoration of the sword-scarred lion, and the longer the sword-scarred lion, the stronger the sword-scarred lion was.

The sword-scarred lion that Zhaohua saw almost covered its entire body with sword-scarred scars, and its strength had reached its peak.

The sword-scarred lion in adulthood has the opportunity to have the strength of a great general. Although there is still a certain distance from the peak warrior Xiaofengcan, it is no longer those cats and dogs who are killed casually. The sword-scarred lion is stronger than the double-headed sandworm. Difficult to deal with.

It was obvious that the sword-scarred lion was attracted by the leaves of the dead tree.

Roar! ! ! The sword-scarred lion roared towards the sky, it was warning the surrounding monsters to get out of here, or they would die! This is what it looks at.

Papapa, whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Reyerup, some birds and beasts around heard the cry of the sword-scarred lion, and ran away in a panic. Unexpectedly, they did not run away, nor did they pay too much attention, but continued to sleep in their own big sleep.

"It's coming." Zhaohua approached slowly with its coquettish catwalk after seeing the sword-scarred lion.

Clap clap! ! ! ! ! ! After the sword-scarred lion entered a certain distance, the moment he stepped into the forbidden area of ​​death, countless dark and thick tree roots swarmed out of the ground like the tentacles of an octopus, flocking to the sword-scarred lion.

Roar! ! ! Seeing the wrong sword mark, the lion burst out with extreme speed, and rushed towards the target without retreating. Beast demons do not rely on demon skills, their physical strength is the strongest demon skill. The sword-scarred lion rushed to the black tree at an extremely fast speed like a sharp sword, and its sharp claws grabbed the tree trunk. To climb up.

clang! ! ! The sharp claws were bounced off, and the sword-marked lion's sharp claws that could split steel could not penetrate the tree trunk, which was as smooth as a mirror.

Those tree roots seemed to be mocking the sword scar lion, they didn't surround it immediately, but weaved a net to surround it.

Zhaohua knew that the sword-scarred lion was dead.

"It really is the dead tree devil root."

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