Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1639 The world's number one necromancer

Uriel looked up, and the one who just waved the holy flame was the Archangel Uriel, represented by his own angelic holy soul.

But the problem is, my angelic soul is still in my spiritual world!

For a moment, the entire holy city and endless ghost soldiers stopped, and even Gu Suoyu couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle, they had crossed over! Back to the holy city of the past! ? ! !

The holy city has changed, some dilapidated buildings are intact, and some houses built later have all disappeared. Now this holy city is the beginning, the holy city that exists in the holy plane!

And the six archangels in front of them are not in the form of holy souls, but flesh and blood with fighting consciousness!

"You awakened the memory left in the Holy City and the wish power from ancient times, and created the six archangels?"

Zhaohua probably understood what Sharjah had created. Of course, these six cannot be the real six archangels, and it is impossible for Zhaohua and the others to travel back in time.

Sharjah's holy river wraps around the holy city, summoning out all the ancient memories and power left in the holy city, based on this, adding the power of Gabriel's holy soul and the wish of the holy city, 'resurrecting' the six archangels , bringing the Holy City back to the past.


The saying that knowledge is power is true. When your knowledge reaches a certain level and is integrated, the power of knowledge will surpass.

Sharjah's fusion magic has surpassed the divine magic possessed by Gabriel's holy soul, and surpassed the Heavenly Mountain cast by Michael.

Gabriel's Book of Angels has been recorded since the era of mass extinction. As one of the archangels, the holy soul of Gabriel also has memories of the past, so Sharjah who possesses the holy soul of Gabriel can use this trick of the holy river, Turned back time.

Zhaohua can be sure that Sharjah's move will not work in other places except in the Holy City, because of lack of knowledge, Gabriel's Holy Spirit has the most knowledge undoubtedly in the Holy City.

Without the holy city as a carrier, the holy river cannot reverse time.

Rather than reversing time, it is better to say that the holy river of Sharjah reappears history.

Sharjah's fusion is not as much fusion as Mo Fan's, but compared to the fusion of Mo Fan's defeat of Michael, Sharjah's Holy River is definitely better than nothing.

"Shaohan, you also follow Lao Feng's. What about your fusion magic, let's do a dark fusion." Zhaohua asked Ji Shaohan, who was also staring at the stunned side.

【I don't know how to merge the methods. ] Ji Shaoyin wrote.

"No? Didn't Lao Feng teach it?" Zhaohua was a little surprised, he wouldn't be normal because he didn't have so many departments, but Ji Shaohan couldn't.

Ji Shaoyin is all about black magic, and logically, her fusion should be simpler than anyone else's, and she won't be excluded.

Ji Shaohan revealed an awkward yet polite smile.

Zhaohua understood from this smile.

Ji Shao's self-esteem was troubled, this fusion method was researched by Sharjah and Lao Feng, she refused to learn it!

"Old Feng is too difficult. If it weren't for Mo Fan, this might have been lost." Xiao Ji complained.

Buzzing, each of the six great angels is holding this angelic sacred weapon, and this is a real angel. Their combat power and combat experience, the use of divine magic is probably better than Michael, a mage who is strengthened by the holy soul a lot of.

Naturally, they can't be as powerful as real archangels, but they must have full combat experience.

The strength of the six archangels is restricted by the Holy Spirit of Gabriel, and can only reach the sixteen wings, but this is already very, very terrifying.

Seeing the six archangels surrounding the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree, Xiao Ji asked: "The holy river has sealed the dark passage, and I can't break through the holy river."

[How do I feel that we really took the script of the villain, and now it seems that the protagonist has exploded. 】Ji Shao is still in the mood to complain.

Zhaohua looked at Sharjah. In fact, the best way is to kill Sharjah. Once Sharjah dies, the holy river will naturally be destroyed.

It is the same as the Heavenly Mountain where Michael suppressed Mo Fan. This is the use of the angel's holy soul. The angel without the angel's holy soul is an ordinary curse mage, and it is still very weak. nothing.

Angel's divine endowment comes from the angel's holy soul.

Zhaohua smiled slightly, he did not intend to kill Sharjah, and said: "You are not the only one who can resurrect the dead."

Sharjah's move is similar to Parthenon's resurrection magic, and it is the same as Ye Xinxia's resurrection of Little Flame Fairy. The key point is to gather scattered elements and reassemble them.

Sharjah's holy river has reached the level of the soul, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Sharjah has reached a half-soul.

However, merging magic together is not invincible, and a single line of magic can surpass everything even if it is cultivated to the extreme. All the masters are a certain system beyond the forbidden curse beyond the emperor.

The curse of the underworld god, the shadow of the shadow king, Mu Ningxue's ice system, Shi Xiao's chaos system. Shi Xiaojun's Chaos-type Forbidden Curse Mystery is not necessarily inferior to Sharjah's Holy River.

And now there is one more, Ji Shaohan's undead system.

woo woo woo woo! ! A beast's roar resounded through the entire holy river, a beast's roar shook the entire space, and a terrifying roar came from the endless ghost city.

The Endless Ghost City suddenly swayed from a distance, and the endless dead air was like waves, and the waves of dead air seemed to flood the entire space.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the holy cities that had collided with each other also shook violently. Stars appeared in the endless ghost city, a total of 16,807 dark green stars.

These planetesimals emit dark light.

This is Ji Shaohan's undead curse - the reversal of the death world and the present world.

Ji Shaohan opened the gate of the dead world, Sharjah can recreate the six angels that exist in the holy city, but the undead system has always been able to revive ancient creatures.

Endless Ghost City should have belonged to Shayuan, it was the legacy left by the ancient king, and even the game left by the ancient king in the ancient city of Loulan was a trial for the successor of Shayuan, and it was also one of the strengths left to Mo Fan.

Kunlong originally supported Endless Ghost City, and the original game could only be deciphered by the power of Xiao Niqian. Who knows that Zhaohua took advantage of the special nature of ghosts as containers of divine power to steal Kunlong's contract.

Even Gu Suoyu, one of the dead kings of all directions, was resurrected by Ji Shaoan.

Now the endless ghost city is not only used to store ghost soldiers, but also the undead space of the necromancer Ji Shaohan, the land of the undead, or one of the undead palaces.

The ground of Endless Ghost City was broken and cracked, as if something was buried underground, and now it is about to appear!

Crash! Suddenly, a huge black shadow appeared from the dead air, it was a huge bone claw.

"I don't know if your book records this ghost beast that can travel through death."

Sharjah possesses enormous knowledge, even if this giant beast has only bones and no flesh and blood, she can't even recognize its unique shape.

"Holy Totem, Xuanwu!"

Sharjah's voice trembled, that was Xuanwu! It's not fake, it's not the fake angel she resurrected by relying on the Holy City, those bones are the real Xuanwu's bones!

The real Xuanwu!

Ji Shaoan used undead magic to bring Xuanwu back to life again!

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