Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1631 The Lord of Summoning

If both he and Mo Fan lost to Wen Tai in the end and were killed by Wen Tai, then there was nothing to say, and a vigorous death would be a good thing.

But if, in case they really win, defeat Wentai, beat Wentai back to the dark plane, and prevent his coming, then Zhaohua will live for himself.

He is a human mage. It is the mage's bounden duty to eliminate demons and protect the living environment of human beings. He has been fulfilling this bounden duty and has done a good job.

Whether it is destroying demons, repelling the natural disasters of sea monsters, dealing with the Black Vatican, dealing with the coming of darkness, and now dealing with the holy city, they are all to protect the living environment of human beings.

But in the ancient capital, Zhaohua has already made a decision, people must always live for themselves, and in the face of the conflict between righteousness and small family, people don't have to choose righteousness.

Zhaohua could also hear Zhan Kong's last cry. Zhan Kong hated himself the most, and regretted failing Qin Yu'er for the country. Zhan Kong only uttered the real cry in his heart before he died.

In fact, Zhan Kong had died a long time ago and was swallowed by evil thoughts. In the end, it would come back to consciousness alone because the ancient king recovered the evil thoughts in the dark plane and liberated Zhan Kong's consciousness.

Otherwise, with Zhan Kong's high-level cultivation base, it would be impossible to resist the evil thoughts of the emperor, and it would be even more impossible to come to the Holy City by himself without even bringing Sha Yuan.

At that time, Emperor Xiekai was Zhan Kong's own consciousness. Apart from saving people, he also committed suicide when he came to the holy city.

But Zhaohua is different from Zhankong, as long as he does not conflict with his own bottom line, Zhaohua is willing to desperately protect the country and the world, and is willing to desperately destroy the Kraken and the Black Vatican. It is not a problem for him to be desperate.

However, Ji Shaoyin is his bottom line, and his family is his bottom line. If he wants to sacrifice them, then Zhaohua will choose Xiaojia between righteousness and Xiaojia.

Wen Tai is the last thing. If he can make it through, Zhaohua will definitely fight for the god position when he is mature, and then trade with the dark plane for Ji Shaoan.

Uriel was right, Zhaohua will eventually face human beings, and he did it once eight or nine years ago, handing over the important theocracy to Wentai, the Fallen Saint King.

Zhaohua's reason for collecting the angel's holy soul is simple, it needs strength.

No mage's spiritual world can bear seven angelic holy souls at the same time, even Mo Fan is born with two souls. Mo Fan has the blood of evil gods, and the addition of angelic holy souls is equivalent to self-destruction.

Humans can't, but living things can.

Just have the Holy Silver of the White Feather Sacred Willow.

The Holy Winged Species themselves are a race of soul holders, and their purified souls are placed on the huge white-feathered holy willow on the holy plane, and the holy souls of the seven great angels are no problem at all.

Mo Fan went to the dark plane not only to save people, but also to become stronger. There is nothing in the magic world that can make Mo Fan stronger. Mo Fan is already the pinnacle of human mages and the pinnacle of the magic world, so he needs to go to the dark plane.

The same is true for Zhaohua. It takes too long for the summoned beast to go up. The power of the plane is also used up. Zhaohua is already the fourth roof. If he wants to become stronger, he can only find other ways.

Zhaohua looked around and saw the holy city mages in white robes standing one by one in golden and white holy clothes. Each of them had sacred spears forged by the holy city in their hands, and the spears were like a forest.

The reason why humans cannot defeat monsters is because of the physical gap, but magic tools can close or even fill this gap, but most humans do not have magic tools due to lack of resources.

In the holy city, the mages wearing holy clothes, holding magic slaying tools, and emitting a faint holy light protection can't be seen at a glance. The entire holy city mage army is full of momentum and complete magic tools.

At the beginning, it was only the Holy City Mage controlled by Michael who dealt with Mo Fan. It can be said that it was only a small number. The real power was Uriel. This archangel was the most hidden person in the Holy City.

What's more, now that Zhaohua is calling, unlike Mo Fan who was treated unequally back then, many holy city mages did not attack Mo Fan.

A large number of holy city mages appeared at the last moment to prevent Mo Fan from killing Michael.

This is an invincible army. At first, this powerful army was only a small part, and it stopped all the twelve holy knights of the Parthenon outside the holy city, and blocked all the temple knights.

The holy city army in front of me is all the magic power of the holy city.

After the battle with Mo Fan and the Parthenon, the number of mages in the Holy City has hardly decreased. It is conceivable how powerful the Holy City has a strong background. It is true that it is called the strongest force in the West.

It is impossible for the archangel to let Zhaohua continue to snatch the angel's holy soul. Even Sharjah will not give it to the angel's holy soul, because Sharjah thinks that Mo Fan is the savior worth entrusting, and she is willing to hand over the holy soul to Mo Fan. But Zhaohua can't.

【You really look like a big villain. 】Ji Shaodu couldn't help complaining about her husband.

Xiao Ji nodded fiercely and said: "In order to become stronger, rush into other people's territory to grab things, robbers, devil kings."

Zhaohua laughed out of anger, and said with a smile, "I am a robber, and you are my Mrs. Yazhai."

Looking at the four returning angels, and at the fully armed Holy City Legion composed of high-level and super-level mages, Zhaohua couldn't help but smiled, shook his head slightly and said: "It seems that your saints The city also has its own plans in the face of darkness. To be honest, Michael and Mo Fan fought more than half a year ago. When the blue dragon finally appeared, I was a little disappointed. Cowardly."

"Now it seems that you are indeed just a ritual to get the angel's holy soul from God, nothing else."

Boom boom boom! ! ! Suddenly, the sound of the earth shaking could not stop, and the whole holy city, the whole of Rome and even the whole of Italy shook violently.

"What do you think!"

"Look at the sky!"

The holy city at this moment is like a small boat in a stormy sea, although it is about to capsize.

Before Zhaohua made a move, Ji Shaohan, the necromancer, couldn't help it. Maybe there was some grievance, Ji Shaohan's eyes were full of death and killing intent.

The red light of the sin stone cut open the sky, darkness, death, and evil aura gushed out from the cut place, and a pitch-black giant insect appeared.

It's Mou! !

The Sin Stone can open the Dark Tribunal, and the creature summoned by the Dark Tribunal is the scorpion. Even if the scorpion is now restored to the most powerful state and has reached the strength of the Asian emperor, it is just a bull here. .

boom! A huge ancient city appeared, and in the ancient city, ghost soldiers wearing simple battle armor lined up. An evil dragon covered with bone spurs stood on top of endless ghost soldiers, and a woman holding a red bone spear rode a dragon with a horizontal spear.

Endless ghost town! ! ! Once the city of soldiers and horses of the ancient king, it was used to store the ghost soldiers who accompanied the ancient king in battle!

Boom! ! The endless ghost city slammed into the protective shield of the holy city with endless darkness.

Whoooo! The hard carapace hit like a meteorite, and the outermost defensive barrier of the holy city collapsed instantly, and darkness poured into the holy city.

"Michael was able to kill the Emperor Xiekai back then, but the Xiekai had withdrawn its evil thoughts and could not control Shayuan's undead. If Shayuan and Zhan Kong came to the holy city together that day, the outcome would be hard to say, right, Archangel Uriel."

I was coding last night, and suddenly I was sleepy, so I stayed to update it together today, five shifts.

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